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Everything posted by lee650

  1. I've been thinking of getting the VT bass DI for low gain OD with a clean blend and EQ to replace the soul food. Would that be something worth considering?
  2. The EHX soul food has the clean blend and low gain drive. I'm happy enough with mine,but I'm still looking for something that does the same thing only better 😁
  3. [quote name='Dudly01' timestamp='1490485165' post='3265500'] Living overseas and the weight, aside from that, it is a belter! [/quote] I hear you! Weight does seem heavy on paper, however ive never found it heavy as I use a comfort strap which is good at holding the weight. I got the weight from the previous owner,so it might be worth me rechecking! 10lbs plus is usually typical of a stingray 5 though, the price you pay for the huge sound And yeah I know the overseas thing will limit my market, but I worry enough about delivery to the uk Cheers
  4. [quote name='peterkas' timestamp='1490435738' post='3265099'] I had a bass exactly like yours. It's a stunning bass machine: confortable, with a wide collection of sounds...And the price, my friend, it's absolutely a burgain Good luck [/quote] Thanks loads you're absolutely right it's a great bass and only selling as I have Overwater gas! I may just keep it as I'd not get a better bass for the money. Musicman basses are do well made and sound fantastic (they are very expensive new too)😁
  5. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1490101056' post='3262144'] [color=#1D2129]Swapped a couple of bits around on my main board. Swapped the tuner and Chorus around so I could have modulation after Octave. More significantly I swapped out my COG Knightfall for a COG custom gated Tarkin fuzz. Lovely stuff:[/color] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/10ndijm.jpg[/IMG] [color=#1D2129]Chain is: DIY bypass looper -> Boss TU-3W -> Mooer Tender Octaver -> COG custom Tarkin -> MXR BEF -> Boss OC-2 -> MXR Bass Chorus -> DIY Bypass looper.[/color] [color=#1D2129]Powered by Diago with help from The Gigrig to isolate the digital Mooer[/color] [color=#1D2129]Si[/color] [/quote] Oh god!! I love that fuzz!!! Is it similar to a mastatron/wooley Mammoth?
  6. This is bass I was trying to sell my Stingray 5HH to buy!! Unfortunately it didn't sell πŸ˜” gorgeous bass.
  7. Oh my I've been after one for ages! That burgundy one looks amazing but out of stockπŸ˜” Heistercamp leather straps are made in Devon and their stuff looks amazing! Perhaps we should petition them to make gig bags too 😊
  8. I love Octavers and my favourite is still the OC2 I used one for many years until it was stolen. I then tried the EBS which I loved, it's very clean and smooth with a great sub tone and tracks brilliantly! Not a very synthy sound though. I then had an OC3 which was ok but just didn't sound as good as the OC2,it did track well though. I then got the Aguilar which just has a fantastic tone and tons of variation, I loved it. I did find it didn't track as well as the Ebs ,it's a big pedal too. I went back to an OC2 and instantly went "there's my sound again" as I primarily use octaves to emulate synth, I then very foolishly traded the OC2 πŸ˜– I currently have an EBS and is forgotten how good it is,very deep and smooth,I was about to buy another OC2 to compliment the Ebs when Simon's excellent video persuaded me to buy a COG T16! It's now my favourite octave. Absolutely great tone and very versatile with the filter (it sounds amazing with my wonderlove) it tracks really well,gets very close to an OC2 tone and it's TINY!!!!! I'm now considering a custom cog T47 now as i love it. Settled on the cog and Ebs for the mo but I still plan to get another OC2 as every bassist should have one 😁 I've never tried the MXR or 3 leaf but they are on my list to try,I've read that the MXR is very gritty and aggressive,so that would sound great in certain situations,the 3 leaf sounds amazing on demos but it's sooo expensive. Anyway good luck with the search,Probably best to buy all of them πŸ˜‚
  9. Just bought some strings from Simon! Very quick delivery and a pleasure to deal with
  10. I've played this bass at promenade and can confirm it's an absolute corker! It has a slimmer neck than the Ray 5HH I own and is really comfy. Loads of tones available with the twin pickups 😁
  11. Great Octaver! Clean,smooth and deep,one of the best tracking I've used too. Well worth the money 😁
  12. lee650


    Just bought a kickass bridge off this fine fellow! Arrived when he said it would and expertly packed,very pleased will deal with anytime. Thanks Mark
  13. Seeing Gene Simmons posing with his Spector and Pedulla basses. At the same time i watched a video of Stanley Clarke! Absolutely knocked my socks off,I wanted to play bass after that. Not long after I discovered Jaco and "Barbary Coast" still gives me the shivers 😁
  14. I must say that is just stunningπŸ˜€ id even say well worth the money! Modern tort looks rubbish! Even the ones that come on high end basses.
  15. The East Deluxe circuit with the passive tone is fantastic πŸ˜€ strangely enough I dont tend to use the passive tone though πŸ˜‚
  16. Markbass used to do a preamp/Di that had the VLE control! which I believe is a similar thing to a passive roll off. πŸ˜€
  17. Shame those nj4's weren't the 70's winds,as I'm after a set πŸ˜€
  18. No one's interested in my stingray so im stuck πŸ˜•
  19. Aarrgh!!! Second one ive missed πŸ˜€
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