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D.I. Joe

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Everything posted by D.I. Joe

  1. 9v power supply included. Great piece of kit! Selling because it's no longer needed by me. £100 plus postage St Austell, Cornwall
  2. Last night I replaced my usual Rotosounds on my HW-One P bass with some Blue Steels, gauge 50-105, only to find that the D string is completely dead. Seriously, there is more life in a tramp's vest! I bought these strings from a fellow Basschatter and when they arrived the pack was still in it's cellophane wrap, so this is obviously a dud. Anyone else had this problem?
  3. A few aesthetic scuffs from gig use. Full working order, includes 9v supply. £100 + postage
  4. I have a Korg AX3000B for sale at £100. It does everything you need from a multi effects and a load of stuff that you don't but are fun to play with anyway! It makes a decent preamp/DI and is also useful for recording too.
  5. How much for just the strings?
  6. It was great yet also somewhat disappointing. It was great because TM Stevens is such a fantastic guy - he was mingling before the show, he watched both support bands, and after the show he stuck around and spoke to everyone who wanted to speak to him, had photos with people, signed stuff. My mate's girlfrind had her bass signed! The show itself was a little disappointing though - he was only on stage for 70 minutes and at times it felt more of a workshop than a gig, and there was a disappointing lack of gratuitous plank spanking! But TM is a fantastic bloke. I had a photo taken with him which I will upload when my friend emails it to me.
  7. SOLD Sorry, been offline for a few days
  8. Time to get fonky! Tickets £10, doors at 7:00 Duhduhduhduh Duhduhduhduh duh Ooh-Uh Yow-HEYYY!
  9. Anything that would look out of place on stage. For example, it wouldn't look right to be playing soul with a BC Rich, or Metal with a Hofner. As a guy who plays just about everything, I like basses that fit just about everything - Fenders! Particular dislikes though, include - 6 or more strings Natural finishes Pointyness Headless Single cutaway On-board Active mission-control EQ (2 or 3 band is ok, push/pull pots, 100s of switches, more knobs than a Brighton gay bar, coil taps etc etc - f*ck off!) And the big no-no... LEDs - I'm on a stage, not a runway!
  10. 600w RMS 4ohm 4x10" with switchable on/off tweeter Slightly used, roadworthy condition! Collection preferred
  11. Fender strings are now all made by D'addario. I don't find D'addarios and Ernie Balls to be identical but that's not to say they are definately not made by the same people. I read somewhere that Rotosound have a line of string which is sold under a different budget brand name but I can't remember which it was.
  12. Just done mine! >
  13. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1331400660' post='1572455'] This how I see my collection and those similar: Most passive basses are your family saloon - solid and reliable..Active basses are like the Turbo-ed version of that.. [/quote] ...The universal sign of a small penis
  14. I've been using Roto 66 for the last 3 years. I've tried other strings but I keep coming back to them, the tone I get out of a set of worn in 66s is amazing. Punchy, warm and balanced. I've just put some Rotobass 50s on my stingray and acoustically they sound very nice - warm lows, bright top and not too clangy and airy like fresh from the box 66s, but haven't played them plugged in yet. Should be interesting to see how they wear in. Might try some nickel 66s too but they don't appear to make those in 50-110. Rotosounds are my go-to sounds
  15. Sweet thread! Mine's an '07 HW-One precision in Honey blonde. It seems that replacing the scratchplate is a recurring theme with these, as I replaced the WBW with a BWB. Don't know about you guys, but I kind of think that a white plate makes a fender bass look cheap(...ish). I've also fitted a thumb rest in what traditionally is the Jazz thumbrest position, and I've been through phases of fitting an ash tray pver the pickup. I love this bass No decent photos of the bass at the moment, but here is a gratuitous action shot from a jam night - because after all, hahahaha (Sorry - saw that emoticon and had to use it!)
  16. For sale is my Shine RK2000NT. Specs. [url="http://www.saein.co.kr/2007/bass/rk2000nt.php"]http://www.saein.co.kr/2007/bass/rk2000nt.php[/url] SD pickups [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/bass/rickenbacker/srb1_for_ricken/"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/bass/rickenbacker/srb1_for_ricken/[/url] And here she is: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/308649_10150381702778851_556208850_8362042_433913716_n.jpg Modified to include Hipshot bridge and Pickguardian bridge pickup mounting plate. Have also fitted Gibson pots all round. You think a standard Shine Ricky sounds good - you haven't heard this one! All mods professionally done and recent full service and set up. More photos available on request. £300 plus delivery (buyer to arrange own courier or, if preferred, cover postage costs)
  17. Greetings fellow low-enders! The name's Joe, been playing bass now for about five and a half years and in that time I think I'm doing pretty well at it! My previous musical adventures lay in the brass band world, so I came into bass fairly well equipped with some knowledge of music theory and literacy - still struggle to sight read bass clef though! Current gear is: Basses - '07 Fender USA Highway One Precision (a friend for life no doubt!) OLP Stingray HH Shine RK2000NT (for sale) Shine mystery 5-string which a mate of mine picked up at a car boot sale for £50, works pretty well though! Amplification - Marshall MB450H Marshall MBC410 speakers Effects - EHX Bass Big Muff Morley Dual Bass Wah Danelectro FAB Chorus Behringer PB100 Preamp Booster DHA VT1-Bass-EQ-Drive pre-amp/overdrive Fender pedal tuner Korg AX3000B MultiFX (for sale) Strings - Rotosound - Swing bass and Rotobass (50-110) Dean Markley - NPS Roundcore (45-105) Always looking at new toys and upgrading gear (as I'm sure we all are) but unfortunately finances do not allow at present, but as you can see I have a couple of items for sale at present, which I will post in the for sale forum too. Plus I have a spate of wedding gigs coming up which is always welcome! Genre wise - I just about play anything and everything. With Fragile Sanity, who I have only recently joined, we cover everything from the Beatles to Metallica, via Calvin Harris and Michael Buble. I frequent jam nights around Cornwall where anything goes, and have also played acoustic rock with a couple of bands, some fuzzy garage rock, metal, reggae, blues. You name it! No Jazz though, need to get the old scale book out again first! So that's me - looking forward to getting stuck in on the forum and making some friends, hopefully even some around me! Thanks for reading!
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