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About NoirBass

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  1. Wow! 🤩
  2. Just got my Tele bass back from having some badly needed restoration. It had been horrendously stripped and badly re-lacquered in the 70’s, The frets were also practically flush with the fretboard. As it was not playing well It had sat in its case for many years. My good friend recently offered to have a have a go at refretting it. As the job continued he also (after much back and forth on the colour) fancied a bash at refinishing it. We went with a nitro blonde as I wanted to be as faithful as possible to the factory finish, but is asked him to use nitro and keep the wear on the body where your forearm sits and the deeper dinks. We also deliberated for ages on the correct fret wire, which we eventually found. His amazing work has rejuvenated this bass to the very playable and phenomenal looking instrument you see below, I’m over the moon!
  3. Bought a Line 6 bass POD express from Brian. Easy deal. Recommended.
  4. Pmd
  5. Have these just come out? Did I miss the launch? Seems like it could be a good intro into six string. https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/240610425187008--squier-affinity-series-jazz-bass-vi-laurel-fingerboard-black-pi?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD76p-2HQwz5tGzjU9_pgK9JNdMOZ&gclid=CjwKCAjw3P-2BhAEEiwA3yPhwAJtWza5SCcC4KrjNbEeWfQtTwa0d-K183D4QsJZet-z5jJB0omGNBoCq40QAvD_BwE
  6. These always work best on their original PSU.
  7. Wow! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235688565409?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=32vpbyvbtga&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=nHwA3cw6TCa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. NoirBass

    EHX POG 3

  9. I love these, still have mine from the early 90’s. The T wah, Octave and Synth are great on the ME-8b.
  10. Do any of the learned members of the Basschat community happen to know the exact specs of the nut and fret wire used on a Fender ‘69 Telecaster bass? Mine has been butchered over the years and I’d like to put it back to original specs.
  11. FYI - When installing version 4 If on OSX, use a 3rd party application to unpack the zip file. For some reason the OSX archiver won’t unpack it correctly.
  12. Just had a bash, some nice amps amongst the new options. No B-15 though sadly.
  13. Ohh! And it’s available: https://www.boss.info/global/support/by_product/gt-1000/updates_drivers/
  14. Now I’m more excited!
  15. Word on the street is that V4 update is coming although Boss accidentally announced it too early!
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