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D.I. Joe

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Everything posted by D.I. Joe

  1. The Mrs gets annoyed that I can't hold a conversation while practicing at home. I think she should know better than to try.
  2. Greetings from a fellow Tromboner-turned-Bass player!
  3. Which begs the question... Are you willing to sell seperately?
  4. That's a bargain! I'm very tempted by the cabs...
  5. 'Right boy! Good to see some more Cornish low-enders gracing these pages! (There are a few of us but in the grand scheme of things, it's about as common as a Welsh-speaker in Japan) See you around hopefully!
  6. [quote name='davehux' timestamp='1364389914' post='2025769'] PS - just noticed you're in Snozzle. We'll be playing at The Barley Sheaf in Gorran (nr Meva) this Saturday - come and hear it in action :-) [/quote] Would do but we're doing a wedding in Padstein that night! I'll come along at some point though [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1364388716' post='2025742'] If the TTE sounded muddy, maybe the colour control was up. [/quote] It was. Perhaps that was it then. I didn't really spend much time experimenting tbh
  7. Hey gang With the imminent purchase of an expression pedal looming, just wondering whether there are any in particular that I should avoid or are incompatible with the B3 so that I can avoid a situation such as here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/202604-zoom-b3-expression-pedal-not-doing-as-it-should/page__p__2014227__hl__expression%20pedal__fromsearch__1#entry2014227 It's not something that I will be using very often in a live situation and hence I don't want to spend mega bucks, but at the same time I want something that is reliable and accurate. Any advice welcome Joe
  8. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1364378627' post='2025533'] Was it a TT500 or an 800? I've not tried them back to back but it was an 800 I used recently (in fact I may even have another go today!). [/quote] 500. I wouldn't think the 800 would be much different would it? More headroom I suppose...
  9. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1364343338' post='2025314'] Don't discount the TT heads either. They partner really well with MB cabs. I tried one with an MB 4x10 last week and it sounded really nice. Personally I prefer it to both the LM and F1 / F500's. For a warmer sound I'd go for an Aguilar TH500 over all of these three - worth auditioning one of these as well. [/quote] I was hoping to really like that head but it didn't sound as good to me as the F1 or the Kilo. It could just be that I needed a liitle more time to play with the EQ, but to me it sounded a little muddy in the lows and the highs sounded a bit harsh for my liking - just not as tight as the F1. Then again, I was using Hartke cabs so it would be nice to try the MB heads out with the matching cabs. Guess I'll have to try a TH at some point too. So...much...gas!!
  10. Now I have GAS
  11. I wish they had an LM that I could have tried now! It's interesting to hear everyone's points about bright/warm qualities of the sound. I found the F1 to be surprisingly warm sounding. Even with the EQ flat and filters off I didn't think that it sounded at all sterile (unlike the LH500 I tried a few months back!) and with filters I thought the tone to be warm and rich but still very clean and defined. Though I must admit I did not tweak the EQ very much as I was so impressed by the tones achievable just from the VLE and VPF so I didn't venture into the realms of metallic brightness (tbh it's not really my bag anyway). It sounded lovely with the Deluxe Jazz I was trying out anyway!
  12. People of Basschat Last week while doing the usual Manson's routine of trying-and-not-buying I discovered the miracle that is the Markbass F1. I also tried a Markbass TTE 500 and Hartke Kilo - all through the same pair of Hartke Hydrive cabs - and this was easily my favourite of the three. I think that I'll most likely make the jump to Markbass once I get fed up of my Ashdown ABM (well, if really) or if I suddenly have an influx of funds, but I've noticed that the Little Mark heads seem more readily available and are often cheaper (the F1 was in on sale for £599) So my question is: is much difference in the sound between the F1 and the LM?
  13. One of our best weddings of late. Guests were nice and merry but not trashed out of their skull - bride lead the dancing all night and the dance floor was full right from the start. The first dance was One Day Like This by Elbow; not much excitement at the low end of things but our keyboard player had fun recreating a full orchestra! Got sorted with a generous plate of steak and stilton pie in addition to the usual buffet and I ate too much cheese. Videos turned out okay too so I'll try and get my hands on them. All went so well until this morning - I was due arrive to set up at a wedding fayre at 9:00 but missed my alarm and didn't get out of bed until 9:30! D'oh!
  14. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1363793440' post='2017752'] ...posturing arrogant tools who can't write or perform. [/quote] I had a brief stint with an originals band last year that ended because of one of these
  15. Ultimately, I choose to play in a covers band because it gets gigs. I love playing live, regardless of whether it's covers or originals. Having said that though, I have never written a piece of music on my own. Sure, I contribute bass parts to band's and artists' music which I perform with them, but I am no songwriter - so perhaps you could say that I have never had the pleasure of performing MY music to an audience. I find weddings especially enjoyable and rewarding. By tailoring our set to the couple's requirements, it allows us to learn songs and perform in styles which we as musicians wouldn't necessarily do otherwise and, most importantly, it really makes their day! One of my favourite feelings in the world is the one that I get when the music that I am performing is bringing real happiness to someone, and if playing covers is the way to go then that's the way I'll do it. And the pay isn't bad either! On the original's side of things, I haven't really found an exciting project for myself since my last band disbanded in 2010, but I'm in no great hurry at the moment. When I'm in a situation where I have the right musicians around me creating music that feels right then we'll see
  16. What time of year should it be? 4 months seems a bit soon so should we try to establish an annual autumn bash?
  17. Rex and I were thinking about this last night actually. Any chance of having it a little more... Southwest? I was thinking of maybe asking Malcolm Joseph if he'd be up for doing a talk/clinic as he doesn't live too far from me
  18. They asked me but unfortunately I'm too busy to fulfill all of their gigs. Good luck to whoever gets this though, they are a good outfit and very busy!
  19. Sounds interesting, but I'm not too familiar with her music... Recommended listening anyone?
  20. Hi Dean Keith spoke to me about this the other night. Can you PM me some details? Dates, set, etc.
  21. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1363117142' post='2008851'] Theres no fixed rules for membership, just state what qualifies you or excludes you I'm in based on playing a Fender Precision in a Covers Band, and shameless with it. [/quote] Guess I'm in then... Frosty Jacks anyone?
  22. I'm noodling on my Jazz V right now
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1363112835' post='2008746'] Thing to remember is that no one bass suits everyone. The Fender bass is not perfect even if it is the ideal for you. [/quote] No bass is perfect. Each to their own, horses for courses, live and let live etc. Some people love Fenders, some people don't choose to play them and, yes, some people do hate them! Can't we all just agree to disagree and get along?! [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1363112835' post='2008746'] Think a lot of it is down to what you are used to. I would imagine that for a large number people here, their first bass was something that was based on either a Fender P or J. They got used to that design of bass. [/quote] And perhaps some people did not like the design/feel/etc of their first P/J bass and this has put them off of the Fender designs in general? Just throwing it out there...
  24. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1362954388' post='2006810'] I like this! Might [s]nick[/s] [b]purchase it for a small fee[/b] and start using it round the forum claiming it as my own turn of phrase [/quote] Feel free!
  25. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1362953524' post='2006790'] One word: COFFEE TABLE [/quote] That's two!
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