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Everything posted by 4to5to6

  1. Bert Ligon's books rise above the crowd Jazzology by Robert Rawlins is also a good choice Jazz Theory by Mark Levine is very popular I have all of them and would highly recommend starting with Jazz Theory Resources, volume 1 by Bert Ligon. http://www.amazon.com/Jazz-Theory-Resources-Volume-1/dp/0634038613/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
  2. I use an SKB Bass Safe with my MTD 535 and just check it underneath as regular luggage and have never had a problem. The Bass Safe is a hard roto-molded shell that you place your gig bag inside of. You then also have the advantage of just using your light gig bag once you arrive.
  3. I have a spare copy of the first issue of Bass Guitar Magazine available. Sorry, not available for cash. I am only willing to trade for issues I am missing. I would also offer it as a reward to anyone that can help me get issue 2, 23 & 25. I will also pay rediculouly high for the ones I'm missing, trade for strings, etc. Let me know what you need. No. 2 - Issue 2/2002 Summer - Chris Wolstenholme, Muse / Jeff Berlin No. 23 - Mar/Apr 2006 - Richard Jones / Deep Purple No. 25 - July/Aug 2006 - Billy Sheehan [email protected]
  4. Yeah, me too... I didn't renew my Bass Player Magazine subscription when it ran out about six months ago even though I've collected every single issue since day one. It was a really, really tough decision to make but everything from the layout to the articles to the thin paper and cover ink coming off in my hands forced me to stop. The shipping label was always put in the worst possible spot and was unremovable. I do think Bass Guitar Magazine in the UK is a decent read though. I'm in Canada and love reading the articles and gear reviews on what's happening and available on the UK side of the pond. Maybe that's a small part of the appeal to me but the quality is there in every way similar to the early days of Bass Player. I'm an international subscriber so they are shipped in an envelope wirh no ugly stickers which really appeals to me also. I always look forward to latest edition of Bass Guitar Magazine arriving so whatever it is that grabs me, it has it. PS. Related to this topic... I'm still searching for issues 2, 23, 25 of BGM to complete my collection and will pay insanely high to get the last few! PM me please.
  5. Do you still have these available? I think you may have at least two I am searching for. I would also be interested in your complete collection of Bassist and Bass Techniques if the shipping wouldn't kill me. WTB: UK Bass Guitar Magazine back issues: No. 2 - Issue 2/2002 Summer No. 23 - Mar/Apr 2006 No. 25 - July/Aug 2006 Thanks!
  6. I'm searching for some Bass Guitar back issues: WTB: UK Bass Guitar Magazine back issues: No. 2 - Issue 2/2002 Summer No. 23 - Mar/Apr 2006 No. 25 - July/Aug 2006 I will pay top price plus shipping for all three together or seperate Thanks
  7. May be interested in all the Bassist Magazines as well...
  8. WTB: UK Bass Guitar Magazine back issues: No. 2 - Issue 2/2002 Summer No. 23 - Mar/Apr 2006 No. 25 - July/Aug 2006 I will pay top price plus shipping for all three together or seperate
  9. Greetings from Canada!!! I'm a serious electric bass guitar player that has played for many years at all levels. Currently into MTD 535 and Fender 4-string Jazz basses and Aguilar, Ampeg and EBS amplification. I am a member of talkbass.com under the same user name in the US and members there recommended I become a member here in order to find the back issues of Bass Guitar I've been searching around for. WTB: UK Bass Guitar Magazine back issues: No. 2 - Issue 2/2002 Summer No. 23 - Mar/Apr 2006 No. 25 - July/Aug 2006 I have tons of Bass Player back issues if anyone wants to trade or will gladly give cash for these three issues that I would really like hard copies of. I am also interested in upcoming bass summer schools in the UK as I would like to plan a combined vacation / school trip. Thanks!
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