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Everything posted by elephantgrey

  1. Before I try this, does it keep your presets still, or will I have to write down settings first?
  2. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1496274332' post='3310196'] Speaking of mini...what chance any manufacturer producing a 200W+ pedal board power amp? Something this sized, but geared to bass players: http://www.quilterlabs.com/index.php/productpage/microblock-45 I suspect this would create a storm! [/quote] I would buy that.
  3. I am thinking of replacing my eventide time factors with a chase bliss tonal recall, but the TR doesn't do dotted 1/4 notes (crotchets​), only dotted 1/8 notes (quavers). I use dotted 1/4 alot on my TF, but am still GASimg for the TR​. It's also smaller, so I would be able to get a reverb on my main board. Is there a way I could 1/2 the midi tempo going g into the pedal? I don't really use super short delays anyway. Preferably I'd like something that 1/2s the TRS midi so I don't have to have 2 empress midibox's. Or even would it be possible for someone to mod a midibox's so one output is 1/2the tempo?
  4. How are you powering it? Like by a wallwort/daisy chain/isolated? Mine is quite noisy when daisy chained with some other pedals, but behaves when isolated.
  5. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1495538470' post='3304520'] Whaaaaaa? I had no idea! I have the XT solo with the sync connectors. I must go check this out! THANKS! [/quote] I use one with my jamman express. I needed a small/cheap looper that syncs to midi for the start of my chain, and this was the only solution I could find. Makes the jamman lime actually useable for me (just imo).
  6. If it's one of the jamman that uses jamsync, there's a box you can buy called a syncman that will sync it up to midi.
  7. I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned an envelope filter. They are a fun/showey effect.
  8. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1495302238' post='3302869'] @Blue He didn't say effects in the OP Just pedal so I reckon tuner and compressor is allowed especially as some doncolour your tone [/quote] He did say fun/wow-factor/interesting though.
  9. Get a bitcrusher. I really like the iron ether frantabit. The mooer lo-fi machine is also good, and I also have my eye on the meris ottobit jr.
  10. Honey Is Cool. I wish I knew about them when they where still about.
  11. Do and of the toneprints on the TC pedals let you hold down the footswitch to affect things/do a swell?
  12. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1494102482' post='3293343'] I don't see the need for a blend. On full range low gain devices, they only serve to dilute all that delicious tone. They are only useful on heavier distortions or drive circuits that drop low end in my experience. I know you can crank a VT1 to get something approaching a fuzz, but I doubt that's how most people use theirs. [/quote] I would vote for the blend. More options are always good. If some don't want it, they can keep 100% wet, and it will still be there for those that do. Also, I've always dug the whole paint splatter and hand written thing. Love it on my blend loop.
  13. I ABed the ehx nanoPOG and pitchfork at a local music shop. Both sounded and tracked great (to my ears), even with chords on a 5er that had open E or B notes. I ended up going with the pitchfork mainly because of utility. Between the two, just go for the one with the controls you like.
  14. Don't know of any 18v to 12v adapter, but if you have an unissolated 9v available gigrig do a 9v to 12v adapter. http://www.thegigrig.com/supanova-c2x17796185
  15. Are there any UK based pedal companies that offer custom pedals (/mods to there own pedals) that do a reverb as stock? I'm just looking at options, trying to build a shortlist of interesting pedals ATM. Going to wait till the sauce audio comes out and then try and decide which one I want.
  16. Sounds like a 2 stage phaser to me.
  17. Midi sync just keeps all your time based effects in time. So your looper, delay, drum machine, and all your modulations' LFOs keep start and end at the same time (or fractions of). It's especially useful for loopers, as most will quantise to the beat. This means you don't have to be perfect with you foot tapping to get the loop to sound good/keep in time.
  18. What might be worth doing is setting up a few identical patches, including and other effects you use. Then as you gig save each patch as you go. I think this would be the most practical way of getting a bank of patches that actually work.
  19. Okay. After spending the weekend on YouTube watching every reverb review/demo I could find, here are my top picks (no particular order):- BLACKOUT EFFECTORS - CUSTOM MODIFIED CADAVERNOUS mkII. A simple reverb, but with a huge depth of controlls. Has a swell switch, expression input and can be modded for an fx loop by blackout fx. (No modulation, so no MIDI needed) MERIS EFFECTS - MERCURY7. Plate/cathedral reverb. Has a swell switch, MIDI/EXP input and unbelievable tweakability for its size. EMPRESS - REVERB. Huge selection of sounds on this thing, MIDI sync, very tweekable. Only downside is there's no way to have a swell switch and midi at same time. SAUCE AUDIO - VENTRIS. Amazing looking pedal. Loads of different types of reverbs, loads of tweaking, MIDI. No obvious way to swell, but may be able to set that up on pc. OLD BLOOD NOISE ENDEAVOURS - DARKSTAR. The pitch and bitcrusher modes sound amazing from the videos. I'd have to play with the delay function to see if I could get on with it without tempo sync. Sounds like you can set it suptley and still turn the hold switch into a self occupation switch though. Pedals I'm probably not going with but deserve a mention:- SMALL GREY PEDALS - EUROPA REVERB. Nice sounding and has a feedback/swell switch. Probably just a bit simple control-wise for me, which is a shame. FLUX EFFECTS - LIQUID AMBIANCE. If only they had a version with an expression, a week loop (instead of the dry), and and the more switch increased the space control instead of the evolve. Some nice features on this, they are all just not quite what I'm looking for. Again, it's a shame. Anyone tried any of these/have any thoughts on any of them? Also, if theses anything you think that I've missed please let me know.
  20. Just wanted to say, there's been some seriously nice boards on here recently.
  21. I have an ehx pitchfork, and ABed it at the shop Vs the nanopog. Both track well down to an open B. Would recommend either.
  22. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1493388882' post='3288007'] ^ I think the Distributor is the equivalent to a daisy chain rather than the Isolator. [/quote] Yeah, sorry, thats what i meant. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1493388882' post='3288007'] some spend loads on delays, bitcrushers, modulation etc [/quote] That sounds too much like me. Weird noises are fun.
  23. Some things to think about when starting off: Power supply. I am a big fan of the gigrig system, supper flexible and expandable (you will probably end up either expanding your board or giving u effects. I've not seen many that finish their board). If you don't want to make the commitment though I'd recommend going for something like the 1spot and daisy chaining up gigrig isolators and adapters. I wouldn't get a gigrig isolator though, they are just fancy daisy chains. Switching. Do you want to switch your effects either via midi patches or a switch pedal? Midi sync. If you are using alot of modulation/delay/a looper, you might want to sync everything up. Board size/pedal size (/weight). I've given up on this. I've gone for a main essentials board, and then my 'fun' board. If it's important to you though I'd recommend top mounted jacks.
  24. The meris Mercury 7 pedal looks good as well. Also, the ottobit looks amazing. Im really tempted by it, but have to keep telling myself that I need a reverb pedal more than a 3rd bitcrusher.
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