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Everything posted by elephantgrey

  1. 17.2~Khz through my Sennheiser HD205s at 7% volume. I'm 26.
  2. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1381183121' post='2235639'] I wouldn't know, I use Macs. Macs sneer at viruses! [/quote] I always find these statements funny. I wonder just how high a percentage of all macs are now bitcoin mines without the owner's knowledge because of this assumption…
  3. Well leaning over to change the volume on your amp while driving is dangerous.
  4. Just a bump to ask how this is coming along. And to say that Im still interested in this, especially if MIDI is added.
  5. I like me a bit of chiptune. That said, with enough effects, basically any genre can be done well on bass.
  6. Some people find blending their clean signal back in makes it sound as two distinct instruments are playing, I find I can get around this by then putting the blended signal through a light OD/Preamp pedal.
  7. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I think the chase bliss tonal recall will probably end up replacing my timefactor. I am also very interested in the WMD geiger counter pro and prostar.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][/font][/color]
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1454612954' post='2971376'] ... or how to compose cogent posts on a forum..? [/quote] [color=#000000]Start at the main foxhound palate. Clipboard the nation of one of the foxhounds, e.g., Mac Basics and Help. Clipboard the Postulate New Thrush byte at the tortilla or bout of the palate. Umpire a thrush toecap in the Thrush Toecap brain and your postulate in the metier brain.[/color]
  9. I like a bit of finger noise when playing, especially through a verb+delay. It adds texture to playing. Just my 2p of course.
  10. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1454607133' post='2971317'] Good performance here from my MXR BOD. It's right at the front of my chain (well, after tuner but before compressor and everything else). I've got the mid-range nailed down, Growl at 10 o'clock, Girth at 2 o'clock, blend to taste. [/quote] Really? Id stick an octave/synth pedal after a compressor to help with tracking.
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1454438835' post='2969781'] There's these, too, of course ... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/McCabe-Stompbox-Stomp-Box-Foot-Drum-Stomper-Walnut-/252272830024?hash=item3abca1e648:g:xNAAAOSw-zxWo9u-"]Wooden Stomp Box ...[/url] [/quote] Is that a wooden box with a pickup in it? Thats actually quite cleaver.
  12. Something like [url="http://www.trapsdrums.co.uk/"]this[/url]?
  13. I never buy Jazz mags from the TV,for fear of being put on a mailing list…
  14. The cons of a 5 are that they're missing a C string.
  15. I think it's the smart decision for the station. Its mission statement isn't to play interesting, clasic, or alternative music, but play what's popular. Figuring out what music that is, is a job beat don't by a computer. I'm still not going to located to it, but then I'm not the stations key demographic. Im shure that those that are will find the station the better for the change though.
  16. Im old enough to know better. Shame i dont. (im 26)
  17. I have a boss rc50 as it was the only reliable looper that synced to midi at the time. Still can't get a small/cheap unit that does.
  18. Darn it, now i want a cardboard Pbass…
  19. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1453901253' post='2963984'] Perhaps not, although I've always thought Mustang Sally would sound much better if it were played through a bitcrusher! [/quote] In my experience, most songs do.
  20. The gigrig generator is 30mm high, so their power system should fit.
  21. From the spec's on their website, it looks like the only difference is the new one is slightly smaller/lighter. Same in every other way by the look of it.
  22. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1453740141' post='2962324'] All but one of my basses is a 4, and the exception is the 8-string. So, technically, you could argue that was a double-coursed 4. I can see the sense and, up to a point, the appeal of extending the instrument's range - though given my own playing style, if I were to invest in a 5er, I'd probably look to extend the range upwards rather than down (i.e., EADGC). [/quote] Why choose? get a 6. Then you can play 2 8ve scales in the same hand position =P.
  23. For about that money you might be able to get a moor lofi machine, or a ehx freeze. Or a feedback loop, causing pedals you own to suddenly be able to selfoscillate is always fun. That or maybe a zoom b1on? Theyre cheep and have lots of options.
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1453728502' post='2962149'] OK... I don't own it anymore but this Atlansia Solitaire used to be mine: [/quote] nice, i like it. Looks like it would be interesting to play.
  25. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1453723340' post='2962070'] Where's the option for 3? [/quote] [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1453725114' post='2962098'] Or 2 or 1? [/quote] Pics please =P
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