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Everything posted by elephantgrey

  1. It looks so much more useable for turning (Yaw) L/R, instead of rotating (Roll) L/R (which was my first assumption).
  2. I would be interested, if getting to practice would require a plane ride for me. Let us know how this turns out.
  3. So i went into town today to do some xmas shopping, and got home with no presents, and an EHX Pitch Fork. I went into a local music shop for a break from wandering round shops, and asked if i can test how the nanoPOG tracked on a low B. While i was noodling with that the guy came back to show me the Pitch Fork. Tracks just as well but has a load of other features, and a lower price. The 'D' mode is a nice chorus sound, which was unexpected. Got home and spent about an hour with the PF a delay and a bitcrusher in a feedback loop. Some great ambient glitchy sounds to be had there.
  4. Obligatory link to [url="http://www.ovnilab.com"]ovnilab[/url]. I use a markbass compressore, but that's better for just evening up your playing, and adding a bit of attack. At least the way I use it.
  5. Depends what your looking for. I use a ChaseBliss Wometone mkII. So much tweakability. I usually feed it a midi clock (via a empress midibox) and the CV from my envelope filter (WMD Protostar). I sync its LFO to the midiclock, and then change the depth and volume with the envelope, which turns it into a weird synced up envelope phaser (and gate for the dirt pedals i put before it). It can also do less weird things i guess (like regular phasing) but i haven't really tried that… I also have a EHX Flanger Hoax, which is basically a normal phaser, twinned with a static phaser (no LFO), and can be set to self oscillate. I would use this a lot more if I could sync the LFO to midi.
  6. http://youtu.be/vJMLJVha5sw
  7. Another option would be [url="http://www.thegigrig.co.uk/power-supplies"]the GIGRIG system[/url]. Run a daisy chain from the Distributor and use a [url="http://www.thegigrig.co.uk/supanova-c2x15357221"]SupaNova[/url] for your DHA(you can check adapter recommendations [url="http://www.thegigrig.co.uk/PBCPPlayer.asp?ID=1620745"]here[/url]) and use Isolators for your other pedals (if isolation is a thing you worry about, otherwise connect them straight to the daisy chain).
  8. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRHsYXHaofg[/media] Is this a modified ChaseBliss Gravitas? Is Joel(of ChaseBliss) Involved? Why only make 10? Why am i GASing for this when i already have a gravitas? How would it sound on bass anyway? Is it any good for metal?
  9. If you want to easily bypass multiple effects at different times during a song, go for the b3. If you want a smaller footprint, go for the ms60b. Anything else (cheaper/more effects at a time/etc) go for the b1(x)on.
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1479891072' post='3180011'] The differences in level between instrument (before the amp) and line (in the effects loops) shouldn't be such that they will damage your pedals. It might not sound very good if your pedal doesn't have sufficient headroom to prevent input clipping, but unless it has been poorly designed with low tolerance components, it won't break. [/quote] I guess i might just be over cautious about this kind of thing. Just seen too many peices of equipment go up in (literal) smoke after someone put the wrong signal into it.
  11. I would be careful of putting effects in your amps FXloop, as it's a higher sinal level and this could perhaps damage them. RTFM at least before trying it.
  12. I have a TRAPco i/o buffer, and love it. I would probably be interested in this service if the pedal GAS would ever subside/I could go a week without moving my signal chain about.
  13. What do I choose to have 2 bitcrushers?
  14. The zoom b1on has an ampeg sim, that might work for the tone your looking for. I would try on ms60b (same FX models) bit I'm away from my board.
  15. Would [url="http://www.hotroxuk.com/dan-electro-free-speech-talk-box-dtb1.html?utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=organic&gclid=CjwKEAiAr4vBBRCG36e415-_l1wSJAAatjJZYbU-NEu6dO2kVgWA85Q7pHunaH16UOB6SxGtv8rWtRoCLVvw_wcB"]this[/url] do? pretty sure that its 9v center negative. And they say its in stock.
  16. Does it have to be a talkbox, or would a vocoder work?
  17. Any chance of pic's of the robot destruction? A basic search is showing me different layouts for it.
  18. My bitcrushers. My IE Frantabit was my first real GAS, and it took over five years for me to get one (being a pennyless teen for most of that). To this day, I still have moments where I just look at it and it makes me smile. Sure, I could get along fine without (and have done) but bitcrushers make me happy. Probably something about how they make me sound objectively worse, but subjectively better.
  19. I always find the most interesting part of pedals is how they interact with other pedals. How about doing demos showing how different pedals react to each other. Not necessarily 'take 2 pedals and show how they sound together' and more 'how will adding this pedal affect the rest of my board' especially at different settings, and in different positions.
  20. Others to try if SFX doesnt meat your fancy: [url="http://www.brightonion.co.uk/"]Bright Onion pedals[/url], [url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/"]DHA[/url], or [url="http://www.cogeffects.co.uk/"]COG[/url].
  21. [url="https://www.amazon.co.uk/VELCRO-Brand-Heavy-Duty-Stick/dp/B00186Q7XY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1476113340&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=heavy+duty+velcro&psc=1"]This Stuff[/url]. Replace the loop side on board, and hook side on pedals, leave alone for 24hrs before you fix the pedals to the board, I can lift my board up by 1 pedal with this stuff, and thats harder on my wrist than the velcro.
  22. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1476046290' post='3150853'] Same builders, different brands. [/quote] oh really, cause this [url="https://www.public-peace.de/index.php/electric-guitars/is-mensingerguitars/arcadia-j/1437-arcadia-j-elephant-grey-hollowbody150103"]ARCADIA J 'Elephant Grey' Hollowbody[/url] is just beautiful. I would love a 6er jake with the same woods/finish. and no, its not just cause its called that
  23. [quote name='DuncanF' timestamp='1476048258' post='3150879'] I think that there's an assumption that nurdling on a bass needs to be done in a band/gig context. My father played the piano but no one suggested he should look for a keyboard gig. Ditto friends who like to strum their acoustic guitars. When I told a (bass playing, gigging) friend that I was thinking of committing(*) bass, his first reaction was that I should get out and gig as soon as I could tell one end from the other. So piano, guitar, fine to play by yourself. Bass, not so much? Where do other instruments fall in this spectrum I wonder? (*) I'd almost certainly be arrested for crimes against music should I try to play the bass in public! [/quote] While i dont think you need to be in a band to play bass, and mostly just noodle about making wierd noises with bass+pedals in my bedroom, i do think that playing in a band (on any instrument, but especially bass/guitar/drums) is a great way to learn.
  24. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1475958827' post='3150144'] I marked all my gear with smart water, when I have sold gear I have used the smart water as an asset telling the buyer to keep my details as if it is ever stolen and is subsequently recovered it would show my details and I will have some kind of record to show who I sold it to and when, buyers have not been put off in any way [/quote] Good to know.
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