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Everything posted by Mike

  1. [quote name='Faithless' post='1022732' date='Nov 13 2010, 06:23 PM']Forget scales for now, they won't make sense anyway, learn the arpeggios first of all.. You can solo without any problem using only chord tones (which's the main element of arpeggios..) check out this stuff: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=98753"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=98753[/url] I P.S. Mike, did you get my PM by any chance?[/quote] I did, manic times here, will reply when I get a mo!
  2. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1021580' date='Nov 12 2010, 03:33 PM']try thinking in terms of playing a different instrument, or singing a harmony, or lyrics perhaps. what would you play with a sax, or a set of congas ? 'sing' the part in your head and then try translating to the strings/fretboard. outside of the box is the place to go..[/quote] Very often I think "vocally" or like trumpet or sax...but never congas. Great idea!
  3. No problem - good luck and I hope you find your trade. So the UV nut is wider? That is interesting!
  4. If you're willing to sell let me know! Are the uv necks different from the regular metro RV5s ?
  5. What does an electric bass sound like through the AC2?
  6. Hey Pick, I've been using your site for years. Fantastic transcriptions - thanks for the hard work and effort. My only comment would be that I would prefer them A4 size as PDF - sometimes I find them small and hard to read, and if I want to print out for any reason they don't look so good. But thanks for all the transcription!
  7. [quote name='silddx' post='1012127' date='Nov 4 2010, 02:49 PM']You're so nice, Jake I'm only using dear Alain as a illustrative figure really, he is a totem. It is funny that until they become a Basschat member, most of us feel free to slag off anyone Then suddenly, we become a bit more respectful. Unless they are "Famous"! which often leads to either suspicion or over-reverence, and very rarely, downright rudeness in BBC's case. We are a miserable nation. We like to make people famous so we have something good to moan about, be rude about, and be envious of.[/quote] I think musicians who have worked their way up through the industry to require a bit of respect, personally. And shouldn't be taken to task for silly little issues! I agree - we are as a whole a miserable nation - I hate it! I think it's good to be cynical but not overally miserable!
  8. PM sent! (no boilers....though I'd happily rip mine off and send it to you!)
  9. [quote name='Marvin' post='1012085' date='Nov 4 2010, 02:21 PM']I've got to be honest, I'd never heard of him before I joined basschat. Does that make me a bad person?[/quote] Of course not! I completely agree that he's not a househould name. Actually, if I had to be famous, I'd like to be famous like this - just to people "in the know" or people in my field (e.g. contemporary jazz)
  10. Ah, the month of my birth!! Open to any trades? Darn. Really hard to justify this right now.
  11. [quote name='silddx' post='1011949' date='Nov 4 2010, 12:37 PM']At this point I will give up trying to convince you that it's a marketing and publicity tool ASWELL.[/quote] I suppose, to a small degree. It being so specific and niche though, would render it not that effective. Don't think the dragons would be interested! Dave Marks, for example, has a wider range of teaching material including lots of beginner/amateur stuff which is really fantastic. I bet he has more people tuned into that than Janek.
  12. [quote name='silddx' post='1011889' date='Nov 4 2010, 12:03 PM']It's mainly for publicity and promotion. He does have a career to maintain you know, he's not doing it like he's Mother Teresa. I must say, it's very odd you think he does it to "Give something back", like by making music he's not doing that already.[/quote] Well, we pay for his music so it's not altruistic. He doesn't get paid for the podcasts. And it's not reaching out to the common man to promote himself - it's probably only downloaded by bassists and jazzers, who have possibly already bought his music. [quote name='silddx' post='1011889' date='Nov 4 2010, 12:03 PM']Also, you don't get to the level he is at and be happy playing a one note groove. He needs to solo.[/quote] He does solo, and beautifully. I was saying that as he's a musician, the music comes first - on a pop gig, there are very few bass solos! People want to hear a groove, not something whacky and jazzy. [quote name='silddx' post='1011889' date='Nov 4 2010, 12:03 PM']I really should have a listen to him at some point, but that Jeff Berlin album has really messed my mind up and I never want to hear jazz solo bass again, ever.[/quote] Agreed, Berlin leaves me utterly cold. I hope that's not your only exposure to jazz bass soloing! Try John Patitucci, Scott La Faro or Janek! You'll hear fewer notes, but much nicer choices!
