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Everything posted by alex_koss

  1. I have a love-hate relationship with big muffs on bass. I love the muff flavour of fuzz, the big thick full saturation BUT most of them (save for the Russian version) compress the pick attack too much, especially on the lowest of low notes. So you'd think the BBM's clean blend would be a good idea...but you can't adjust the ratio of bass to clean and to my ears there's way too much clean so the clean ends up taking centre-stage with the fuzz sitting in the background...not great. It's a shame. I actually preferred it in the "normal" mode.
  2. Hey, this site has been a prime lurking spot during months of pedal purchases so I figured I'd join up and see if I can give anything back! I was a guitarist for years before switching to bass in a ska and then thrash metal band where I realised that I'd wasted years of my life because I was far more at home with two less strings and an octave lower My main musical output is KOSS ([url="http://www.kossband.com"]http://www.kossband.com[/url] the music is all free to download/listen to) which is a two-piece (bass and drums), also playing bits and pieces in other bands. Setup-wise: Ibanez 1980 Blazer Bass Ibanez 1977 Eagle Bass EHX Microsynth Blackstar HT-Dist EHX Polychorus EHX Memory Toy Orange OR120 Ashdown 115 I have a tonne of other pedals that I've accumulated over the years, I'm planning to do some demos of my collection when I have a day free which, of course I'll post here. Annnnyhow, hope I can bring something to the community! He's the requisite gear pics! [attachment=102513:MeAndMyBlazer.jpg] [attachment=102514:MeAndMyEagle.jpg]
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