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Everything posted by SkinnyMike

  1. Im sooo tempted, iv got a lakland jo5 and wanted a status stingray 5 for a while. Migh send you a Pm at some point if this doesn't sell soon.
  2. Wow, this is such a nice bass! Good luck with the sale mate.
  3. good luck with the sale Marti! Buy this with confidence!! Hes a top bloke The Jo5 is settling in very well with my new setup and iv gotten over the initial horror of moving to 5-strings. I don't think il be going back to a 4 ever again TBH!
  4. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='308390' date='Oct 17 2008, 09:59 AM']Nice one. Mine next ;-)[/quote] Good luck with the sale matey for when you put it up, it turned out im in the process of a trade with a fellow basschatter on here for a gorgeous lakland JO5. its going to be sweet!
  5. This beauty is now going to a better place! Thanks for all the interest guys.
  6. Just thought id say iv got the same pedal off Dave and it really is a fab pedal! You can get such a range of noises out of this! Well worth buying and £100 is a bloody steal for this! Good luck with the sale kenny
  7. Bigwan, im not a massive fan of Bongos to be honest, however have you got any pictures you could PM me? it could change my mind depending on the overall look of the bass as iv tried them out before and the tonal range is pretty daym sweet.
  8. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='305400' date='Oct 13 2008, 12:23 PM']For me the only bass in the running will be the Fender P5 but do i really need it? I guess i dont but will probably have one by the end of the week unless i stop reading the Bass forums ;-)[/quote]
  9. [quote name='Adee' post='305396' date='Oct 13 2008, 12:21 PM']According to the website its a 'New Lakland Hybrid Spilt Pickup'[/quote] Yep i think it must be, as also looking at the wires, they are red/black which on a jazz would be laklands own pups so these must definatly be this new hybrid pup. Lucky me
  10. [quote name='obbm' post='305382' date='Oct 13 2008, 12:12 PM']You can tell by the wire colours.[/quote] Ahh, cheers Obbm, il check this now!
  11. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='305237' date='Oct 13 2008, 09:38 AM']Funny enough i think im going to get rid of mine as well. Ill not post a for sale add as its al up in the air at the moment but i fancy a 5 string Fender P now. In fact i might even keep the DD as i really love the fralin on it. Good luck with the sale.[/quote] Cheers Dave, Im starting to get 2nd thoughts about selling this bass now. I also realy fancy a 5 string but iv thought about maybe keeping it and adding a J pickup behind the p-pups or maybe get rid of the P-pups and slap a Humbucker in there with a jazz pup behind it and bling it up a bit more.
  12. Ian, I believe they are the standard lakland pups, as its the standard skyline model and it says they are lakland pups on there site for this model. i could be wrong though as im not sure how I would be able to test which pups they are. Yes i have a well padded lakland gig bag to go with it. (cant believe I didn't get a case thrown in when i originally bought the bass tbh). hope this helps Mike
  13. [size=5]£650 posted[/size]
  14. Hey guys, i had no idea i was selling it for more than you can buy one for as that what i paid for and yes it is the Korean model. Looks like im going to be loosing a lot of money on this then iv had it a bit longer than a month, in fact its close to 2 months old. i really want to sell this because i want a ray far too much. So i guess offers please, help a fellow student out. Mike
  15. Im looking to get rid of my 2008 Duck Dunn to accommodate for a Carbon fiber necked stingray. Its a great bass with the nicest neck iv ever played (the reason that made me want this bass) its just i fancy something other than a p-bass tbh. P.M me any questions or offers or feel free to post below Cheers Mike *EDIT* £650 posted with a nice padded lakland gigbag
  16. Check out my bands page: [url="http://www.myspace.com/superthursday"]Super thursday[/url] Started late last year, now separated by uni. However, Each Summer break is great allowing us to have a good time and write some tunes.
  17. Dude, if you dont have a particular budget for pickups try Andy and his absolutly fantastic hand wound pickups, got myself some 84's and they really turn any bass into a monster. [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/"]wizard pickups[/url] There are a lot of people on here who can vouch for Andy and his customer service is great! Hope this helps
  18. My band have been in the studio for the past 3 days and what a great experience it was! Our engineer was a great laugh and really knew his stuff. I loved the tone I managed to get our of both my Fender jazz and Lakland precision playing through a GK 1001RB and an 8x10 Ampeg stack with help from the D.I on my GK amp. Please take the time to listen to our 4 songs and let me know what you think of them. [url="http://www.myspace.com/superthursday"]Planet of the Aped E.P.[/url] Mike
  19. Sold a pedal to Eric the other day, was very fast and great communication throughout! Nice one m8, would definatly deal with you again! Cheers Mike
  20. ooo. Reason im asking is because iv recently aquired one of these beasts. maybe a valve change is in order thanks to tese insightfull words from kev. Cheers for that!
  21. Im a lefty playing right handed also! Im suprised theres so many of us on here. I decided to play right handed when i started becasue i could get my squire prescision for cheaper! was a great day.
  22. Can you tell a difference between the mullard and the Electro Harmonix tubes with this pedal?
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