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Everything posted by peteb

  1. Must make getting gigs and dealing with agents, other band members, etc difficult...
  2. Why would you be so adverse to speaking to someone on the phone? When it comes down to it, Bass Direct is an old school bricks & mortar shop providing a specialist service to a niche market (in fact, a niche part of an already niche market). It's target customers are generally people (like me) who appreciate the personal touch and are happy to discuss a potential purchase and any possible alternatives before we buy an expensive bass / amp / whatever. If you want something generic then you can probably save a few quid buying online from Thomann, who are great at what they do. But Bass Direct and the Bass Gallery, etc are a different thing and offer a different service...
  3. I am still amazed that people would be a bass online from a shop like Bass Direct or the Bass Gallery, etc instead of ringing them up and doing the deal over the phone! If you have to buy in that way then I would suggest Thomann or someone similar, who's business is geared up to that. You could buy a bass online from BD while someone is trying it out in the shop, or are on the phone to buy it. They won't be checking the website in real time and the guy on in the shop (or on the phone) will walk away with the bass! A couple of years ago, I was interested in buying a cab on the Bass Gallery site. So obviously I rang them up , only to find that they had sold it six months ago and hadn't got round to taking down from the website! It only takes a phone call...
  4. I've had this unit for a fair few years now and never realised that...!
  5. Ah yes, Johnny Gowcho / Dixon / Nashville Hipshake's mob - I will have to actually see one of his bands someday!
  6. Howlin' Johnny and The Devil's Rejects??
  7. Is this 'hot DI' issue just with the WB-100? I've done loads of gigs with my R-400 and never had any issue with the DI at all.
  8. I've never had any problems using active basses with the Shure.
  9. I think that the difference is that the receiver for the GLX-D 16 is a floor pedal type unit, while the 14 is an amp top type unit with antennae. The transmitters for both system look similar at a quick glance. I'm glad to see that there are new GLXD+ units on the market to replace the old GLDX systems.
  10. I believe that mine is the GLX-D 16 Certainly the best wireless system I've ever used (and I've had a few), although it does seem to have been discontinued now.
  11. Actually, I think that I prefer the tort on that!
  12. I saw that - looks quite cool and not a bad price compared to some I've seen
  13. To be fair, unless you are going to look in depth at the economics and the underlying political causes, it's a pretty pointless discussion other than to say, yes, prices have gone up.
  14. I don't know about bass prices, but that is generally not true. The UK has the highest inflation rate in the G7 and I believe in Western Europe, whereas France has the lowest in Europe (or at least it did a few months ago when I last looked, but Spain may have overtaken it).
  15. I appreciate that. It just seems pointless to have a thread discussing an issue where you are not allowed to mention the main influencing factor.
  16. The trouble is that you can't talk about escalating prices without having a discussion about the B word! Sure, there are plenty of other factors in play in an uncertain world, but that is the reason why we are getting hammered so much more than our European neighbours.
  17. This is a dangerous thread! I've just come across it and you see a £12k 64 P bass and think that's way too much. However, there is a very nice non-original 63 fiesta red P bass for £8k and you think that it's still too much, but not that ridiculous. Then you look at the other basses that seller has for sale and there is a nice early 70s s/b P bass for £5k and you start thinking, well possibly! Perhaps there is something similar out here, maybe a cheaper early 70s s/b P bass with a rosewood board, non-original but modded with a Badass bridge (like I would have put on myself) for £3 or £4k, then suddenly it's not so unaffordable! I've never really thought of buying a proper vintage bass before, although I've owned a fair few Fenders and gig a late 70s P bass now. But the temptation is there...
  18. Why not get someone like Jon Shuker to build you a new neck? Then you will still have the fretless neck if you decide to sell...
  19. I'm currently using one of those hand made Chilean Ergo straps from Bass Direct. Rather expensive (present from my Missus Xmas before last) but really nice leather, 4" wide and super padded. Before that, I was using one of a few straps I have from Minotaur (a small Greek company). They're great, not quite as luxurious as Ergo, but really nice and about a third of the cost!
  20. I've sold a few basses on commission at Bass Direct. For the 20% commission there's no hassle for you and they advertise and sell the bass. Also, they generally can sell quicker and get a better price than you would be able to on paces like here...!
  21. Personally, I'm interested in the everyway pros with a story to tell, guys like Guy Pratt but perhaps didn't get the big break like Guy did. The recently departed Phil Spalding (RIP) would have been a good one, as well as guys like Neil Murray, Cass Lewis, Paul Grey, Gerry McAvoy, etc. There's a great player called Roger Innis, who must be the hardest working bass player in the UK - constantly working, but never quite never quite hit the big time or got the gig with the right band at the right time (usually playing with hit acts long after they were famous). I'm sure that he's got some great stories to tell and advice to give.
  22. It just seems like too much work these days, now we're all getting old! Mind you, I loved my old 80s rig when I had other people to carry it...!
  23. Does anybody actually bi-amp any more? How very 80s...! