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Everything posted by elephantgrey

  1. The usual places for a compression pedal are at the start to smooth out your playing, at the end to even out your effect, or before a synth/octive type pedal to improve tracking. EQ pedals have diferent effects at diferent points in the chain, best to just try it out yourself.
  2. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1393586695' post='2382206'] Only problem with that, is if he's too clumsy to hit the right pedal, you're just adding another pedal to make things worse! [/quote] I quess so, maybe could sort that with advanced tetris skills.
  3. Or maybe a bypass pedal with an led?
  4. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1392630890' post='2370715'] Take that back.... mine broke this weekend mid rehearsal, footswitch started misbehaving. Funnily enough I've had this happen twice on other TC pedals. Time to order a TU3, anyone got one going spare? [/quote] If its just the bypass swtich failing, theyre true bypass, so shouldnt be a hard fix if you have a soldering iron.
  5. You shoul both just be able to change patches at any time, and as far as i can tell, the one to first start a loop will then set the tempo for the other one until all loops stop. Edit: if your guitarist is still to buy a looper, bear in mind that the RC300 doesnt work as a midi slave at all, except to another RC300.
  6. Thought id make another post here, as i just found [url="http://www.vguitarforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=3367.0"]this[/url] Thread on a diferent website. [quote name='Threeleggedyoyo''] [color=#000000][font=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]Interestingly, I've noticed that if you hook the in and out to the same device (say, a drum machine) this mode will sometimes use the clock of whichever unit is activated first, which is cool.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]However, this doesn't seem to work with everything I've tried it with. I need to experiment more here, but basically YMMV.[/size][/font][/color] [/quote] Whilst most of the thread is about not being able to use RC50 as a slave due to no start message from other effect, it should work with another loop pedal, and does work with a drum machine.
  7. Any update on if you managed to sync the two loopers yet? Ive got a RC50 midi type question, so i thought id tac it onto this one. After talking in this thread i went back to look at my midi setup, i actualy have my midi going electribe>timefactor>RC50, but im not sure that really makes a diference (im pretty sure the RC50 has a thru mode). At the moment, when my RC50 receves a start message (me starting the drum pattern on the electribe), it syncs midi, but also starts recording on the selected phrase, regardless of if [AUTO REC] is pressed on or off. This means that i ve set teh volume on phrase 1 to 0, and i either select that to not record at the start of teh song, or i use another phrase to start recording from that point. This means i essensualy loose a phrase. Does anyone know a way to disable this auto-[AUTO REC] when i receve a midi start message on the RC50?
  8. I really wish zoom would start adding midi to there pedals...
  9. [quote name='flameboy87' timestamp='1391454202' post='2357363'] Ya can understand why its hard to justify a second looper, its just a pity that all the smaller loopers don't seem to have midi. If you don't mind me asking, why do you want a 2nd loop pedal at the beginning of your effects? [/quote] I like the idea of being able to record a loop, and then apply/mess about with different effects on that loop, and then rerecord the loop onto my rc50 at the end of my chain. [quote name='flameboy87' timestamp='1391454202' post='2357363'] Also, if I ran a midi cable from the Midi Out of my RC 50 to my guitarist loop pedal (Midi in) does that mean I am the only one who can control the tempo? is there any way we can both control the tempo depending on who is looping first within a song? [/quote] I dont know if this is posible. You might be able to wire them both up into eachother (your out> his in and vice versa).The RC50 only starts receving tempo over midi when you get a start message, so presumably if you had two of them wired together in a loop whichever starts playing should set the tempo. I havnt tried this, and am not by my pedals right now so i cant look about at setting, but that might be worth a try. Also, before you both walk into practice and start wireing up midi for the first time, it might be worth meeting up and trying to get them to sync up before hand. It can take a little time to read through manuals and scroll through menues when first setting up the pedals (after they should remember your settings for the next time you wire the two together). This can be anoying with other band members forced to sit and watch you play about with pedals and not practicing songs.
  10. [quote name='flameboy87' timestamp='1391381054' post='2356619'] Should any looper with midi in be able to stay the same tempo as the rc 50? Or is it only possible with certain loopers? [/quote] Yes, you should be able to sync any pedal with midi. All you will need is a midi cable between the two of you. I have had thoughts of getting a second looper for the start of my audio chain (my RC50 being near at the end), but have found that most with midi are too big/expencive for what would be a second looper on my board.
  11. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1391329484' post='2355725'] It's a shame drummers don't have MIDI in. [/quote] This and general bad luck with them being unreliable is why i now use a drum machine.
  12. It depends on which loopstation your guitarist has. The RC50 can sync its tempo via a midi cable (without a pc etc), I use mine in the middle of the midi signal chain betweenmy my drum machine (korg electribe ESX) and delay (eventde timefactor). Chain goes ESX > RC50 > timefactor. Look up the RC50's manual (either paper version or google for pdf from the roland/boss website), it should help you out.
  13. Im wondering if you can buy reflective/uv stickers...
  14. An EQ pedal might be a help, most give you a volume control, but also let you boost or cut frequencies a little to help you stand out a little more in the mix.
  15. Something to note with these type effects is that there are both digital Bit depth/samplerate reducers, and also analog aliasing. The analog aliasing is a similar effect as sample rate reduction. The Frantabit's destruction switch switches between sample rate reduction and a simulation of the aliasing effect. I did quite a bit of resurch a while back on these pedals, looking for a digital bitcrusher with bit depth, samplerate, volume and mix controls. I found these: Sonic Crayon - Moth. This pedal has all the controls that i wanted, but was imposible to get hold of. Red Panda bitcrusher - This is a nice one, based in the Line6 Tonecore system. and in stereo. There are some nice videos on YT with this thing, like wireing it through itself again, or making it self occilate, or it being used on a EUB. A little more complicated than i really wanted. Iron Ether - Frantabit. This one is what im GASing over, all the controls i want, and an expression pedal. Hes not taking orders at the moment though =[ Moor - LoFi machine. This one seams nice with its low profile, but its an analog one, so not what im looking for. Death by audio - Robot. No sample rate reduction, and waveforming that i didnt really want. Malekko - Bit. very similar to the LoFi machine. same pro's adn cons really. WMD Geiger Counter. Not a simple enough for my needs, and waveforming options that i didnt want. Hex Bitcrushers. #3 looked interesting, but at a larger footprint than the frantabit, for the same thing OTO Machines - Biscuit. Interesting controls, expencive if i remember right. Catalinbread - Heliotrope. Seams to be a cross between a samplecrate reducer and a vocoder, using your input as a modular signal, and a synth as a carrier signal. weird combination of effect, but not really what i was looking for, and not enough control over the synth for me really. maybe there are internal pots, i dont know. Thats all i can think of off the top of my head, hope that helps a little.
  16. There are a few things i like to use my delay (Time Factor) for, like after an OD when playing up at the octave on the D&G strings, to add a bit more character to a minimal bridge of a song played near the nut, looping the delay back on itself (feedback loop > limiter > delay > feedback loop, just to make sure things dont get damaged) to create wierd dubstep sounds, although i havnt got this trick down enough for live use yet. hella fun though. And thats just on bass, im currently planning on wireing both my guitarist and aux outputs from my drum machine through it, via a volume pedal that i also want to act as a expression to controll the feedback, so it goes up as the volume does.
  17. [quote name='iamtheelvy' timestamp='1390642632' post='2347776'] Getting something perfect off the shelf will be tricky - I'm sure some of the guys will be able to help with the more boutique supplies. Good place to start are the Voodoo Labs supplies. You'd have to check on your requirements but check out the: Pedal Power 2 Pedal Power AC 4x4 Mondo [/quote] None of the voodoo lab pedals have high enough current for a few of my pedals i'm afraid. seems most power supply manufacturers presume that people only have one or two digital pedals, and not as power hungry ones as i have. Thanks for the recommendation anyway. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1390643284' post='2347788'] Ask pantherairsoft (Shep) - he'll know! [/quote] Ill have to drop him a line if i can work out how... until then hopefully he'll drop by here.
  18. I am looking to buy some kind of brick to power all (or as many as possible) of my pedals, preferably all isolated. This seams like it would be an easy task if I hadnt decided early on that I wanted all my time based effects to be synced via midi (and therefore digital and current hungry). I think at the moment I can see a couple of systems that will be able to power most of my board (I say board, but I havent gotten round to ordering some gorm shelves yet...) but even then ill have to have some wallworts, and there doesnt seam to be much room for expansion, and I have some plans (okay, you got me, its GAS). I think it will help if I list the pedals I have / want, so here they are: I have: Boss RC-50 loop station. 9vdc c(center)-ve, 500mA TC polytune1. 9vdc, c-ve, 45ma. A cheap horrible analogue dist, 9vdc, c-ve, 100~ma Zoom ms60b, 9vdc, c-ve 500ma (currently powered via usb) Ehx voicebox, 9vdc, c-ve, 150ma Ehx flanger hoax, 18vdc, c-ve?, 500ma. (Not using atm, as looking for to get it modded with a digital lfo+midi) Eventide timefactor, 9?vdc, c+ve, 1200ma(internet say maybe 600?) Korg electribe ESX, 9?vac, 5?w (not sure, I'm on a train at the moment, I know its ac) Markbass compressore, 12vdc, c-ve, 600~ma What I'm GASing for: Iron ether frantabit (I've got the cash sat waiting but hes not taking orders at the moment =[) Midi foot controller for ESX A chorus with midi sync Valve boost to replace compressores makeup gain for double valveya walmness Synth pedal with -1 oct sine+triangle & -2 sine Some expression pedals Problems I'm having at the moment with looking for a supply are: Non isolated outputs Not enough/lack of high current outputs Compressore being 12v and 600ma (so gigrig adapter doesn't work) Combination of different voltages The ESX being AC I'm looking at the gigrig system (no compatibility for compressore and esx) and the fuel tank goliath (no room for expansion) Anyone have any idea/advice? And thanks in advance, Elephantgrey.
  19. PM'ed RE: compressore
  20. Someone should really sticky a link to that website, its the answer to so many compression threads here. Edit: grammar...
  21. If you use an effect with a dry out at (or relatively close to) the start of your chain, you can use the dry out into your tuner, so you can have that always on without having to mute your signal.
  22. My RC-50 has multiple inputs and outputs, with seperate input gains for each input (see below). dont know if there is a way to switch between inputs. what i would do is have electric into inst (mono), mic into MIC, and then acoustic into AUX, send main output to amp and SUB OUTPUT to PA, then program MIC and Aux to SUB and use killswitches to mute either the electric or acoustic.
  23. What is the amperage of the powerbank?
  24. i love my old EHX flanger hoax, amazing bit of kit. Does everything from phase to flange to self-occilation. Only reason its not on my current board is i want to get it modded with a digital LFO so i can temposync it with the rest of my board via midi.
  25. elephantgrey

    hot hand

    I dont see how an expression pedal wouldnt be superior, they do the same thing but without using up one of your hands.
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