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Everything posted by AussieBassman

  1. Censoring is alive and well on this forum. Long live freedom of speech.
  2. I found one called BestPractice which is free, but be careful not to try the software of the same name which is used to manage a G. P.'s surgery-it gives you a nasty rash around your meat&2 veg...
  3. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1375135018' post='2157223'] Amp at 4 ohms = 1 4ohm cab or 2 x 8ohm cabs or 4 x 16ohm cabs [/quote] This advice ignores the series/parallel difference. Speakers connected in series sum the load of the individual speakers, so two 4 ohm speakers present a load of 8 ohms to the amp. In parallel, two 4 ohm speakers present a load of 2 ohms. Amplifiers do not like a load of less than the specified impedance. Wiring in series=positive terminal of amp to positive terminal of speaker A, neg terminal of A to positive of speaker B, neg of speaker B to neg of amp. Wiring in parallel=pos of amp to both speaker pos, neg of amp to both speaker negs.
  4. Haha! That would be Paul, who's still gigging with a band called Vehicle, in the Stockport area. I wish I'd never sold that bass...
  5. I'm sorry, I forgot to credit Lenni from Sad Cafe who played sax.,
  6. I just found this on YouTube, a TV appearance by my band in 1984 that I'd forgotten about (due to my senility probably). Me on bass, the band covering a Muddy Waters song. Thanks to Jim for posting it! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmHMKcFQCYQ[/media]
  7. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1374134212' post='2145552'] I know my gigs don't really count as they are just jams but had a good one last night. My bro had a new song to do (Rory G, Messing with the kid) and told me before I left home so I had a run through of that to get it under my fingers. [/quote] Good to hear of somebody doing Rory stuff-we do Secret Agent sometimes.
  8. Yet another AH200 and mine goes into an Ashdown 4x10 (or if my other half is along for the gig to help lift it, a TE 410), on top of a beer crate.
  9. Secret Agent-pub rock/covers around southern Tasmania.
  10. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1372771260' post='2129696'] No , are you ? Brazilians are not a race , they are a nationality made up of many different races . To be racist I would have had to single out one particular race or ethnic group of Brazilians as being particulaly suitable for domestic service . Here in the U.K , due to changes in immigration laws in the late 1990's/early 2000's , there has been a very significant increase in people from Brazil coming to live and work in this country , many of whom gravitate towards working in domestic service . That is an issue of fact . [/quote] So, the usual racist bull. Your race isn't mine so you're inferior. How many repetitions does it take?
  11. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1372686994' post='2128545'] She's Brazilian ( I think ) - they usually make pretty good domestic servants . [/quote] Are you a racist? Because you sound like one.
  12. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1372108572' post='2121830'] I saw the Who twice with the Ox, thankfully, and to be honest I really have no interest in seeing them without him. Pino is a great player, but watching the Who with Pino is IMO rather like watching the Jimi Hendrix Experience featuring Eric Clapton. [/quote] +1 Saw the Who at Belle Vue, Swansea FC and New Bingley Hall with JE and Keith-anything else is a pale shadow. Oh, and Charlton! Forgot about that...
  13. A sad loss. R. I. P.
  14. [quote name='Cyrene' timestamp='1370163852' post='2097034'] Regardless of gender, this over-excitable dross has been done to death. [/quote] Agreed.
  15. Thanks I'll check it out!
  16. So I just bought one of these used and I don't like the Bart pups in it, too bland. Has anybody changed theirs for anything with a bit more bite to them, preferably a straight drop-in fit?
  17. I had the same problem with a TE AH200 head which turned out to be a dry solder joint on the circuit board.
  18. About time they played live again! Last time I saw one of their gigs they hadn't been born.
  19. R. I. P. Alvin-too early, not forgotten.
  20. Today would have been his 65th birthday. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ibq2ec2qS3Y[/media] Skip to 1.05 if you want to miss his tribute to Martin Carthy-style tuning up!
  21. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1361207463' post='1982793'] Just remember to really dig into the seventh fret to flatten it [/quote] how can that ever happen? you can only raise the pitch of a note by stretching a string.
  22. So on eBay Aus is a Ricky 4004 and he wants $2100. I like it but I don't think it's worth that. What does that bass sell for in the UK?
  23. R. I. P.
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