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Chaos Daveo

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Everything posted by Chaos Daveo

  1. Contact Thomann see what they say always worth a go,you may not be the only one who's suffered maybe a bad batch? Sadly not everything in life is perfect apart from playing bass thats just fine
  2. I like em they work well with eachother to fill the gaps and have a chemistry thats rare nowadays.
  3. Looks pretty have a bump where are you based btw ?
  4. Have a bump on me these are great basses for starting out on and sound massive on recordings. A steal...
  5. Just sold a Gibson Les Paul to him he came to collect top chap, paid cash excellent coms and superb beard.Deal in confidence any concerns I had about a first time seller quickly evaporated a credit to Basschat
  6. It goes to 11.
  7. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1404341001' post='2491832'] I don't think you [i]have[/i] to spend 4 figures on a bass to get the right one for you. My current squeeze was put together for less than £400, and it's perfect. For me. Western society ingrains in us the idea of aspirational purchasing - this x will make you better/faster/thinner/happy/sexually alluring/whatever because that's just the way it's been set up. Ultimately If you find an instrument that you can't walk past without picking it up then (regardless of cost) that is the instrument for you. The cost of something doesn't necessarily represent its value. [/quote] +1 on this Its all about what you like and the sound you are after, yeah its nice to spend cash on new toys but play before you pay
  8. I let people think i am just the bass player..fools.Dont say much when recording,then when you do say something in the studio people notice.Listen to everything thats being played YOU have your name put on this recording,make it count and be happy with what you have done.If you are unhappy then say so but also there is a time to bite lip and engage brain first.
  9. Nice live sound fella, not my thing tbh but you nailed a great performance of the song.
  10. Mate it's a great peace of kit really is partly gutted I have to get rid of her to get what I want next..
  11. Yes Paul, the Horny Goat Blues Band had a cracker with you boys. Bugger me though it was very warm, it was a great night for us though as it was our first gig out for a while and we really enjoyed it. Great to see Slander out on the road and believe me folks if you like heavy metal loud you will LOVE Slander.
  12. Trade you my Les Paul £100 and a KitKat.
  13. I did was worth it to
  14. Mate, thanks for the help sorry to hear that dude
  15. buggar,how can i edit the title ...
  16. Looking forward to it, everyone should come...
  17. A track from a recent E.P. we recorded, Track is called Hammer and Nail enjoy...
  18. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The time has come, the Mrs has insisted I sell this bad boy before I can get another bass... boo hiss moan etc.I would like ideally £750, then again i'd also like Nigela Lawson cooking my tea and we live in the real world so go for it and make me an offer.The downsides are you wanty you fetchy as I cannot drive,want cash as I don't do Evilbay (I am not to be trusted with flashing adverts and pressing buttons) and Paypal can bugger off. The plus point you get to check it works and get to meet me and I'm told I make excellent coffee, play your cards right I may even throw in a chocolate digestive biscuit.Based In Stoke-on-Trent,Staffs.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]As a plan b will swap for a Spector Legend 4LX or an active bass of a similar vain[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Cheers.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Dave.[/font][/color]
  19. I stumbled across the first live recording I ever did the other day, thank god I've improved
  20. I usually clamber up it without grace,start playing and wonder if I left the oven on.
  21. Cheers folks
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