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About RonM

  • Birthday 30/11/1949

RonM's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)


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  1. RonM


    I'm currently using a set of weedwhacker synthetic gut strings that I got off eBay. Having been a user of gut strings for many years, I was amazed to find that these (for me, anyway,) behave like a good set of guts but without the string prep needed for Arco, not only that, but as they're synthetic theY're not affected by changes in temp and humidity. I'll be staying with these strings, I mean at about £45.00 a set compared with the £150 - £200 a set for guts it puts a lot of pennies back in my pocket
  2. It beats going by bus
  3. [quote name='BassInMyFace' timestamp='1337017896' post='1654129'] ummmmmm just been starting to play a bit of flamenco with some mates. think i might give up now.............. pretty epic. [/quote] Never give up, never give in, Practice, my friend, is the way thou shalt win
  4. A new technique and a new challenge,;;;; I like!!!!! Awesome playing though, thanks for the video link
  5. I'm currently trying out a set of weedwhackers synthetic gut strings and I must say I'm impressed so far. They play like a good set of guts but without all the string care and maintenance of the real ones, and, boy are they easy on the fingers or what!!!! They seem to be equally good whether played pizza or Arco and stay in tune. You can get 'em on eBay for about £45 Inc p & p. So if any else is tempted I'd be interested in how you find them.
  6. Ever tried a set of Baritone Guitar Strings, I use them on my modded up telecaster, these seem to fit between bass and guitar quite nicely. The band I'm currently with means playing EUB on some numbers, bass guitar on others, but when I need to rock the tele gives me a good depth for bass and rythmm guitar combined
  7. Unfortunately space where I now live is at a premium so at present I own a Mazetti short scale, a J & D Brothers jazz bass copy, a stagg EUB and an Archer contrebass. Also rebuilding a hofner violin bass. I don't think the number of basses you own really matters as you can only play one at a time (unless your an octopus, the god Shiva, or had some serious transplant surgery,)
  8. Thanks to all who have made me feel welcome. I started at 6 years old with an old cello that had belonged to a cousin and a big stack of old 78's. I was lucky in that there were a iot of jazz tunes amongst them. I now divide my time in working to help young adults communicate through music and playing bass with Gerry Scales & The Lost Planet Cowboys. xR
  9. Hi Ricky, I bought myself an Archer a couple of years ago, and after I recently had it set up,(having played it for a couple of years) it is now emminently playable, and certainly one of the basses I've ever played. Ex demo or new, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. I mean mine played straight out of the box after tuning up, of course
  10. I'm in New Cross SE14. Equipment at moment consists of an Archer contrebass, stagg EU bass, J &D jazz bass and a Mazeti bass, Amplification is a vampower 90 combo and a h & h 300 watt monitor for the eub & contrebass
  11. I'm having problems getting my photo on to my profile page. I've tried evrrything I can think of to no avail. Van anyone help please.
  12. Just wanted.to.say hello to you all. It seems like I've been playing bass forever and there's still no end on sight, but as they say the show must go on.
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