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Everything posted by elephantgrey

  1. Most labour intensive one man band ever. And thats without the effort of building the thing. Ill stick to the loopstation.
  2. Talked to my step dad about this (he's an electrician), he told me you should only PAT test whatever power leads your using.
  3. RHCPs - Californication "And Cobain can you hear the spheres Singing songs off Station to Station?" Le sac vs Pip - Stunner ""Love..it's a weird thing ain't it?" You're *****ing right it is" This is a reference to another song of theirs (Look for the woman) also from the same song: "Tortured a dove just to prove Prince wrong - I love that song"
  4. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1456920249' post='2993494'] Buy a zoom BFX-708 second hand, they're going for about 20 quid which is a bargain [/quote] Or better yet, get a B1on, about £50 new, less second hand. That way you get all the recent algorithms.
  5. Not a B3 Specific thing, but heres a video i found on youtube a while ago that might help. [url="http://youtu.be/UofS3bfyFeU?list=PLF194293E6EE19804"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UofS3bfyFeU&feature=youtu.be&list=PLF194293E6EE19804[/url]
  6. I dont think that fretboard will be playable.
  7. Ive had a new(old) zoom h6 delivered to my dads house, so ill be uploading something after i collect it. Unfortunately ill need at least 2 days off work for that, so itll be a month or so until ive got it.
  8. If it works with a 9v battery in, would something like [url="https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=DOD+FX62&oq=DOD+FX62&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#q=9v+battery+adapter+pedal&tbm=shop"]this[/url] help maybe?
  9. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1456323525' post='2987832'] There's millions more 4 stringers out there and they are in a significant minority to those offered for sale at the moment. ....unless 5 string players form the majority of BC members, of course. [/quote] About 1/3 according to [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277624-how-many-strings-on-your-main-bass/"]a recent poll.[/url]
  10. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1455738788' post='2982021'] Ah, the law of Sod [/quote] Not to be confused with the law of Col (thinly cut cabbage)
  11. If you are using a compressor with slap, increase the attack a bit more than you would for normal playing, and reduce the release as much as posible, this will add a bit more thump. Also, bitcrusher. Not for any slap specific reason, just because i love bitcrushers.
  12. I agree with what most people are saying, just don't be afraid to ask about things. That said, i wouldn't mind seeing a section with just some stickies featuring FAQs that we get on the site.
  13. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1455707608' post='2981607'] While I've been given one for free it makes sense to try and use it, save forking out for a more versatile power supply. Might email pedaltrain to double check if it's ok with adaptors. [/quote] Don't get me wrong, i don't mean its expensive for what it is, I just meant that after me buying a whole gigrig power setup (a generator, a distributor, 3 isolators and 2 adapters so far), spending that much more on batteries for my board just incase is a bit extravagant.
  14. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1455706325' post='2981587'] That's not a bad point actually - the pedaltrain volto has 2 outputs, so I can daisy chain some pedals from one then use an adaptor on the other. If I could run 12v I'd possibly go with the Effectrode PC-2A. I wonder if the volto plays ok with adaptors? [/quote] I don't see why they wouldn't, unless you run out of amperage. I have thought of getting a volto for my rig as a backup, but would probably need to run atleast 2 in parallel to meat my draw needs, and that's a bit expensive for a backup.
  15. Kill it! Kill it with fire!
  16. I like 6string basses, i think its usefull to have the extra range. But this is too far. It looks like it will be uncomfortable to play.
  17. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1455704811' post='2981554'] I guess it depends on what sort of colour you want? [/quote] Greenish pink. Edit (thought id actually add to the conversation): I love my markbass compressore. It runs 9v with a gigrig supanova adapter and sounds lovely. like a rackmounted tube compressor in a pedal.
  18. Loopers are also a really good practice tool. They are really handy way to listen back to what you've just played, you'd be surprised how listening back makes you hear things you wouldn't whilst playing. Also you can do things like play some chords up the neck, and practice bass lines/improvisations on top.
  19. As for the synth/pad sound, what kind of sound are you looking? can you give an example?
  20. [quote name='Davebassics' timestamp='1455650437' post='2981184'] I'm in the market for a fretless and these are beautiful! Only seem to have fretted on the website though? Incredibly silly question .... How do you pronounce Maruszczyk?! [/quote] http://www.ispeech.org/text.to.speech?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ispeech.org%2Ftext.to.speech%3Fvoice%3Deurpolishfemale%26action%3Dconvert%26speed%3D0%26text%3DMARUSZCZYK
  21. [quote name='The Hat' timestamp='1455568124' post='2980345'] I was only talking about a simple t shirt , just to show I play. Nothing else [/quote] So something like [url="http://www.wuggle.co.uk/trends/music/mens/bands/band-bass-player-mens-t-shirts.html?gclid=CjwKEAiAi4a2BRCu_eXo3O_k3hUSJABmN9N15OE-TyQasmBs-lAHCQ5ccX2dRW7FSiigC8omV_tQ8hoCiYrw_wcB"]this[/url]?
  22. Glad i could help.
  23. [quote name='Samfordia' timestamp='1455565635' post='2980311'] So I could free up some space by using a daisy chain to power all of them as opposed to the Distributor going into two Isolators and a Doubler. At present I only have one space left to power a pedal, but if I'm understanding correctly then using the daisy chain will give me three extra. [/quote] yeah, use a daisy chain to connect everything together underboard (well, i have my power stuff under), and then use all your distributor places for effects =D.
  24. [quote name='Samfordia' timestamp='1455565140' post='2980301'] Ah, that was a huge help. I actually have Isolators. My Generator powers a Distributor, and the two Isolators come from the Distributor. I have just looked and my fuzz was coming directly from the Distributor as the Isolators are full. This was different from when I used it last as I changed my layout slightly. Using the isolator with the fuzz will certainly help then. Just so I understand.. Your Generator powers multiple things as opposed to just powering the Distributor? If so, do your Isolators not hook up with your Distributor at all? [/quote] I use a daisy chain cable (like one of [url="https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=daisychain+cable&tbm=shop"]these[/url]) to connect all my gigrig bits together. Basically the distributor is the same as those, but make the leads a bit neater. Edit: i would photo how ive got it all set up, but as i change my board about so often i haven't gotten around to cutting the leads down/tidying it all up. Its such a mess at the moment im too embarrassed to show it >.<. edit #2: If i didnt make it clear, i use a daisychain just to free up my distributor. it means i have it available for effects instead of using it to power all my isolators and adaptors.
  25. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1455564890' post='2980296'] If you aren't running that Zoom isolated, you might find your pedals are extra noisy just by having it plugged into the power supply. I've always run a daisy chain, and always had to relegate any Zoom or EHX digital pedals to their own separate 9v supply to cure noise issues. [/quote] just had to check there, but my zoom is on isolator #2. pedals that are from my distributor (not isolated) are: chase bliss wombtone, DHA blend pedal, and mooer lofi machine.
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