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Posts posted by SkinnyMike

  1. ...obviously i didnt spent long enough on either of the pedals. Im going to have to have another test run on them both but i always find it annoying having to test them on a shop floor. Its more of the awarness of other people in the shop issue if you know what i mean.

    I had a thought this morning though, would it be feasiable and potentially as good or better than the EBS pedal to create your own from scratch!? i Have a garage full of tools but just no experience with electrics and could be interested in starting.

  2. MB1 bought a lovely ashdown suboctave pedal off me, very fast transation! Great communication throughout and a general top bloke IMO!!
    Pleasure doing business with your Martin!


  3. Just got home from the guitar shop then pub and decided that distortion pedals are not realy for me tbh. Every pedal i tried out just didnt cut it for me. As far as octave pedals go i tried out the boss oc3 and again didnt cut it.

    I dont know what it is but everything i tried today sounded rather poo...Although saying that, i could just be getting far too picky about pedals now. I still need to try the EBS as that is sounding more prominant as i like keeping original bass tone but adding a slight effect to them. and everything i tried today just ruined that. Was a sad day IMO.

  4. what a reply. thats pretty much answered everything i needed to know as yes i dont know anything about them realy.

    All i know without trying them out is that i dont want too much of a synthy sound so the di+ sounds like a better option to me as does the EBS. Im going to a guitar shop in Guilford in about an hour to have a mess around with a few pedals and get a better idea but thanks for your reply, its opened my eyes a little.

    The only other thing i have to ask is, as far as the anologue tracking goeson the EBS, how responcive is the pedal in relation to other brands out there? I mean, are there better for the price or does it top everything as i want a superb quality octave pedal and in this case money is not a facor. Where as the distort im not so concerned about as long as its not too synthy.


  5. [quote name='Viajero' post='199384' date='May 15 2008, 10:54 AM']An interesting challenge might be to set a tune for solo bass arrangement. You could take a standard, or a pop tune, or whatever, and then see who comes up with the most popular version of it. That way you get specialists in all styles doing their respective thangs, and everyone had the same starting point. You'll get both theoretical and/or practical approaches. That could be fun.[/quote]

    +1 thats a fanfastic idea! I will still loose but it will be fun to do anyway, just getting involved is enough for me realy.

  6. I have a slight dilema here as im looking for two new pedals. However i want to know for people who have tried out these what are the differences between them. NOT which is better etc..

    So what makes the MXR DI+ pedal differ from the MXR Blowtorch? is one more of a synth sound than the other or what? and do they differ in many other ways?

    And regarding octave pedals, how does the EBS compare to the digitech in terms of tracking and overall sound?

    thanks in advance

  7. [quote name='XB26354' post='198628' date='May 14 2008, 11:51 AM']The only style I would say is a big no-no is to anchor your thumb on the pickup and leave it there whilst you play all 4/5/6 strings. This puts a severe bend on the right wrist (which gets worse the higher you wear the bass), puts tension in the hand when you play the upper strings and leads to a loss in fine control when playing quickly.[/quote]

    Too true buddy. I adopted this style when i started 6 years ago and only YESTERDAY realised that it was the worst playing technique a bass player could have compared to all the others out there. Im trying my hardest to adopt the floating technique and to be fair, after 6 years with 1 technique then switching to this (completly new to me) technique, its not actually as hard as i thought it would be. It feels very natural. It does hurt at 1st but i can tell that its gong to be doing me a whole lot of good in the end.

  8. [quote name='Oscar South' post='198712' date='May 14 2008, 01:33 PM']Got all their albums between 1975-78 (5 in total), listened to them all. This is the attitude I was talking about in my original post.[/quote]

    Attitude...It was ment to be quite a light hearted joke tbh. However at 3.45 in the morning my thoughts might have come out slightly wrong. i understand your reasoning perfectly as i used to pretty much dispise funk but could play the style upon request.

    dont take my post to heart to much...its only the internet. :)

  9. Im sorry, how can you not like funk!?
    Ok it may be jazz's deformed cousin but you cannot dislike it. Its almost not agressive enough to be taken seriously. Go and listen to some Parliment songs and if they don't bring a smile to your eye then your just cold. Oo

  10. This thread has been a great read guys! And the same goes for the 3 finger exercise in another thread.
    I definatly need to adopt this technique as i get a very sore wrist quickly when playing bass. Although having dislocated and broken my right wrist a few years ago wouldnt have helped in any way, shape or form...

    Wow my right hands technique is going to change a LOT over summer because of this forum!! :)

  11. Bought the EHX micro q-tron later last year, Still have its original box and is in mint condition! would quite like a trade for this for maybe a nice chorus pedal but its up for [b]£40 Posted[/b]

    I also have the boss me-50 multi effects pedal. Its in great shape, been in storage for the past 6-8 months. [b]SOLD!!![/b]

    could do with either a chorus or could do a deal for a EBS octave pedal. In fact im open to any offer of pedals, as long as there around the same price range and in a metal box i guess.


  12. [quote name='kdphysio' post='175818' date='Apr 13 2008, 07:55 PM']yeah great sound. particularly like 'load up the guns'.......edgy.[/quote]

    My favourite isnt even up there, its only a jam at the moment, however we plan to actually do something about our thousands of riffs and structure them all etc.. etc..

    Not to bad for a few bedroom recordings pieced together though, although the featured 3 need more work.
    thanks for the replies guys, you have made a bass player feel proud :)


  13. We are not exactly a band, more 4 best mates who can play the required instruments for a band.
    The name came from when we were at school. During lunch on a thursday at college we would go to the local newsagents and buy strongbow supers and get lashed for afternoon lessons.

    i wish i could go back, that was easily the most fun iv had during my life at school.

    Were thinking of actually forming a band and doing proper gigs etc.. but we want to know if we might even have a potential audience.

    [url="http://www.myspace.com/superthursday"]clicky clicky![/url]


    *I didn't know where to put this so mods, if its ment to go somewhere else. Feel free to move it :)*

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