Hi all!
Up for a very reluctant sale is my EBS cab, most of you guys will be aware of how great this stuff is so i dont have to waffle on too much!(specs 800watts at 4 ohms)
Its in great condition as i bought it new then went off cruising for ages as a result its not been used that much, since i came home ive only been doing tiny theatre pit gigs and its far too big to fit in them (theres usually about a dozen players crammed in like sardines).
The sound is amazing totally transparent with a great warm sound and punchy as hell i use it with the td 650 head and the combination is very special, great for slap, fingerstyle you name it, ive played most styles with this thing, but as i said its too big and needs to be used properly as im only tickling it.
I am open to trades particularly small neodymium cabs like accugroove tri 110 , 112, 115 , 210 or EBS neo 110, 112
let me know if your interested.
The retail on these things is approx £900 this could be yours for £350 subject to collection from Bolton lancs, i cant use this on my gigs so i wantit to go to a good home its a great cab and now at a very good price. thanks for looking-LEE