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Chaos Daveo

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Everything posted by Chaos Daveo

  1. Hi mate any trade options you after towards this at all ?
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1454791140' post='2973089'] No problem with that. It's a direct trade offer from someone else that's been deleted, not your perfectly valuable request. As you were, carry on, men... [/quote] 1000 pardons good sir, I shall go back to my dark corner ..
  3. I'm just enquiring if it's an option as its not stated, that's all
  4. Any possibility of trades at all for other gear etc ?
  5. This is a really nice bass and Paul is a top if slightly smelly chap, buy with confidence
  6. Bit of a long shot but don't suppose I could tempt you with an oversized Les Paul Gibson.
  7. Ah the age old debate this, for me I play what I like buy what I can afford that can do the job. The fact is for me better gear is my choice of what I consider good sound, reliability and what makes me happy.When I have got better gear does it make me play better?, for me in a nutshell yes, it made me practice more because I justify my purchases in that way.Its whatever motivates you as an individual. That said its just my opinion, it's like an bottom everyone has one.
  8. Could you post those pics the right way up, my neck hurts
  9. I own one of these and that is a silly price, whoever buys it won't regret it glwts
  10. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1438810774' post='2837697'] I think you've missed the point of the thread, it can be difficult to become a unit when people can't be arsed to turn up . [/quote] Hence the Bogoff and be axl rose bit
  11. When everyone else stops playing and I'm in the drummers pocket id rather groove the main rhythm with him.if solos are your thing cool, I'd rather drive the song than go ooooo look at me
  12. Some people are poo heads, 1st rule of band spend time together and become a band a unit. If not bog off and be axl rose on your own...
  13. G30 matey for the price it's brill
  14. Fair play,so just the heat playing a factor ?
  15. I've got to say first run out on Monday with it was excellent great to have the freedom of wandering around with no wires to trip over
  16. [quote name='amnesia' timestamp='1438689394' post='2836371'] Have you bought yet Dave? Come on kidda....pull ya finger out! [/quote] Got it
  17. Hello folks, I'm currently sporting a Genz Benz Shuttle 9 through a Marshall 4x10 MBC cab. What concerns me is I'm on half volume and its peaking like buggery it didn't cut out but came close at practice , the room was hot mind.Any ideas what's causing this, any help appreciated.
  18. First E.P. due out soon,all tracks are here for stream and a listen,enjoy https://www.reverbnation.com/betweenangelsandidols
  19. So debating wether to go for a wireless setup as I've never had one.I'm quite poor at present but heard good things about the g30 line 6 setup.first gig with the new band is friday...i have no idea if its worth it.Opinions good people
  20. Cannot believe this is still here used this to record an ep this week stunning amp, have a bump
  21. I think some NL2's may be in order then by the sound of things, thanks for the responses.
  22. Hello All, Just thought id share my speakon ignorance with you all as it may help an unfortunate soul along the way and avoid imbarresment.I recently scored a shuttle 9 for dirt cheap and merrily plugged in my spekons last to find the had no output and had jammed right in, bugger so its being sent for repair to get them out without damaging the amp.My question to you all is how many variants of speakon are there (I had always assumed there was only one) and which do i need to buy to sort myself out (I usually run 2 x 2x10 eden nemisis cabs). Maybe a silly idea but for those not in the know is there a list on bass chat of what amp takes what as a point of refrance might be an idea,knowing me is probably already on here and ive missed the boat..
  23. I'd like to think anyone who inspires and makes people want to play an instrument is pretty cool regardless of godly status. For me personaly Iron Maiden have it all in buckets and abundance,however I like to try and be open about other styles and artists.My issue with Mr West is there is fine line between ignorance and arrogance and sadly he forgot where that line is.
  24. Sometimes it could be the best thing in the long haul, I took a break nearly packed it in, then out of nowhere got a call from a band after a bassist. Turned up had a jam and so far having the best time I've had in years..
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