So somehow I ended up with three wonderful 5-stringers, so up for grabs is this extraordinary Mayones, in practically mint condition. Truly a work of art.
All info from the previous thread here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/249513-traded-mayones-comodous-5-walnut-custom-shop-final-pricedrop-1400-gbp-video-added/"]http://basschat.co.u...bp-video-added/[/url]
The feel of this bass is amazing - akin to an Alembic - the solidity, perfect construction, the sheen, ebony fingerboard all contributing to it. Very low action, excellent playability.
The preamp is wonderful - never overwhelming, very musical.
Cash price would be 1700£, including shipping with an equally mint Mayones hard case. Temporarily reduced to 1500£!
Regarding trades, I might be interested in a Ken Smith, MTD or Fodera (for the sole reason that I've never owned one of them) or a Mayones 4-string. Dingwalls would also be of potential interest. A fretless 4 I could consider as well because I am fretless-less at the mo'... Straight sale still preferred in any case.