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Everything posted by Marsy

  1. Hey Pete, Here I am.. = ) I didn't think this bass was my cup of tea either, until I saw it in the flesh!
  2. Hey, Thanks very much for the kind words! There's no official videos yet I'm afraid.. Although there are some old and some new live videos you can catch on: www.youtube.com/eevesmusic Cheers
  3. Just got home from a long day mixing this bad boy.. Very happy with the results! http://soundcloud.com/eeves/alone?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=mshare&utm_medium=email&utm_content=http://soundcloud.com/eeves/alone
  4. Cheers si, but.. Out of production: Baby Blue Overdrive (BBOD) Baby Pink Booster (BPB) BlueBerry Bass Overdrive (3BOD) Little Green Wonder (LGW) Little Red Trebler (LRT) Pink Purple Fuzz (PPF) Red Rooster Booster (RRB) Saffron Yellow Tremolo (SYT) Current Production: Candy Apple Fuzz (CAF) Dyna Red Distortion (DRD) Emerald Green Distortion Machine (EGDM) Honey Bee Overdrive (HBOD) Mighty Green MiniVibe (MGMV) Mighty Green MiniVibe Deluxe (MGMV DLX) Pine Green Compressor (PGC) Pine Green Compressor Deluxe (PGC DLX) = (
  5. Hi si, yeah im well aware of the mad professor stuff mate. Wasn't aware of the dark driving though, although it's a BJFE I'm after.. Good luck indeed ha ha Cheers
  6. Anyone over owned one in the past? Know anyone that currently owns one? Or even just heard one in the flesh? I wanna try one out big time.. Thanks in advance
  7. Kasabian..?
  8. http://youtu.be/3wWk1xj-_5M
  9. Nice.. Thanks phil
  10. http://youtu.be/5n9vE5Dutig Enjoy = )
  11. I also think the graphics looks smart man!
  12. Ha ha! Ah sorry guys no wacky 2 tuner magic.. I've bought the polytune this week and want to A/B my clean tone with the tu2 and against the polytune. Hopefully i'll lose the tu2 for the cute polytuner, providing I don't miss having the boss buffer in the signal..
  13. [quote name='Pow_22' timestamp='1384691591' post='2279460'] My main rig with my number two bass. All of which is up for sale funnily enough. As much as I love the bass I cant help but want my old Telecaster bass back, the cab is making way for an Ampeg 410HLF and eventually ill let the head go for an Ampeg SVT Cl [IMG]http://i44.tinypic.com/amcyuc.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] An SVT-CL with a 410HLF is a 1-way ticket to BoomTown..(I've been there!) Need a sealed cab with the valves IMO = )
  14. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1384615229' post='2278777'] soooo, Xmas approaches - time to break out the festive pedalboard lights I've tried a few new drive pedals recently, old and new (storm distortion 10, oxfuzz bass), but I just keep coming back to the BB and the TFR! [/quote] Cool lights Gaz! How ya powering them?!?
  15. I'm buzzing off my nv412 liike! Ha ha! owned/tried the ampeg cabs with my svt-cl and they weren't doing it.. The bergy does it! = )
  16. Cheers Chris, pedal is exactly as described! Pleasure = )
  17. Marsy


  18. [quote name='Andy Blowers' timestamp='1381819375' post='2244045'] Another Frantone Lo-Tone fuzz! How do you like yours? [/quote] Yeah, it's pretty good. It's super super bass'y! Even with the 'tone' maxed out.. It feels like I wish the 'tone' knob would just turn another half turn ha ha I play with the 'fuzz' maxed out too because it is relatively tame (for a fuzz) I find.. Would you agree? (I'm playing with a passive P bass)
  19. Hey si, What circuit have ya been looking at? The bass blaster? I haven't heard the bass blaster myself but the my vandal doesn't sound quite like either of the fulltone bassdrives that I've been using. I've always found them to need the x-blender to reintroduce the clean tone. Which was my overdrive tone right up until now. The vandal just blows it away! It would be cool to get some sound clips up but I haven't got decent recording gear easily available. Hmmm..
  20. Those free the tone pedals are pricey yeah! And the couple of clips on the site suck IMO. I'm not too sure what you mean with the preamp thing? I just use it as a gain stage on the floor with the svt. Everything just jumps to life, it adds exactly what I want with definition and character. I'm not sure the free the tone ones are the same come to mention it. although there are aesthetic similarities, the bass blaster is 9vdc. The providence for some reason that I'd be interested to know is 9vac (unfortunately). Awesome though! Ha ha
  21. So after lots of research/experimenting/stacking/blending I believe I've found THE bass overdrive/distortion. Providence - Vandal It was a risk/chance or rather a stroke of luck here, because there is very little info around the web on these. I was told that these were made for professional artists rather than or general sale, and that's why there is so few of them around.. Although I'm not sure whether that's completely accurate. The guy that designed these series for providence now designs pedals for Free The Tone. So I figure the new 'free the tone - bass blaster' must be similar to the Vandal. Here's what free the tone say: Bass Blaster BB-2: The Bass Blaster, previously only available for professional musicians, has now been added to the Free The Tone Custom line-up. The Bass Blaster is an overdrive pedal designed for the bass. The voltage is increased internally to +/-15Vdc in order to easily be able to control the wide dynamic range of the bass guitar. It has excellent touch response that the bassists request, and the sound characteristics are not lost regardless of whether the bass is played with a pick or fingers. The pedal creates the fat overdrive sound that most bass are looking for. Treble and Bass tone controls are perfectly matched to the characteristics of the bass and provide a wide range of tonal adjustment. Anyway, I'm super happy with the vandal, just thought I'd share that. It would be cool to hear from anyone who knows anything else about these? Cheers BC Stephen
  22. Is that a pedaltrain junior man?
  23. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1380891087' post='2231987'] I really like these but basses I can't get on with those go-faster stripes! [/quote] Snap! Ha ha
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