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Everything posted by lordrhys1

  1. Ok, so i've got a bad case for gas for musicman bassess atm! although i've loved the designs for awhile my recent trying of a bongo 5 and stingray 5 has almost sealed the deal. The only bass i'd really part with is my 7 string Conklin Groove Tools Bill Dickens signiture. It's got one piece of damage on one of the EQ knobs, where it was bashed upwards when I was pushed into a wall but apart from that it's pretty sweet. As I said i'm not fully decided on whether i'd like to part with the bass, but i'd like to hear some offers If your thinking of buying please pm me price, trade obviously I'd prefer a musicman or maybe a Warwick, but whats the harm with offering me another bass? , if you are offering please only offer 5 strings thou Thanks Rhys [size=7][b][u] UPDATE[/u][/b][/size] I'm gonna put a price on this people i'm asking for 700 ono I live in Cardiff, so anyone within a decent range we can discuss meeting up, for anyone quite a distance away we'll arrange postage Thanks! PM me
  2. I bought the album about 2 months ago, I gotta be honest, i'm loving it I think theres something for everyone on it my fav songs though are the proggy 'Glory of life' and the soft beautiful 'Sweet Tears'
  3. yes yes yes!!! cant wait now!! and a clinic for the blackwood gig, too good to be true! word is he's going to be doing a 70+ minute set at MK gig everyone
  4. I use to have really long nails when I was 16, then one day someone pointed out that I actually picking with my nails not my fingers cant believe I didn't even notice very embarrising :/
  5. [quote name='minty fresh death' post='194984' date='May 8 2008, 08:49 PM']Good price though, shame everyone is skint these days....[/quote] Amen to that
  6. No fear people!! Kev has been successful in getting the gig! SO!!!! anyone in or around milton keynes get your assess to The Dolphin on the 28th Sept!!!! if you miss it i'll kill u Rhys
  7. Seth is confermed for south wales in September, i was told personally by Andy Long (the man who organizes the bass events for the club). Date is still to be realeased, but the venue will most proberly be the clubs main venue, The Crosskeys Hotel and Pub in Crosskeys (North of Newport, South Wales) The Legendary Kevin Cooke is doing he best to organize a duet Kev and Seth gig for the 28th Sept in The Dolphin in Bletchley, Milton Keynes, which will be pretty fuking awsum if it happens. Kev is having some problems with the owners though getting the gig going, so if any of you guy live in or around Milton Keynes I encourage you very much to get in contact with him to help him encourage the owners in letting this event go forth. contact kev at: [url="http://www.myspace.com/kevcooke"]http://www.myspace.com/kevcooke[/url] In the mean time, anyone else can get looking in your local area's for venue's for seth to play in, look for the most appropriate venues but if in doubt look for various pubs who would put him on, anything to help fill up the tour if any of you are unsure about venues or have any question about helping Seth get over here then you can message me at: www.myspace.com/rhysanslowmusic Good luck peps! Rhys.A :]
  8. Hay dude! i'd be interested in the conklin, my student loan is coming through soon and it's gotta have a place to go haha could you email me with how much postage would cost and maybe a few more pics if applicable at: [email protected] thanks! speak soon Rhys :]
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