  13. I've offered him my TC electronics 2x10 (x2) and I'm seeing him the day before but haven't heard anything yet.
  14. [quote name='tauzero' post='1011736' date='Nov 4 2010, 09:53 AM']He does come over rather differently in real life than in print. There's something in the way he writes that makes him seem rather egocentric, but he doesn't seem at all like that in real life - more like someone who knows he has accomplished things and is proud of them but not boastful about them.[/quote] I know this is a positive post, but if you look at his writings in BGM, I struggle to find any egocentricity in there - if anything he's a very humble guy. He's not above MDing pop acts and has said that he would rather hear a one note groove then mindless soloing - as you say, I'm sure he is proud of what he's achieved (rightly so) and I think he has a burning ambition to go onto do greater things - but with him it's always about the music first. I don't love everything he does - but a lot of it really works for me.
  15. [quote name='silddx' post='1011704' date='Nov 4 2010, 09:27 AM']Hah hah! It's unlikely you'd have ever heard about him if he didn't do these things, he doesn't do it because he loves you [/quote] I heard about him through other channels than his educational output. He does not get paid for making and releasing free podcasts that share his tips on playing and improvising which he has worked very hard to perfect - if anything he's sharing his secrets which have got him to where he is today. I'm not under the illusion that he does it because he loves his fans - but I think he's giving something back and helping share the knowledge - something he is absolutely not under any obligation to do. So I thank him for that.
  16. [quote name='Buzz' post='1011530' date='Nov 4 2010, 12:18 AM']I think the posts might still be available if you search, but it essentially boiled down to a number of people questioning a technical exercise he was espousing and Janek's seemingly aggressive attitude towards those who were criticising it as being essentially pointless due to it not having any real link with making music (iirc it was something OTT like playing fifteen billion notes a second with your fingers). It ended in tears and a "I'm never going to post here again" post. He's posted here since though I think.[/quote] I recall that Janek acknowledged that he had made a mathematical error in a magazine article regarding 'notes per minute'. People were getting after him for concentrating (in ONE article) on finger speed and dexterity. Janek's response was that whilst technical ability is second in importance to the ability to make 'music', he wanted to be technically able to play anything he wanted - he didn't want to be constrained by poor technique. This makes perfect sense to me! He probably did get defensive at some point because of a large number of idiots who just love attacking people for no reason - people who for the large part play in their bedroomand haven't achieved 10% of what he has. Remember, he does free educational podcasts, clinics, magazine articles - he doesn't have to do this!
  17. The whole Janek being arrogant here was massively hyped up by certain members. Don't believe everything you read. I follow Janek quite closely and usually he is completely down to earth and humble about his achievements. Some people just love to bring others down.
  18. Hi all- want to call Mike but his number 01376 502930 isn't working - does anyone have a more up-to-date number for him? Cheers! Mike
  19. I understand that Kev but in my experience here, this rule; [i][b]5. You must state a price for your item. Anything without a price clearly stated will be subject to removal.[/b][/i] has been enforced quite stringently, so I thought it best to give a friendly suggestion to the seller before someone does it in a less friendly, more direct way. I believe this is to be regarded as a Sales forum rather than Trades. Anyway, good luck to the seller....if there were I price I'd consider making a cash offer- nothing really to trade right now.
  20. Very nice - do you have a for sale price? I think the forum rules require it. Superb looking bass! I love BB.
  21. Thanks, old chap!
  22. [quote name='Bilbo' post='995798' date='Oct 21 2010, 12:10 PM']No - its a load of people trying to sell gear before the rest of us lose our jobbs and can't afford to buy it.[/quote] Perhaps it's testament to my over-use of Facebook that I tried vainly to "like" this post!
  23. 34" bolt on - Can also confirm it's lovely!
  24. Cheers Mr C!
  25. Could I take these please? Marc Johnson - Bass desires - £5 Will Lee - Bird house - £5 Stanley Clarke - Live at the Greek £3 Would you take £11.50? If so let me know where to paypal!
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