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Everything posted by SkinnyMike

  1. Ha, if it was my gear I would trade it all for bass gear. Unfortunately it's the bands so cash is king this time i'm afraid!
  2. Hi guys, ***Price drop to £450!!*** So my band has split and it's time to get rid of our P.A as we no longer have any use for it all. It's all in working condition, some have cases and so are in better condition than others. This is perfect for a band touring the pub/club scene and the prices are listed with the photos Pics: £450 - RCF's - Little bit of cosmetic wear from being lugged about in a transit. These are loud and paired up with the db sub, they work a treat! [url="http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/mike_woodhouse89/media/RCF2_zps8703885b.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/mike_woodhouse89/media/RCF1_zps05c9a7a0.jpg.html"][/url] Slight cosmetic damage from a heater. [url="http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/mike_woodhouse89/media/RCF3_zps6e8752f6.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/mike_woodhouse89/media/PAstands3_zpse1ba240e.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/mike_woodhouse89/media/PAStands1_zpse3fa201c.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/mike_woodhouse89/media/PAstands2_zpsb988d9b3.jpg.html"][/url] Feel free to ask any question about the items, Mike.
  3. No that's only when it's in standard mode. If you know what setting you're amp's supposed to be at (Or by just googling it) it looks like you can custom set it. So you can have your valves either running slightly hotter or colder depending on what you want out of them.
  4. Hi all, I've recently had my AD200B re-valved and the tone and gain breakup level has completely changed! Obviously that's down to a multitude of reasons like different valves, different bias levels etc.. And I'm not saying it's changed for the worse as it still sounds badass, it's just 'different' After having a word with my regular tech and having a browse online about valves, biasing etc.. I stumbled across this: http://www.orangeamps.com/products/accessories/amplifier-management/divo-ov4/ From what I can tell, this basically manages your valves and keeps them on form all the time. It also looks as though you can swap out the output valves independently without needing matched valves in pairs or quads and you can go a step further and have completely different valves in your amp for different tonal possibilities I.E KT88's paired with 6550's. Does anyone have this installed in their amp OR have any experience with it?
  5. Thanks for the interest everyone but this is now sold!
  6. [quote name='longtimefred' timestamp='1366041666' post='2047627'] [sup]dude, dont suppose you could comment on how the od and eq compares against the Para Driver could you? i have been sniffing around one of these or the B7K but struggle to test them out anywhere. I have a Para Driver already you see. This grinds up quite nicely but im really interested in how clean these things leave your original signal whilst adding the filth! [/sup] [sup]Nice one. [/sup] [/quote] Sure man, I've always found the dirt on the B3K to be much more aggressive and cuts through the mix without tweaking far easier than the paradriver. Although the paradriver is a great OD in it's own right, once you compare it with something like the B3K in a live situation, there's no competition. I've actually completely sacked off the drive section on my paradriver (as you can see in the photo because I preferred the aggressiveness that the B3 had) On the other hand, for recording I go the opposite! The B3k is almost too aggressive straight out the box so this is where my paradriver's drive comes into play a bit as it can replicate my Orange tube sound quite well. Although it's not the same (let's face it, you never can find THAT illustrious tube sound without an actual tube amp) it's close and if you want a much softer, warmer driven tone, the paradriver can give you that very well. Hope that helps mate.
  7. Yes it's all sold. Thanks for all the interest.
  8. On hold pending payment!
  9. This beast isn't currenty not getting enough love on my pedal board as I have found the sweet spot for grit on my Orange amp. It's in good condition, has velcro on the bottom and has been on my pedal board since I got it. Comes with packaging/papers etc.. I am really after a compressor and the MXR looks like the winner. So if anyone has one I would do a straight swap for it. If not, £170 posted. Best, Mike. [url="http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/mike_woodhouse89/media/pedals1_zps115367ab.jpg.html"][/url] (More pics on request)
  10. Brett bought my soundblox wobble maker pedal. Great guy to deal with, stand up guy, buy/sell with confidence!
  11. I've never owned a Little Mark III as such, but I have used Mark bass extensively for 4-5 years. Don't bother with the filters, they sound great when practicing on your own but I always found just like a few posters have said earlier they suck out mid's BIG time. The trick with these bad boys are to dial in a bit more mid's using the low and high mid controls and kept everything else pretty flat (whilst taking into account the room and it's response to your bass cab) that way you will keep a lot of you natural bass tone with a bit of extra to punch through the mix. Basically just use your ears during sound check and have a play with the bass and mid control (Whilst the full band is playing). You should start being able to hear it ping out a bit better depending on the balance you get between the low and high mid controls.
  12. Hi guys, So I have an Orange AD200B paired up with an Orange 4x10 & 1x5. When I first got this amp it would output crazy loud dB volumes then the preamp and master were set to maybe half. (12 o'clock) Now, I'm struggling to get half the volume when the master is set on full and the pre amp set to about 3 o'clock (Any more and the preamp valves are driving to much giving me distortion) Any ideas what the problem might be? Could it be a classic case of one/all the output valves being shot? How can I tell if it's a valve? OR Could this be a much more serious problem? Best, Mike.
  13. And replied! *Note* I will split this as there has been some interest in the hot hand alone. Hot hand - £110 Envelope filter - £140
  14. Does no one have any love for this monster wobble maker?!
  15. Up for grabs is my newly acquired envelope filter + Wireless hot hand 3 from Source Audio. I picked this up a few months ago from another basschatter with the intent to create some serious bass wobbles. After having a play and trying to incorporate it into my band it just appeared to be a very expensive paperweight on my pedal board... You all know what this envelope is capable of and combined with the hot hand it really comes into it's own allowing huge bass wobbles,burps etc.. It comes with all the relevant boxes, manuals, charging supply for the hot hand, but no power for the pedal itself. I payed £250 for this, considering I have not used this much at all I would like that back. £250 FIRM. Cheers, Mike. *Note* I will split this as there has been some interest in the hot hand alone. Hot hand - £110 Envelope filter - £140
  16. Here's my latest pedal board. All I need now is that MXR compressor and i'm all sorted!
  17. Bought an ISP Decimator noise gate fro mAsh, Pleasure dong business with you mate, arrived well packaged and exactly as described Cheers!
  18. I have played the Half moon tonnes of times, with both the house engineer and our own. I can't fault the guys there as I have always been given me a great mix. Maybe he just had a bad day... We all have one once in a while and maybe it just so happened whilst you were on stage? For what it's worth, I usually set my amp to a level where I don't need any bass in my monitor as my amp is my bass monitor! IMO - What's the point in having a bass amp if you not going to use it as a monitor anyway? Usually everyones bass gets D.I'ed for the FOH so you can theoretically turn it up as loud as you want without affecting anyone else.
  19. Ill have this. PM coming your way
  20. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1360257852' post='1967615'] [b]Try getting 5 plumbers to drive 20 miles on a Friday or Saturday night and work for 4-6 hours each until beyond midnight. Whatever they quote you, we'll charge half![/b] [/quote] Brilliant!
  21. £700 is about right mate. We typically charge £1,000+ for the lot. They just need to be aware it includes a 2-3 hour show, D.J after (Ipod with spottily...) full P.A, Sound Engineer and sometimes lights. Bargain for £700-£1,000 if you ask me.
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