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Everything posted by elephantgrey

  1. Its a shine bass, dont know what model, and none of the pictures on their website look like it. It does have a bunch of top end to it though, which probably helps.
  2. So i managed to get a cheap B2M, and it arrived today. I Stuck it near the start of my chain (after the i/o buffer and compressore) and it seams to track fine. Ive had no problems so far playing down near the nut, only times it doesnt track properly is when my playing starts to get a bit sloppy. When it does glitch, it seams to always be a note an 8ve under the intended. From all the complaining about it i was expecting it to be a whole lot worse.
  3. I use [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Velcro-Heavy-Duty-Stick-Black-VEL60241/dp/B00186Q9AK/ref=pd_sim_sbs_229_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=1JWYZK5BFH05DNTZ6FN6"]this stuff[/url]. loop to board, hook to pedals. Bit of a warning to others, you only really need a strip on each end of your pedal. if you cover the whole bass of the pedal it becomes difficult to remove from the board. saying that, with all the difficulty ive had prising my pedals off the tape's glue has never failed me. Even with my least stuck-on pedal, i can lift my whole board by a single pedal attached with the stuff.
  4. I love mine. I dont know what i did without it. I use mine at the start of my chain to even out my playing a bit. A good place to look for compression info is Ovnilab, [url="http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/markbass.shtml"]here[/url] is the page for the compressore.
  5. I would suggest getting a compressor with at least threshold, ratio, attack and release controls. Set the threshold and ratio to be quite aggressive, set the release to be all the way down, then play with the attack until it gets nice and thumpy. A pedal with good metering would also help you see what the pedal is doing. You might also want to look up dual-band compression.
  6. Using an OD into a fuzz is almost the norm. There are pedals about that have both in one case, so i doubt its that. Id say its something like the compression caused by the gain pedals is exaggerating some artefacts from the pog.
  7. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1435226516' post='2806646'][i]/quote[/i][/quote] i do like plane enclosures, preferably with a simple design etched into them. examples from my board (stock photos): TRAPco buffer (made by mcgraham) IEfrantabit
  8. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1435012814' post='2804755'] Highly highly unlikely, it's a muff fuzz, probably sits at around 20ma if not less! Si [/quote] shows what i know about fuzz pedals. most my pedals average at about 250ma.
  9. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1435012037' post='2804751'] Awesome board, you have the Tarkin fuzz in your custom? My gig rig isolater made it play up in mine was very odd. Tom looking into it, works fine on the distributor. [/quote] maybe its >150mA? (the max current output of the distributor)
  10. youd be better off with 17 big muffs in a row =P
  11. if you end up selling the b3 only, drop me a pm about the exp. pedal.
  12. hey, would you sell the exp. pedal separately?
  13. Just to piggyback on the thread a little, is there a smaller/cheaper looper with midi yet? i have an RC50 that i put after my board, but want a single phrase looper for the start of my signal chain. This will alow me to capture a smaller loop, play about with effects over it, and then record 4x it onto my RC50.
  14. would these kind of gadgets cause octave/synth/etc. pedals to track better or worse?
  15. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1433975474' post='2795674'] My bass playing is very much fx driven. I have finally settled on the Digitech BP355 and I cannot recommend it enough. The problem is creating awesome fx patches that work within a band context. At the moment we are a 3 piece, but my studio tones will be completely different to my live tones, due to the guitarist being able to over dub and multi track. [/quote] Spend a practice or two just playing with effects settings, and dialing in your collective tone as a band. Theres no point playing tightly if you sound like a muddy mess tonally. if you can blag a loop pedal between you, a good way to do this is to record one members part to the loop, and have the rest play whilst that member tweaks their board (with looper at start of chain). Then give the looper to the next member and repeat until your happy with your sound as a whole.
  16. Ah, okay i see. i misread the problem. the timefacter defiantly cn do that, though ive never needed to as i just set the settings on the dials and then save the patch.
  17. Okay, but id still suggest going the midi rout. Midi is a universal language, so you can use it to change patches on different pedals from multiple brands. Plus it syncs all your time based effects, so your delay/flange/chorus etc are all moving in time with each other. i have a timefactor and i use midi to link it to my looper pedal (boss RC50) and my drum machine(korg electribe esx1). changing patches on the first in the midi chain (master) changes the patches of the others (slaves), and the slaves also sync up there clock to the first. ive been tempted by the mobius as a chorus. This way you can look at each pedal individually instead of being tied to a brand like with a usb option.
  18. [quote name='nuno1959' timestamp='1433960801' post='2795495'][font=Helvetica]I'm VERY fond of using FX on my bass - although i love any kind of bass tone ( within reason ! )[/font][/quote] Pfft, whats this "within reason"? /looks longingly at my bitcrusher in feedback loop. On a serious note, im pretty sure you can change patches (presets i think TC call them) on the nova via midi [you can, check [url="http://support.tcelectronic.com/entries/20993823-Nova-System-Control-Nova-System-presets-via-MIDI"]here[/url]]. So all you need to do is save each song to another preset, and get a midi controller pedal to change between them. You can do this with any/all of the pedals you listed.
  19. so, having seen none of those IRL, am i right to belie that its about the size of an ehx flanger hoax/ 4/3 the size of a compressore or eventide []factor?
  20. yeah, thats just corporate speak for "we just think everyone should use our thing"/"dont sue us if it breaks". I also havnt tried, but see no reason whatsoever that it shouldnt.
  21. just play with to basses, like girls against boys [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEjJXeR1o8c"]www.youtube.com/embed/OEjJXeR1o8c[/url]
  22. Well from the effect i use from the ms60b: both the markbass cab sim and the bddi clone have bass mid and trebble controls (the markbass has a variable mid), so you may not need the eq. How i use it is to have the gate/pre/amp as always on, and then the last slot is whatever i need for the song (usually verb.) that i keep selected so i can bypass.
  23. One option would be the zoom B1on. its a newer but cheaper pedal they do thats 5 xf at once.
  24. Okay, your best bet is the timeloard then. I wasnt suggesting getting the full system if you dont need it, just that if the pedal was =<150ma then you could use the gigrigs isolator with the 1spot. That way you could isolate 4 pedals, but as you need more current than that the timelard is best. If i didnt need such a high current for all my pedals i would probably run a 1spot and daisy chain together gigrig isolators/adapters. Seams a better rout than a t-rex or something cause you can always then expand into a full gigrig system if you gather too many pedals for the 1spot.
  25. I have an evenflo and a doubler (though i use with gigrig system) . They should work seperatly from the rest of the gigrig system. What current is the pedal your trying to power? if its 150ma or lower, for the same price you could just use [url="http://www.thegigrig.com/acatalog/Isolator.html#SID=24"]gigrigs isolator[/url]. the only difference between them AFAIK is that the isolator has 4 outputs at 150ma, and the timeloard has 1 output at higher current. They both take a boss type 9v input, and on my board are both powered by the distributor (gigrigs fancy daisy chain) that is also connected to my polytune.
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