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Everything posted by elephantgrey

  1. wow, at that price id think about something like the [url="http://www.juno.co.uk/products/mode-machines-vped-virtual-pedal-board/564330-01//?currency=GBP&flt=1&gclid=CJOXxZroisgCFUfkwgodnboCDg"]Vped[/url].
  2. But then what do they do with their envelope?
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1441821951' post='2862094'] Just joshing, of course. Sorry, I'm a bit bumptious today. For some reason. [/quote] Oh, i was also joking, i think i should probably use emotes more.
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1441808331' post='2861944'] Bitcrusher + Gameboy = Gaylord. [/quote] Well im going to have to go have a very awkward conversation with the GF then…
  5. im confused, I use both a bitcrusher and a gameboy, which one am i? >.>
  6. Id say the built to spill version of freebird: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8whmIaeftQ[/media]
  7. I've been gassing for a warpes vinyl for a while now, thinking it'll have to be my next purchase after the new boiler... And I second the thing about time based effects and tap/midi sync. Im flat out refusing to get ones that don't.
  8. Go post this in the 'show us your pedalboard' thread in the effects section .
  9. Sorry, double post.
  10. You'd think nothing of packing up gear that was no longer needed (with a dj playing) if asecong bad was coming on after, so what is different about this situation?
  11. A gate works by cutting off all sound bellow a curtain volume (set by the dial). Its there to cut out the noise you get with a fuzz when playing a rest Basically, just set the rest of the controls as desired, and then stop playing and turn knob until you just get no noise. P.S. I'm still at the pub, so apologys for bad english.
  12. This is why we cant have nice things…
  13. I'm using the sonuus B2M and the box the GBC is sitting on (lsdjmc2) whatever notes I play on bass to trigger notes inside the sequencing software I have on the GBC (software called lsdj). Its really fun, though I have to play up by the octave until I figure away to transpose the midi data up an octave so lsdj stops dropping the lower notes. Tldr: I'm using the gameboy as a synth pedal triggered by my bass playing. Theres still a few hitches, but realy fun.
  14. I added a couple new toys to my board…
  15. I was in a band once that did a cover of canon in d. Im pretty sure that Pachelbel hates bassists.
  16. If the HB supply has enough current for you, then great. Its really cheap for an isolated supply. If you're like me and have a bunch of thirsty digital pedals through, you're probably better off with the gigrig system.
  17. The sound guy part of me dies a little every time I see a drummer/singer. I think the way 'best' way I've seen it done was a cardioid mic (like a sm58) set with the stand attached to the kit in a way that it pointed up at him, away from the snare.
  18. Well compression makes the quiet bits louder, so usually when they add noise to a signal its noise that's already there but just too quiet to notice/care about. It could just be picking up any noise that comes before it. I would suggest an isolated power for most noise related problems, but with a compression.
  19. I'd first try and fix where the noise is coming from. Unless you are using a fairly extreme compression (and maybe after a fuzz) you shouldn't get that much noticeable noise. What other effects and power supply are you using?
  20. Im looking for a band at the moment, maybe i should try just turning up at gigs and playing with random bands…
  21. Reminds me of when, a few bands back, we would be asked to do charity gigs. They would pay the bouncers, food/barstaff, sound engineer, etc. etc., but would expect bands to play for free/beer because its a charity gig. On majority vote the band usually ended up taking the gigs for exposure, and if anything it led to less and less paid work.
  22. you mean something like [url="https://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/9746629288119051740?q=midi+to+cv&es_sm=93&biw=1366&bih=667&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.100742971,d.d2s&tch=1&ech=1&psi=PEzbVbqrGciIaOXAheAJ.1440435262589.5&ved=0CFkQpitqFQoTCI7R08eXwscCFYQIGgodamYETw&ei=TEzbVY77CISRaOrMkfgE"]this[/url]?
  23. Any bass demos of the twin earth? I like the sounds from Gtar demos, but would like to hear it on bass. Im thinking it might be a nice choice for infront of my IE Frantabit in my blend/feedback loop for glitchy madness.
  24. I don't know if it counts but girls against boys have two bassists. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OEjJXeR1o8c
  25. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1439862797' post='2846352'] Something from Zoom might do you. I've got a B1on. It was around forty quid. [url="https://www.zoom.co.jp/products/guitar-bass-effects/bass"]https://www.zoom.co....ss-effects/bass[/url] [/quote] I second this. Their modelling of the bddi is great and comes with a MIDs control to boot.
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