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police squad

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Everything posted by police squad

  1. Having just re-read this from the start Over the years I have noticed how different desks sound different to each other. I know that sounds a bit daft but 24 years ago I bought a Peavey XR800 powered desk and matched it to Electro Voice SX100+ cabs. My vocal sound through this little system was (and still is actually) really really good. Full and deep with no harshness or feedback, SM58s all the way here. 15 years or so ago I bought a new Wharfedale powered system (it was cheap and suited my needs) and an Allen and Heath Zed-FX22. It sounded pretty good most of the time until one day I noticed a horrible harshness, in a horrible sounding room. I couldn't EQ out, I just turned the whole thing down a little. 3 years later I ditched the Wharfedales and went QSC K12 plus 2 Ksub. Awesome, really lovely, natural and rich sounding. I also did many gigs without the subs (sounded great) but my 22 channel desk was a bit big to lug about, so I bought a Behringer something. 8 inputs, small with eq. Yep it sounded ok or so I thought. I got used to how it sounded, then it started to play up, making weird white noise, which when I turned the FX off, it was fine. So I dragged out the old AH ZED-FX OH MY!! Like night and day. So I bought a smaller AH ZED-FX and it's wonderful. My point here, it could be your desk. It must be worth trying a different desk
  2. I bought a Tech 21 VT bass pedal and I think it nails the sound. I plugged it into my Hartke HA1400 2x10 combo (in my office of course) and was blown away by the sound I should try it on a gig sometime
  3. I once was lucky enough to work with Chris Tsangarides and this is exactly how he miked up the drums. He had a length of wood that he put on the snare and at the end, the overhead. Then he did the same sideways, pointing towards the hi-hat. I shall start adopting this way, next time I have a drummer that need micing up
  4. I think I had a red one for a while. Certainly very similar, washburn, pointy headstock about 1989
  5. I would just play it. I like the feel of bits of laquer missing. It helps me know where I am on the fingerboard. My '73 P bass has loads missing
  6. you're allowed to take a personal instrument with you on holiday if you want. Afterall you can take others things can't you? The whole contents of your motor home are possesions aren't they. I've never been checked on the way out of the uk, either tunnel of ferry
  7. wow, I came to the bass after the violin too. I was 13. (1981) No lessons, I just worked it out really. I wished I'd kept up the violin now. As Reggaebass suggested, show him some stuff and see how he goes. If he's good on the violin and has good theory it's very transferable
  8. yep look after yourself and take it slowly. I slipped a disk mid April. I still have no plans to get back to gigging. Just make sure you're fully repaired
  9. Maybe a left over from Eddie Van Halen's work interesting pickup though, looks to be about the spot of a normal P bass
  10. RM500 EVO II, really awesome head. Best bass sound I've ever had. I've had it since November 2018 and its brill!!
  11. yes I do, the MI pro was much cheaper than the senn. I was all set to buy the Senn system but have taken a leap of faith. I do about 50 gigs a year, all mainly pubs and so far the MI Pro has been faultless. But I've used it only a handful of times as I slipped a disc a couple of months ago and cant gig atm. The MI pro was about 400 quid cheaper and someone needed to try it. The audio quality is superb I'm 8 gigs down so far, if you wait another 6 months I'll have more feedback on it
  12. I use the sennheiser EW G4 mic system and it's awesome Your IEMs will sound excellent thru it
  13. I do one gig a year with a band with keys, 3 x guitars, bass guitar, guest acoustic player and three singers I used a ZedFX 22 which works fine, only I have IEMs. The CQ20 is smaller, takes up less room. I might even learn to record the gig etc and put different FX on different things I just want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Damn you people!! I'm going to have to buy the CQ-18 i think, if I ever get better and back to gigging!! (slipped disk) I'm a massive A&H fan and have 3 versions of the Zed-FX (small, Bigger and bigger still) I would never have thought of putting different FX on different channels, that must be a good reason to buy one!!
  15. I would look at somethng by QSC. They have a great reputation and my now 10 years old K12s and subs have been faultless (new power switch put on one cab, did it myself, very easy). I have no idea if they make class D stand alone amps but worth a look turns out they do GXD 4 looks ok.
  16. it looks great but come on Sting, take the clip on tuner off!!🤣
  17. you're advice has been excellent. I am still with the first set of ks10 but I have now got the ZARS to try. I get a really great seel with comply tips. I also bought the MIpro 58 wireless based on your advice and it really rocks. Would I go back to not using IEM, as you say, not on your nelly. It has been an absolute game changer for me. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING sounds better. I sing better, I play better, therefore the audience get a better performance. I dont bash 7 bells out of my bass to hear it above all the other racket and I love my bass sound thru my IEMs, tight, fat...epic
  18. 1974 would be Poly I would just leave it as it is, I like that kind of finish
  19. I bought this from DV247 FBSS610 Short-Scale Bass Gig-Bag (Black) it was 31 quid. It's not the heaviest duty thing, but my gear only goes in and out of my car, so it's ok for me Andertons have them at 38 quid GAK have something at 30 quid
  20. I've got a fender one, its a perfect fit so they do exist
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