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Everything posted by AussieBassman

  1. So, I guessed. No confirmation from OP it was a correct guess. I didn't say I couldn't record anything. Some random jumps in and posts something else. Standing by for your go-ahead.
  2. Well, I thought it was me that guessed the Kansas bassline correctly, but never mind. Go ahead.
  3. Kansas- Carry On Wayward Son
  4. I didn't know that I liked this kind of stuff. What genre is it? Yesterday's discovery from too much YouTubing... Khruangbin:
  5. I love this album! I've lost my copy unfortunately, but The Pirates and The Bishops are excellent.
  6. How about some Grace Potter? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ogm2sutjbtI"]https://www.youtube....h?v=Ogm2sutjbtI[/url] Or Nikki Hill? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxcDibHxsRU
  7. We played to about 1000 punters supporting Dr Feelgood at Manchester Poly (the Gypie Mayo era), and also less interestingly to about 3 pissheads at a busman's benefit at Sheffield City Hall during a strike in the early 1980s; this gig was notable due to the fact that enough beer was laid on in the dressing room to enable us all to refresh ourselves stupid after the gig and also smuggle a full barrel out in the van afterwards. Ah, youth...
  8. 1971 Rory! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC38cm4-zDo
  9. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1471646520' post='3114827'] I'd forgotten I saw this - posted about it in the [i]eBay Weird + Wonderful[/i] subforum. Hofner S7B, Berlin, earlier this year. Not clear whether it sold. Not identical to Barry Gillum's bass either - possibly a different model? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hofner-Bass-S-7-B-Razorwood-Model-/142026206269?hash=item21116bec3d%3Ag%3An0MAAOSw2GlXGPDn&nma=true&si=XYFpA5daW3UHPyoMrEPsxt8%252FqwM%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=p2047675.l2557[/url] [/quote] This one looks just like mine, except for the black shading on the back of the headstock-mine is a uniform natural colour. The other difference is Barry's headstock is parallel, not angled like this (and mine). This also has a replacement pickup.
  10. [quote name='Prosebass' timestamp='1222247835' post='290625'] A thumbs up from me......top bass I own a Hofner S7B which is probably the rarest production bass here, to my knowledge there is only 1 other still in existence. Unless anyone knows different ? [/quote] I've got one.
  11. [quote name='Prosebass' timestamp='1212843331' post='214344'] In 1983 I bough a Hofner S7B professional in preference to a Wal, it was £20.00 cheaper than the Wal at £229.00 sounded and played better. I can only find reference to 1 other in existence [url="http://www.vintagehofner.co.uk/hofner/basses/bas26.html"]Hofner S7B[/url] Does this make it the rarest production bass ever ? or are there more out there ? [/quote] I have one of these, bought in 1981 from Barratt's in Manchester and still going strong.
  12. [quote name='doctorbass' timestamp='1387584102' post='2313695'] Keith Ferguson Johnny B Gayden Norman Watt-Roy Tommy Shannon Dee Dee Ramone Jack Newhouse Billy Cox Dusty Hill Duck Dunn Preston Hubbard [/quote] +1 Sorry for the duplicate post-bloody phone
  13. [quote name='doctorbass' timestamp='1387584102' post='2313695'] Keith Ferguson Johnny B Gayden Norman Watt-Roy Tommy Shannon Dee Dee Ramone Jack Newhouse Billy Cox Dusty Hill Duck Dunn Preston Hubbard [/quote] +1
  14. [quote name='NoRhino' timestamp='1387539704' post='2313060'] [list=1] [*]Jimmy Lea (Slade) [*]James Dewar (Robin Trower) [*]Jack Bruce [*]Larry 'The Mole' Taylor (Canned Heat) [*]Andy Fraser (Free) [*]John B. Sparks (Dr Feelgood) [*]Marshall Grant (Johnny Cash) [*]Alan Lancaster (Status Quo) [*]Les Claypool (Primus) [*]The million others I don't know about yet who could blow me away. [/list] [/quote] I like your list!
  15. I only posted it once
  16. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1396595487' post='2415413'] Well, I'm no ego-driven soul, but even so, the gig's the thing. Quite apart from putting food on the table, there's no point in playing if you don't gig. [/quote] +1
  17. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1396595487' post='2415413'] Well, I'm no ego-driven soul, but even so, the gig's the thing. Quite apart from putting food on the table, there's no point in playing if you don't gig. [/quote] +1
  18. So anyway, what about Rob Jones and his Ric 4003?
  19. Free bump for an excellent bass!
  20. I'll be seeing him next year at Bluesfest with Gregg Allman-can't wait!
  21. Re your signature: Warwick's=belonging to Warwick Warwicks=more than one Warwick.
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