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Posts posted by SkinnyMike

  1. rite, omni 15 it is! Low end is what i want, and the 15 will give me it. I would love to hear one of these before it build it though. Anyone around oxford or the South east London area (croydon) that has an omni 15 that they wouldn't mind me having a quick listen to?

    In terms of the biamp, looks like its not a good idea to do that then. lol o well...not a bad loss.

    [quote name='alexclaber' post='174634' date='Apr 11 2008, 03:50 PM']You could relabel the tweeter level knob as your 'bad mofo' or 'punch' or 'warmth' or whatever control to keep foolish producers/engineers happy! :huh:[/quote]

    there goes my tea! :)

  2. [quote name='gilmour' post='174299' date='Apr 11 2008, 02:07 AM']I'll let you know once I've finished making my O10, but from what Dave Perry says - yes there is no comparison the low end of the 15 is much stronger (he's posted a review on Bill's site and Finnbass), but it is a lot less portable, and will cost more.[/quote]

    Humm, thats why id love a omni 15, purly based on its low end. i love playing Dub and its all about low end with a bass... i mean isnt that what a bass was made for!?! :)
    Seriously though, if you could let me know gilmour when you have finished your omni10 build that would be excelent. I will wait with great interest!
    Im also going to have to get the old measuring tape out to see if an omni 15 would even fit in my terriably small car. *daewoo lanos* - quite simply the most awfull car ever made!

    [quote name='gilmour' post='174299' date='Apr 11 2008, 02:07 AM']In terms of difficulty I'd say there's not much in it, the wiring for the O15 is a bit trickier because of the crossover, and the O15 will cost a lot more to make, but i can't give an exact price as most of my O10 is being built with 'leftovers'[/quote]

    Im not too fussed about the difficulty of the build as i love building things, helping out with DIY etc.. etc.. its just my thing i quess. However the only thing id say id have a slight problem with would be the wiring as im going to link it to my newly bought GK which as you hopefully know has the biamping output.
    This could be tricky as i dont have the 1st clue about even thinking about wiring a cab to that. :wacko:

  3. to be honest, why would you want his tone?
    I know his tone sounds good but shurley you would want to make your own tone rather than just "try" copy someone elses. For one, you dont have the fingers Flea uses. You might be able to buy all his shizzle but your playing style will always differ to someone elses, thus making a slightly different tone.

    If i was you, id try find your own tone through playing different cabs through the head and finding what YOU think sounds best or closest to flea rather than try copy the crazy slapper.

    Thats what i think anyway, fell free to ignor me! :)

  4. [quote name='gilmour' post='173583' date='Apr 10 2008, 02:02 AM']:brow:

    Sorry Finn, but if it makes you feel any better I went through your build thread a couple of times - back when i was [i]lurking[/i] before I started min

    Put simply the Omni 15 is the best sounding cab i've ever played through[/quote]

    I blame all of you! I Am set on making one this summer because of you lot! :) However im still torn between a omni 10 or 15.

    Given the choise to start from scratch having not made one of these before, which cab would you choose? In terms of low end, is the 15 that much better?

  5. [quote name='PaulMartin' post='172345' date='Apr 8 2008, 03:48 PM']A lot of people have chosen the Omni10 as a good choice for bass. It combines reasonable portability with great sound.[/quote]

    Thanks for the reply Paul. Portability is a big factor in my build as im sick of lugging my 4x10 all over the place but i still want a loud output.

    In terms of all the RMS, Watts, power jargon im not amazing with it. Would useing an omni 10 be able to cope with the GK head? I need to read up a lot before going about making this as i want to get it spot on 1st try... :)

  6. Im about to receive my newly bought Gallen Kruger 1001-11 head and im spoilt for choise on which cab i want it to power, so i thought il one make instead.

    however my question to you is what should i build? Iv had a browse on the build diarys and it looks like im going to build a Bill Fitzmaurice designed cab however, theres so many to choose from!
    i want to have a cab that is going to love being powered by the GK 1001-11, but also sound warm and really define the sound of my lovely 75 Fender jazz.

