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Everything posted by david_l_perry

  1. Here is shot of the front showing the full grill and carpet finish (Sorry peter a lot of the original shots have been removed from my web site during the last makeover...) This is the same Omni10 that I brought down to the Basschat Lytham meet up early this year, it faired very well against the competition Perhaps also look at delivery using these chaps, very good and well priced:- [url="http://www.interparcel.com/"]http://www.interparcel.com/[/url] Dave
  2. Looking fantastic.....that bookmatched fingerboard was the inspiration behind the fingerboard choice on the headless bass Alan is building for me.. Lovely stuff Dave
  3. Thursday morning bump for this, the daddy of all the BFM cabs....I know, I have built them [i]all[/i]....
  4. [quote name='4000' post='317041' date='Oct 28 2008, 08:18 PM']Still available..... ......(unless my CS goes first!).[/quote] Met up with Shaun last night to pick up a pair of cabs and had a play of this bass.....stunning is the best description I can think of. Very light weight bass, lovely neck and very nice action.....if only it had no headstock..... ......
  5. [b]Now Reduced to £300[/b]
  6. [quote name='walbassist' post='316832' date='Oct 28 2008, 04:30 PM']Forgive my ignorance, but what speaker configuration does this cab contain? Also be interested to know dimensions, weight and power rating etc.[/quote] Check out the full build thread in the first post, but basically its a 3 way horn loaded cab designed by Bill Fitzmaurice 15" for the lows, 8" for the mids and a Piezzo array for the highs.
  7. Free delivery to you Will for a brew ! [quote name='2x18' post='315395' date='Oct 26 2008, 10:12 PM']your builds are better than most Commercial cabs.[/quote] Having owned most commercial cabs I can promise you that is not much of a task...... All you have to do is look inside at the bellwire and crappy ply that most cabs are made from and it makes my skin crawl.....
  8. This is less than 12 months old and now surplus to my requirements. I am looking for £300 plus £20 postage or local pickup. Here is a link to a spreadsheat I made up with all of the amp statisitics compared against lots of other power amps (prices are a little out of date):- [url="http://www.priestleyjohnson.co.uk/AMPLIFIER%20STATISTICS.xls"]Amp statistics XL spreadsheet[/url] yamaha P7000S 2 X 1600 @ 2ohms 2 X 1100 @ 4ohms 2 X 750 @ 8ohms 1 x 3200 4ohms bridged 2200 @ 8 ohms Bridged 12kg Here is the actual power amp (lower of the two amps:- And a link soundslive with the new listing:- [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=2274"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product.asp?id=2274[/url] Its a fantastic power amp with a fully adjustable crossover. Dave
  9. [b]SOLD[/b] Well I have had a hankering for a pair of compact neo cabs (most likely a pair of Aguilar GS112's) or very possibly a Schroeder 1212L, and decided that the Omni15 and some other stuff is going up for sale. The Omni 15 is in perfect condition other than a very slight mark to the front grill:- [b]Now Reduced to £300[/b] £25 postage (or local pickup) Full build thread here on Finbass:- [url="http://www.finnbass.com/showthread.php?t=2216&highlight=omni15"]Omni15 Build thread[/url] Me playing the Omni 15 with my Status Bass and mark bass head:- [url="http://www.finnbass.com/showthread.php?t=2424&highlight=omni15"]Omni 10, 12 and 15 comparison thread[/url] I must be mad....but when the madness strikes..... Any interested parties should pm me. Any body is more than welcome to try out the cab before hand at my gaff Dave
  10. its 4ohm only according to the web site.... [url="http://www.epifani.com/products/concert212.php"]Epifani ul-212 specs[/url]
  11. I have met Peter on several occasions. Top bloke. Got to say that this bass is a [i]stunning [/i]bit of kit, and with the ACG pre, turns a great sounding bass into a stunning sounding bass... Have a bump on me..... Dave
  12. [quote name='Rayman' post='292519' date='Sep 26 2008, 10:20 AM']Anyone know of a good repairers I can take my Trace combo to in the North west ....Pro-Line in Cheshire have turned me away...[/quote] Bugger, that was who I was just about to suggest...why did they turn you away ?? Where abouts are you ? A pal of mine near Chorley does electrical servicing of amps/desks etc as a side line, highly qualified electrical chap but its not his main business. He has just started taking in work from rehearsal studios. pm me if you want his details. Dave
  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='290714' date='Sep 24 2008, 11:41 AM']Maybe the BFM wedge is worth a look.[/quote] If you are talking about the wedghorn 10, its [i]massive[/i]....if you are talking about the standard wedgehorn, it wont do for bass backline in my opinion. This is one of my 1x15 monitors next to the standard wedghorn which is small Why not try a kickback combo if its just for up close and personal..... An alternative I tried that worked years ago was is to make a wedge seat for a 2x10 to rest in.
