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Everything posted by peteb

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1430270712' post='2759735'] Pete, I'm still working the 70s rock and roll look and for the most part it ain't working at all. Now that I think about it, when I think I'm dressing for the part, I'm probably merely dating myself. Blue [/quote] I'm guessing that if there is a problem it might be that you're coming across as trying too hard. It helps to have a bit of an image going on thru it doesn't hurt to update it a little from time to time. However it should all come across as being effortless and just a visual representation of what you are. People are gonna notice if it seems a bit forced or you are trying too hard! Still not sure about going to those lengths to dress for the Peter Noone audition but I take your point - I might take the suit but leave it in the car...!
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1430261748' post='2759712'] I find the phrase "smart casual" hilarious since the men wearing it invariably look neither smart or casual. [/quote] And it is hardly very rock and roll, even for a function band...!
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1430242509' post='2759440'] This would be an audition, not a rehearsal. If I researched the band and found they performed in tailored suits depending on the caliber of the band I would consider wearing an appropriate suit. To me it's the best way of saying ,[i] "this is the complete package, this is what you would be getting if you hire me."[/i] I can give you an example, if I were auditioning for sideman position with Peter Noone, I might wear and Edwardian style suit. Blue [/quote] Yea, but does Peter Noone turn up at his own rehearsals wearing an Edwardian suit?? The best is to stick with your strengths and play the ageing rocker card (you’re in the same boat as me there)! I would suggest that you are trying to give off a vibe of an experienced musician who has been round the block a few times. I wouldn’t worry about the age thing; it’s hardly a boyband that you’re trying out for! When it comes down to it, the only things that they are bothered about is can you do the gig and will you fit in with the band (both musically and personally). Just make sure that you know the stuff, be friendly and show that you’re interested in the gig without being too over the top. Personally, I would put more thought into what bass you take to the audition than what clothes you are going to wear as they are more likely to judge you on that…
  4. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1429861947' post='2755580'] I saw Ben Poole last night. I get a bit blasé about hotshot guitarist blues bands but Ben is pure class. He built on perfect timing and awesome technique to simply blow me away. An unexpected treat. [/quote] Yea, BP has a bit of fire about his playing that helps to make him stand out from the crowd. I know his old bass player, Baz Pethers, who is a great player and a nice guy. I take back what I said about Bonamassa a bit as well - his last couple of albums have been great...
  5. peteb


    Probably the perfect P bass. Shame that you're not interested in trades??
  6. Very pretty bass! Can I ask how much does it weigh and also how much would it cost to ship to the UK??
  7. An Xotic 4 string jazz with both pick-ups on, passive tone fully open & active bass slightly boosted into a MXR compressor (always on but nothing excessive) and then into a Boogie mpulse with the ‘driving rock’ factory sample EQ setting in the manual (but with slightly more low-mids) into a Bergantino HS410. I also use a Mark Bass LM3 with all the knobs pretty much at 12 o’clock (including the filters) accept for a slight low-mid boost and a treble cut. For the hard rock stuff I play a Warwick Stage 1 tuned down half a step with the onboard EQ set flat.
  8. What is the action and neck pocket like??
  9. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1428683442' post='2743798'] Jamming to me means making stuff up on the spot, not playing covers...that's a whole different thing. It's why i don't bother with jam nights, because they aren't what i feel are jams, they're untidy open mic nights [/quote] I would say that you are not playing covers but using a tune as a structure for a jam, which should never be the same twice but can go in whatever direction that the players care to take it...
  10. Having played in the house band at many jam sessions, including a couple at pretty big blues festivals, I would say that the format is generally as follows. You have a house band with a leader (or maybe two) who has a suitably large repertoire of suitable songs. The band may or may not play a couple of songs first then the leader will call up people to join the band / replace members on stage, etc. The newcomer may or may not assume the mantle of leader for that song. The leader will call out a song along with the basic structure (key, chord changes, feel, etc) and then lead the band through the piece, calling on featured soloists as and when. The ‘arrangement’ will change on the fly according to how it develops / how inspired the players are feeling. These changes will be communicated by a series of hand signals, nods and when all else fails, shouting in each other’s ears! When the leader has had enough or feels the song is coming to a natural end he will give the signal (usually by raising his arm) and the band will attempt to work out a suitable outro and finish. The leader then thanks the guest musicians and calls up the next players to the stage. Whether this type of jam works or not depends on how good the players are and how adept the leader is at getting the best out of them but when it works it can be great fun to participate in and even quite entertaining to watch! It certainly sharpens up your playing no end. As neither a fan of Hawkwind or freeform jazz, I find the idea of someone randomly starting to play something then everybody joining in using the power of telepathy to be rather unappealing and certainly not to be inflicted on members of the public! Of course, someone may bring an unformed idea to a rehearsal and then use it as a basis of a jam to develop material (such as the way Deep Purple Mark 2 used to write), but I am not convinced that is necessarily the best method of songwriting. You could even bring fully formed songs to the rehearsal room and then jam to work out the arrangement, which may mean the song sounds nothing like the way it was conceived (for good or ill). According to Stewart Copeland, this was one of the main reasons for both the success of the Police and the cause of their eventual demise…
  11. [quote name='Bassmonkey' timestamp='1427213052' post='2727297'] This weekend, Friday The New Inn Farsley (Leeds) - first time there but is a lively pub, gets full of fairly young drinkers, opens late and can be a bit rough apparently but should be OK. We will play 9-11.20 with no break. Sat night, The Bankhouse in Pudsey. Nice pub, played there loads but it as neighbour noise complaint issues so will be finished by 11 (starting at 8.30) They are both gonna be busy - both us and the venues have advertised. Pete - how did The Old Crown go? one of my pals knew one of your band so went down, said it was a good night. Andy [/quote] It was a good night Andy. It's a decent place with a good atmosphere and they've got Debi helping to book bands and she has made an effort to only book suitable, pretty decent bands so far. It looks like it is going to be a good curcuit gig and should do well, especially as a couple of other venues have changed hands recently so who knows which way they are going to go! Let me know when you're playing there and I will try and get down if I'm not gigging.