    Iv been having a browse at the omni range and maybe the omni 10 might be a suitable build. Thoughts?

  7. [quote name='acidbass' post='167383' date='Apr 1 2008, 01:50 AM']Are both items in good condition?[/quote]
    Yes both are in fantastic condition. its only been used for home recordings and a few small gigs. Nothing major.

    [quote name='Motocross_nick' post='167389' date='Apr 1 2008, 02:31 AM']would you consider any trades along the lines of a peavey tnt combo or a yamaha rbx bass?[/quote]

    Thanks for the offer good sir but i dont need another bass. Well not for a long while. Although you fancy the multi effects pedal and a bit of cash your way for the combo do you?


  8. I decided i want to upgrade my setup and as iv had this for a good while, i feel its time to let go.

    i dont mind how it goes, i can split the head and cab, do a deal on both.

    The pictures are in my avatar if you havn't already realised, but i can get more if needed.

    £280 for the lot. However i havn't checked to see how much it would cost to send it so at the moment its collection from either Oxford or anywhere in South London (i can drive around there)


    * i also have a boss ME-50b that has had very little use. £90 posted for that*

  9. [quote name='chris_b' post='166343' date='Mar 30 2008, 02:59 PM']It's your first bass.... you gotta keep it. Take the battery out, put it in the case and store it under your bed. In 20 years you'll be glad you did.[/quote]

    I couldn't agree more. My 1st bass was a Squire P bass which i decided to sell a while back. Now im regretting it as it had so much sentimental value to me. However i sold it to a friend of mine so i might have to ask for it back just so i will be reunited with it once again.

    hold on to it till the day you die!... :)

  10. Thanks for the replys guys,

    Sorry i wasnt so clear before. I was quite tired from a hard day yesterday and forgot to mention that its the intonation screw on the A string.

    Il take another screw to a hardware supplier for a replacement although thinking about it, it looks like all the screws and springs could do with replacing

  11. So im about to adjust my bridge as the action was not as perfect as i know i could get it and to my suprise the screw which adjusts the A string is missing completely. Including the spring.

    Now at 1st i though it might have just fallen off whilst i was jamming in my room but after a good 30mins look around it definatly seams its not here.

    This is proably a stupid question but does anyone have a spare screw and spring or know where i can get an exact replacement? Maybe B&Q or something like that?


  12. [quote name='bigjohn' post='150220' date='Mar 3 2008, 11:05 AM']That's it. I've got a JCM800 Bass Series. It sounds just like a JCM800 Bass Series!

    Like any amp - it amplifies the sound of the bass - but it does add a good bit of rock and blues for you. Excellent thick distortion - and back to clean thump & honk.[/quote]

    Awsome, i can't wait to try them out!

    Thanks for the replys so far guys, this has helped quite a lot. Im going to have a look at a shop down in Clapham which sells these bad boys. If all goes well and they sound as good as they have been rated, out will come the wallet!

  13. My guitarist picked up a free catalogue yesterday and i picked it up to have a small browse. I saw there stacks and stacks of guitar amps and to my suprise i saw a few bass ones. (mainly as i NEVER see marshall bass amps...reason why?)

    Personally i liked the look of the MBC series but how good are these? i mean are they as reliable as the guitar amps are ment to be and for sound, does anyone know if they can produce the goods? as i might have to look into trying them out and possiably go for them rather than an all markbass stack?

  14. i just wanted to say that last night i attended a blues night at the bullingdon in oxford, where carvin jones played and it was one of the best nights iv had in a while.
    He wipped out two guitars and played them at the same time, which was pretty impressive then went on to play with his teeth and foot...
    the bassist was just as good with some killer licks, solos and a bit of great sounding slap. i thought it was definatly worth the £10 entrance fee!

    I would definatly recomend seeing this guy if you havn't already seen him and his band.

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