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Everything posted by 214of500

  1. still at £200, buy it!
  2. Still need a sale! u know u want it! (bumpski)
  3. PRICE DROP £200!!! Need a quick sale!
  4. cheers bassbloke, ill have a look into getting power supply changed and get back to you. aural enhancer is a magical knob! but yeah thanks man!
  5. yep but im including the 1000w step down transformer with the sale
  6. make me an offer...please?
  7. (open cough....*bump*....close cough)
  8. Im now opening up to trades along the lines of weird effects (anything along the lines of modulators/signal processors or anything by moog haha) and electric guitar body parts (a little side project im up to)
  9. bump number two!
  10. bump!
  11. would anyone else like to make an offer? (aka bump!?)
  12. I know! it hurts to let it go but i do guitar and bass, i much prefer bass but im playing guitar in a band and with moving house and everything.....stop talking! its almost giving me second thoughts! haha
  13. Im in newcastle, but im more than willing to travell a little way if needs be
  14. u know the score, im open to any options, ideally looking to downsize but you might surprise me! Cash wise id like 900 ideally, or maybe you can mix it up with cash and trade! its so exciting! haha but yeah 900w rms, sounds awesome (as if i need to tell you that!) Dont be shy!
  15. come on guys! ill take almost anything for it. go on, make me an offer!
  16. Do you accept body parts? i dont need my legs to play bass! Unfortunately i cant offer money as i have none....but have a bump. p.s. would you accept bumps instead of cash?
  17. I've done a Jaco (not the wacko one) and de-fretted then filled the gaps to make a fretless thunderbird. I play a completely different style of music so no need for this bass anymore (im doing a lot of funk now). Shes been in the wars but the electrics are all perfect and if you dont want a fretless just whack on a new epi neck - cheap a chips! Will post pics asap but looking for about £150 but feel free to make an offer, maybe trades? could be a fun project bass too!
  18. Dude if i had 180 spare i would have that, already gpt a moogerfooger ring mod would love another moogerfooger! have a bump!
  19. Ive been offered a mesa boogie powerhouse 6x10 cab for £600....im skint but could scrape the money together is it an offer i cant refuse? or should i hold out because offers like that come along quite often? any advice would be appreciated!
  20. Pre fender SWR Bass 350 Amp. Great condition. after £200 ideally, saving a little money so I can get a new bass! I'm also open to interesting trades too! Cheers!
  21. [quote name='4Everdelayed' post='141578' date='Feb 16 2008, 02:52 PM']Bump.......anyone got an SG, Epi/Gretsch semi they wanna trade? [/quote] Sadly no, only a jaguar HH, and im guessing you wouldnt want a jag for a jag. looks hot as tho, good luck with the sale.
  22. I have a moogerfooger ring modulator, i use it with my guitar and my bass. its lots of fun, but the only practical way i can find to use it is for a loose tremolo effect. can anyone tell me how to get more from my moogerfooger? or have any suggestions as to weather i should pack in a sell and buy a new exciting effect...and if so...what!? pretty confused, someone please shed some light!
  23. still thinking of trading for bass? i have a musicman sub sterling (think its 2005/6) im wanting rid of. in near perfect nick if ur interested?
  24. arite man, how much for just phase shifter without footswitch?
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