  12. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1426964212' post='2724191'] Unless you like bedroom playing, I'd stay with it until something that's a better match for you is available and realistic. And it will happen, maybe sooner than you think. blue [/quote] +1 I would say that is a sensible approach to the situation...
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1426957679' post='2724060'] Nice Pete! I wish I was as busy as you. I just don't no where to start in terms of networking that would ad value and work to what I already have. Blue [/quote] The thing is that you play more gigs than me and certainly make more money from gigging! We are getting paid reasonably well for the Scottish jaunt, but after the petrol and a hotel room I will make less than I did last night from playing a small pub gig!
  14. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1426906624' post='2723405'] Cool, yeah sounds like a similar type gig Pete. And I have heard that what the people hear in the back of the club is not as good as what the folks up front hear. Thing is, the attendance for our gig can be severely handy-capped, depending on whose playing at The Bridge Inn and The 5 Corners Road House. Here's something else, The nationally touring Samantha Fish is playing in the same town, about 10 minutes away from our gig tomorrow night. They have a similar show except they are not a bar band they are headliners. I have met Samantha, I think she's like 25 and travels w/ her parents ( I think ). It would be cool if she could stop by our gig. I don't think bands do that anymore. [url="http://www.samanthafish.com/"]http://www.samanthafish.com/[/url] Blue [/quote] A similar type band playing in town can be a big factor in determining what size crowd will turn up – something that more landlords / promoters need to be aware of! The gig I’ve got next weekend is somewhat different proposition to last night, a blues festival in Montrose (Scotland) involving a 300 mile drive then three shows in three different venues – all in the same day! The gig the following weekend is the rock band again, playing quite a big outdoor (marquee) biker event. Shows the different types of gigs you pick up on the semi-pro circuit…!
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1426954129' post='2723974'] Looks cool. Age and level of experience is not needed for this topic unless your not old enough to get in. We'll let you know when we need your age. Actually that is something that is not clear to me regarding drinking ages in the UK. Over here you have to have ID proving your 21 to patron bars and drink alcohol. Blue [/quote] 18 over here in Blighty...!
  16. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1426947570' post='2723826'] I used to play there. Is Fred still the landlord or did his daughter take it over? [/quote] Fred is still there and if you are referring to Sam - she's his wife, not his daughter...!
  17. Just got back from playing the Bridge Tavern in Bradford. Very much a 'typical' small pub gig, it is pretty similar to the gig Blue describes, except it has a slightly strange layout that means that the sound is can be a bit hit and miss (depending on where you are standing). Been playing there for years but if I'm being honest it's not really my favourite gig - decent crowd but you don't get as many punters going as a few years ago (especially on a Friday) and it's a little bit too much like playing in someone's (admittedly rather big ) front room. However it fills out the diary and the landlord/lady are good people and have always supported various bands I have been in (and vice versa of course). Saturday nights tend to bring out a few old faces and my last band used to turn it into a bit of a jam / drinking session. Not so much in the new band unfortunately, due to most of us having to drive!
  18. Just come across a good version from Billy Sheehan [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXbcPmekjP4"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXbcPmekjP4[/url] Probably not too much help thru..! There are loads of decent clips of the guitar intro on YouTube, which is a pretty good start as it is played in unison with the bass...
  19. Does it come with the Lindy Fralin pickups or the Xotic made ones??
  20. Which preamp and pickups are on this bass??
  21. I love playing big stages when I get the chance but onstage sound can be a problem! You sometimes get a sound crew who want to keep the onstage volume very low. You are then very reliant on decent monitoring, which you often won’t get especially if you are on one of the earlier spots on a festival or similar event. So it might sound great out front but the band aren’t grooving because they can’t hear each other! It is far better if you can hear your rig across the whole stage and are not so reliant on the monitor engineer…
  22. By all accounts a horrible person but one of the all time great / most influential drummers ever...
  23. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1423146172' post='2681384'] A keyboard player I worked with a few years ago mentioned to me that the other musicians that played for Texas were on about 70k a year when the band were at their most popular. This could be nonsense but the guy was quite a honest ma. If true, it`s decent money to do something you love. [/quote] I'm sure that's true, but you have to remember that it can be a short career. The ones who prosper in the long term are those who get the songwriting credits / points.
  24. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1422952805' post='2678663'] I'm not surprised that the wire sheared. I used to use the multicomp with a battery before seeing the light and getting a pedaltrain. The battery compartment is REALLY tight and there wasn't much spare wire to get access the terminals. Changing batteries was always a nervy time. [/quote] Yes, it is a bit of a design fault! Unfortunately, I was a bit previous in thinking that all was well with the pedal - one fault has been fixed but it is still not working! I will have to take it to an electronics guy when I get the chance / have a few quid spare!
  25. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1423054266' post='2680015'] With the learning from pros thing, has anyone had a lesson with a named pro player? Cause I certainly want some! The pros are pro for a reason and if I can learn a little bit from whomever I meet of them then I'll be happy! [/quote] Yes - well a lesson from a pro who plays with some very big name players (recommended by Jake). I'm sure that everyone here could learn from the top pros, but probably not on a forum. What I would suggest is to book a one-off lesson, send him a few live YouTube clips and ask for a critique of your playing. Of course when you get there, ask them lots of questions. There some pros who are incredible technical musicians, but most are very solid, experienced players with a great ear. I always thought that I had a decent ear, but the guy I went to was different class...
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