  14. Going to look a lot like a Q4/Q5 with that body shape....
  15. [quote name='Merton' post='284990' date='Sep 16 2008, 01:44 PM'].... I'm not convinced my woodworking skills are good enough/tidy enough to rear-port my cab, so therefore wondered about front-porting instead. This means I can hide the ports behind the speaker grille so any making good will be less obvious.....[/quote] I would use a port tube to give the hole a neat and finished edge, obviously the port tube can be cut to suit the length you need, or simply used to mask the hole edge
  16. [quote name='OldGit' post='284827' date='Sep 16 2008, 10:45 AM']No input level control? It just seems wrong with a valve in the system...[/quote] Seams wrong even without a valve in the system.....but hey what do I know...
  17. [quote name='walbassist' post='282527' date='Sep 12 2008, 12:04 PM']Nice. I assume you've played a Kingbass. I know a few people who love them, but also a few who found the ergonomics all wrong.[/quote] I played one and found that the short top horn pushed the neck [i]way [/i]to much forward for my liking when on the strap, fantastic instrument though. Most basses tend to have the strap position around about the 12 fret, and the more this is pulled back, clearly the more the neck gets pushed further away from you. Strap height will have a big factor here as well, the shorter the strap is the more forward the neck will be pushed away from you.
  18. First one is certainly my fav..... I was luck enough that when I had my custom status built 10years ago they took a load of photos with a disposable camera and sent them with the bass. Interesting stuff seeing how it was made. Dave
  19. Wow....not a great way to win friends and influence people....
  20. [quote name='Waldo' post='281700' date='Sep 11 2008, 11:10 AM']Last I head he was dying of cancer or something, lets hope that's true.[/quote] WTF......
  21. What celestion drivers are they using in these, is it the BN12 300s, or does he use a custom made unit..? I was very impressed with the 1212 that I tried out at the basschat meet in the northwest, other than the weight (non neo option) Great sounding cab. Dave
  22. [quote name='alexclaber' post='277990' date='Sep 5 2008, 04:23 PM']In my old SWR Grand Prix one side of the 12AX7 valve was use as the input buffer, with a choice of passive or a padded active input. The preamp gain knob came after this, then the EQ, then the output gain. (The other half of the valve was used in the aural enhancer). Turning the preamp gain down would not stop you clipping the input with a loud bass, that's what the padded input was for. This is the same for all SWR designs.[/quote] Cheers alex. I am still confused but no change here. I owned an SWR grand pre and SWR SM900 for many years, certainly cutting back the pre amp input level was needed to obtain an optimal signal level when I used it... And without the adjustability of a gain level control I dont see how you can do otherwise.... edit, just looked at my manual for the SWR. This is straight from the SWR manual and is what I am talking about:- [quote]GAIN CONTROL The Gain control adjusts the volume of the preamp section. Since the Gain control is similar to a “pad,” a small amount of signal will be heard even with the Gain rotated fully counter-clockwise (with the Master Volume up). After all EQ settings and the Aural Enhancer are set, the Gain control should be raised until the preamp clip LED barely flashes upon striking your loudest note. This will insure maximum signal-to-noise ratio and prevent unwanted clipping of the preamp section[/quote] So unless you have an adjustable input gain how can you obtain maximum signal-to-noise ratio ?
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