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Everything posted by slumjacket

  1. If you can, why not put all the songs in order on a CD or mp3 player, listen and see if it entertains you. It used to work for me when I was learning new sets.
  2. I tend to just have my third finger next to the fourth as if the two of them are one finger, not sure if this is correct but comfortable for me.
  3. Really enjoying playing Born on the Bayou CCR, nice groove and the band all like playing it. We've still to see if it goes down well at a gig but good fun to play. I used to love playing The Allman Brothers Whipping Post, it was always loud and self indulgent.
  4. Sounds like you really enjoy practicing and playing, but do be careful. I did a gig at a biker festival last year and did a 3 hour set which left me sore and I was then forced to change my playing style. There shouldn't be any pain whilst or after playing. As bass players we often dig in too much, this doesn't tend to do much for our tone and the best pro players trend to be very relaxed even if they are playing heavy music, eg Steve Harris. I still have to tell myself to relax. good to read your posts though, 2 bands and long practice sessions I reckon you'll get where you want to get to very soon.
  5. This thread has a few pages, just shows what an interesting topic it is. I was in an originals band a couple of years ago and loved it, really got me into writing songs which I still do on a regular basis. The band broke up due to the drummer having to move away and getting a replacement wasn't an option. So I managed to get a gig with a local covers band and I love it too. It's Southern rock, Allman brothers Skynyrd etc and we don't tend to play the obvious ones, but it still seems to get our audiences going. I still write for myself and would like to get into an originals project again but for the moment I happy entertaining the masses. I don't miss the empty gigs we did as an originals band, it tended to be about 3 empty gigs and then a busy one but that's what you have to do to get your music out there. Central London is great for originals acts though, you can pretty much get a gig when you want it.
  6. Great Videos Scott. Great explanation of a technique I was sure I'd never master but now willing to give a go. Keep up the good work
  7. I tend to use two fingers, but think that you shouldn't worry to much if you're getting along fine with one stick with it. One finger is perfectly adequate for 8th notes it may start getting tricky when trying to get to 16th note stuff though. There is a good video here from Adam Neely about the merrits of the one finger technique and he echos your thoughts about the similarities of playing with a pick. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7I3LTRCF7Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7I3LTRCF7Y[/url]
  8. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1361535132' post='1987069'] So, TNT were woefully bad, but once they finally collected it on Friday, it was with Orange on Monday, fixed Tuesday and with me on Wednesday. He put a new PSU unit in there, a new bulb and new screws as they had been chewed up. All free, it wasn't even discussed. [/quote] I've had my Terror Bass now for 3-4 years and never had any complaints, but stories like yours set my mind at ease, even though the amp had initially failed Orange sorting out makes me think I've got a good product.
  9. Hope all goes well for you guys tonight. I've just had a new arrival in the family so can't get out to many jam nights at the moment but would love to come in a month or two. Keep posting.
  10. I've had the TB500 and a SP212 for nearly two years now and I love it. I rehearse once a week and gig at least once a month with it and it's never let me down. The volume is immense, I play my fender precision strung with D'addario flat wounds through it and it booms with bottom end and punches through the mix nicely even when our keyboard player is driving his Lesley cabnet full blast. It is a really basic amp when it comes to eq. That suits me fine but if you want an amp with really versitile tones it's a bit limited. I was a bit worried about the cab in larger venues but it seems to keep up although I'd like to try the head through something more conventional to see the difference. As mentioned by everyone else Barefaced is a good place to look if you're up for something light weight. Couple of things to mention. I played a large Biker festival last summer and the engineers complained that it ran a bit hot into their desk but by just rolling the gain off sorted the problem. Another thing is that if you're using pedals forget the effects loop it seems to distort the tone even at low volumes. I emailed Orange who said the effects loop was designed for high end rack units and to put any pedal through the front of the amp. Anyway I'm well pleased with mine and it all fits in the back of a small hatchback.
  11. Hi Terri Great site.
  12. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1331678706' post='1577214'] Be sure to let us know when the GAS strikes - [/quote] I thought by joining a Bass forum I might stop trawling Ebay for the bargain of a lifetime perfect Bass, but only having a quick peak at the gear section of the forum I realise now it may just make my searching more intense....
  13. I love Jazz, anything from Mingus to Avishai Cohen and that's only the bass players.
  14. Thanks for the welcome guys. I'm based in South London and Kent so a little way from you Roland Rock, but if you're ever down this neck of the woods I'm usually playing every other weekend. Thanks for the tip on the gear thread, might get a few people chatting.
  15. Good evening everyone, I'm new to Basschat adn just thought I'd give a bit of an introduction. I'm the wrong side of thirty and have been playing for ovber 20 years although I took a long break from playing in the 90's. My main gig is in a Southern Rock covers band doing lots of Allman Brothers, Skynyrd etc and playing mostly local pubs. I do a little bit of depping on the side but not as much as I'd like. I play a precision plus, which for those of you who like gear is an old 80's Fender, P/J pick ups and 22 frets like the Deluxe models. It has an extended horn originally for balance, the Americans call it the Boner bass. It's quite rare, however mine has had a replacement neck so probably not worth anything now. I also have a Jaguar that I don't play that often. Last year I invested in the Orange terror bass 500 and one of their smart cabs. I'm well pleased with both and it all fits in a small car which is a bonus. My newest bit of kit is my Boss LMB-3 which is a little limiter compressor type pedal, still not sure if it's me but i wanted an entry level compressor to play around with, I'll be gigging with it soon so will make a decision after that. Anyway looking forward to joining in with some of the topics
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