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police squad

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Everything posted by police squad

  1. I love my PF500 but perhaps I should try one.
  2. sounds great to me Lozz. Is it ampeggy, if you know what I mean
  3. anyone got one? what does it sound like. I have a FB friend that uses an ABM900 and it sounds really great. Thoughts lovely people
  4. I worked it out long ago but by chance. Stumbled into P bass ownership in about 1988. Maple board, alder body 1978. Loved it Bought another, this time rosewood board. again late 70's. Loved it even more. Then started playing a JayDee Mark King. Hated it. Too much to fiddle with and I lost my way. Then a hamer Scarab. Wonderful bass, didn't like the sound Squier JV jazz bass. Yeah not bad at all Then I found my '73 P bass in london. Traded in an Aria SBR-150 that I didnt like the sound of. This rosewood board, alder bodied bass became my goto for nearly 25 years. Others have come and gone but this is it. Ampwise, Trace Elliot, yeah ok I suppose, Then Marshall Jubilee 300. Very good. Then another Trace and it was average again. Then Hartke HA3500. Loved it with its transporter 4x10. Then I bought a Musicman SUB stingray. Absolutely hated the sound until one day (so confused about settings) I set the amp flat. BINGO, a real lights on moment. Just a slight tweak here and there and it was amazing. What ever I plugged in sounded good. My 73 P bass was even more awesome. If in doubt I go back to my 73. These days ampeg PF-500 into a small Mark bass 1x15. Ultra bass switched in and the rest fairly flat. It's as good a sound that I've ever had. My Flea bass sounds ace through it as do all my police basses. But again, alder body, maple neck, rosewood board and the pick up in the Fender sweet spot and I'm happy and I know it will work for me
  5. I'm 50 in a couple of weeks, which makes our singer 74 apparently. You wouldn't know it though
  6. interesting but mainly similar stories. My early bands, same singer. We left our first band together as we got a much better offer from 2 other blokes, plus the guitarist was having an affair with a groupie and I couldn't really cope with it. His wife was lovely and I wanted no part. 2nd band, the singer started an affair. again I didn't want to be anywhere near it, so left. Brings me to my current band. I rejoined this band because the band leader and bass player had terminal cancer and his singer had left. Music had kept him going throughout his treatment. I went back happily. He lasted another 4 months but importantly gigged right up until he passed (3 gigs in 3 days was his swansong) Fast forward 3 years and it's like herding cats. We recruited the original singer (band has been going 31 years now) and it was a laugh. We work well together, a real frontman/ sideman thing. But he now has terrible memory problems. He literally can't remember what he did 10 minutes ago and it makes calling the set out a challenge. He knows he has problems and he's had all sorts of tests. It really is hard work but we still have great gigs. Added to this, the guitarist does PA hire and I never know if he's gigging or not and he tries to call the set out but has no idea how to make it flow. I am, chief cook and bottle washer. I get no help. I'm hoping it will fold as I don't want to let them down by leaving. I just don't know what to do
  7. that has made me want to take mine out this weekend. GLWTS great basses
  8. you scum bag, you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot That little faggot with the ear ring and the make up leave em be
  9. me too, I know a drummer who plays with Steve Bolton and I've asked him if Steve is doing it but not heard yet
  10. I can't find out who is in his touring band for this tour. Any ideas
  11. REALLY? ARE YOU SERIOUS? This is as bad as people that think the wood doesn't make any difference to the tone. Pickguard on the 51 totally flips up the sound. It messes with the resonance, this is why Sting's bass tech (Danny) removes them. (er... just joshing. When new, pickguard all the way. When beat up, n pickguard)
  12. I've actually just shared this to my facebook page, you never know, some of my FB friends may donate. They are mostly musos and it may touch their hearts too
  13. you just haven't played the right one. I have been a P bass user since 1988. Love em, all shapes and sizes. I've had a '62 with its wide shallow neck, my '73 is chunky(ish) and I've had old Squiers and my Bravewood. All slightly different necks but all still lovely. Now, 2 years ago I bought the Fender Flea bass. Finally a jazz bass that works for me. I've never been a fan of the slim neck or the pickups, but the Flea packs a punch in all departments Worth trying one (it's all I play in my pub rock band)
  14. the pickups in the Flea jazz are very good. '64 re issue from fender IIRC
  15. I remember John at Bravewood building that bass. He (like me) is a big fan of Sting. I also have the jap version, its very good but that Bravewood will be awesome good luck with the sale
  16. police squad


    he was trying to get a precision sound from his Ricks. He loved the rick shape but wanted a P bass sound. However, they still sounded like ricks
  17. I think it looks cool. I sometime take a fretless to my rock band gigs. It just looks great
  18. my Fender Flea jazz bass. So it was about 800 quid. I grew up lusting after Herbie Flowers Jazz, stack pots, blue etc. But I have a thing for shell pink too. shell pink, stack knobs (but I love P basses right) It's still my number one after 2 years
  19. I don't change anything. I set it for one sound, manually. Think the intro to Don't stand so close to me. I didn't think it would store different patches but I'm not very techy. Now pass me my mobile phone so I can see what my settings are!! I Photographed the minitaur settings and look at the picture when I use it
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