Hey there people, this is my first proper post here!
Ok, here's my dilemma. My gigging amp is usually in storage somewhere far away from me, and when I practice at home, I usually either play unplugged (ehh) or through a Marshall pocket amp (bleh). When playing along with a CD or Backing Track, it's almost always a horrible experience. Now, my birthday is just a couple of weeks away, and I'm thinking about asking for a nice practice amp. I don't want anything too fancy, just a nice modestly priced little 10/15 watt'er would do me fine. But there are so many options out there... my only requirement is that it amplifies my signal and it sounds decent, but I'd be open to other suggestions.
My only real thought at the moment is the Laney RB-1, which seems cheap and decent enough, though I haven't tried one out yet. What would you guys recommend? Thanks!