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police squad

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Everything posted by police squad

  1. Firstly, I couldn't find a section on the site to post this wonderful information. I've recently been playing bass for my friends Sean & Mandy. They are the parents of the young drummer lad, who was on Britains got talent a few years ago, (His name is Kieran Gaffney). ( he is unbelievably good. Great technique and he actually listens to the bass player). Now, Sean & Mandy (Mandy was totally ripped to shreds by Simon Cowell, which is a bit unfair really) are pros. That is to say, they make a living from their playing. So, they bought this PA system, made by QSC. Each cab is 1000 watts each and is full of DSP trickery, They use the K12 tops and the Ksub bass units. I was so impressed with the power and the portability that I also invest the necessary £3K to buy the same rig. So, last night I decided to do a full band mic up. DI the bass guitar and Good grief!!!! Everyone I spoke to commented on the unbelievable quality of sound. They could hear the vocals perfectly and moreover, the effects of the voices became totally crystal clear. I used this rig in my Police tribute band a couple of weeks ago and it got the same comments, especially from the people that come to see us a lot. If anyone is looking for a new sound system, you really need to check this stuff out.
  2. nice, did you relic the poly finish? how did you get the checking?
  3. I'd use it on more than a couple. A crew? in my dreams )
  4. no idea, but probably more than I could afford at the moment. pm me if you like
  5. I can't wait. But I'm gonna have to wait for it. John at Bravewood is a bigger Sting fan than me. He sounds like a really top bloke. This bass will be used by me, in my Police Tribute band. Normally I play a young Sting, 'flying suit, shades and a Fretless 70's P Bass' but this gives me the oppurtunity to play a grown up Sting too. anyone got a Van Zalinge Z bass for sale?
  6. looking for £50. plus £15 shipping It seems what ever price you put, people try and knock you down,
  7. I've had this from new, about 10 years now. Bought new gear and now it's time to move it on. It's been covered its whole life and is in good nick. Front grill is a bit pressed in but not too bad really. It's on fleabay and I can ship for £15 quid. Definately one speaker is done for. The rest are all ok but because they are wired in pairs, one down means the other one of its pair is also down. So, put a meter across and swapped them about and defo, only one blown. I went to my local music shop today, to see if they had a speaker (they sell a lot of hartke stuff) and they had an aluminium speaker from a bugera. It's 8 ohms and looks just about the same AND it works. I've put in and it sounds fine. I'll even leave the very heavy duty castors on it £50 plus shipping (£15) This is a USA made cab and is well built PM me if you're interested cheers Sting!!
  8. would love the fretless for my police tribute band
  9. shame, I was really interested, but it needs to be the P/J thanks anyway Sting
  10. is this like the bass Sting used on the 1983 tour?
  11. Hi Phil, one speaker sounds loud and normal and the other 3 sound quieter and cannot cope with any bottom end. (hence compressed) I wouldn't bother replacing them anyway, I'd rather flog the cab 'as is' cheers
  12. Ok fellow bass chatters, here's the rub. I've recently changed my bass gear to ampeg PF500 and markbass cabs because after 10 years of Hartke and recently playing with a friends band with a keyboard player, my sound just seemed awful. I use an old P bass with a HA3500 head into a USA made TP410. The cab has been really well looked after but for the past 3 years has lived in the van. Now I read somewhere on this site, that the ally coned speakers don't like the temperature change and it affects them. I get sound from all 4 speakers but 3 of them sound compressed. I want to sell the cab as I now have new gear, I'm not bothered about getting top dollar, just want to get shot of it . How can I tell if the drivers are shot, (physically as opposed to audibly) your thoughts please folks thanks Sting (in my tribute band anyway)
  13. well my first gig with the lightweight cabs was great. stacked the 2 cabs up (first time I've stacked anything in nearly 20 years) and got some fantastic wallop. best of all I can carry the 1x15 std cab with one hand.
  14. interesting list of stuff here, I started in 1981 with Tempest SG shaped bass. (same as a Kay) 2 years later and late 70's Fender Musicmaster 6 months later, Manson Explorer bass, then in 1986 traded that for an Aria SB-R150 then when I started gigging hard they came and went, Vox white shadow fretless another aria, with P & J p/ups Gibson EB0 late 70s P bass, maple board mid 70s P bass, rosewood board Hamer Scarab Hohner steinberger copy Washburn B-2A Guild B301 Jaydee Mark King Rick 4001 '62 P bass '62 re-issue P bass '75 P bass, which I bought in 1990 and am still gigging with (this shows you the time line Status 4000 another Manson explorer with an abelone tiger inlaid into it another Jap P bass that was it till about 2000, all I had was the 75 P bass then came, Fender P bass Lyte Musicman SUB Fender Sting bass Hofner contempory violin bass fender jazz bass special Fender japan, 70's reissue maple board fretless squier Jazz stripped back to wood and oiled (to look like Stings old jazz) retrovibe rv4 *icken*acker copy. (sold just 2 weeks ago) I think that's it. I'm in a Police tribute band, hence the fretless and Sting bass. my number 1 is still my 75. Used it last night. an incredible bass. I wish I had pictures of them all
  15. lanterns is a horror John, luckily haven't played there for years. I figure these cabs are cheap enough and if I don't get on with them I'm sure I can move them on easily enough. fingers crossed they'll do what I want. We're starting to DI the bass on nearly all the gigs now. I think you'll love the pa John. The bass sounded great thru it at the frenchman on thursday (with police tribute)
  16. just a quick update. Decideded against the mark traveller cabs as too many people say they are bottom end lite. decided that I needed to try the club series, then remembered my local music shop had a s/h 1x15 std mark. went there to have a look/listen. he also had a club 115. how much Dave? I asked. £250 each cab. so obviously I bought them both. got a gig tonight depping for some friends, so I'll try my hartke ha3500 through them. order my ampeg PF500 next week. now looking for club 2x10
  17. [quote name='StraightSix' timestamp='1333634594' post='1604593'] Let's reverse the question - why do you thing mixing speaker sizes is good...? [/quote] always done it in the past with good results. I'm not an anorak when it comes to my bass sound but some of the best sounds I've heard at my level, (I'm a pub and club player) have been with 15s and 10s. I find 15s too middley sounding and 10s lack a little thump. I'm trying to get the best of both worlds without back breaking consequences.
  18. Help!!! don't we mix 10s and 15s anymore. what's changed and when, (I've obviously spent too long playing guitars) JT, yes, ampeg into mark bass. It did sound incredible and you've met my wife, she's got short arms so we want the smaller cabs , that way she can lift them about on her own. I thought the mix of the 2 sizes is good. please, more info
  19. just a quick update. I wanted to try the pf500 and the MB500 side by side through mark cabs. I did. ampeg wins hands down on tone. it's a little heavier, but that sound really suits my playing. I once recoreded a promotional track for my amp company (I used to make valve guitars amps with a friend of mine) with Chris Tsangarides (Gary moore, malmsteen, judas priest and anyone in between) and he plugged my trusty old P bass into an ampeg valve di box. Every since then I've wanted to go Ampeg. It's appears the best price for the cabs is Thomann. 115 TP and 210TP cheers chaps
  20. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1333023170' post='1596282'] This happens a lot chief - the secret is a competitive price and very short listing, so you're done before someone wakes up to it. [/quote] yeah I guessed that now. I'll see how it goes
  21. not on fleabay, tha bastards have pulled the ad, apparently the american company says it infringes their IP. It's not like I'm trying to con anybody with a twohundred quid guitar is it. It's not a fake either. it's a genuine retrovibe RV4 in white
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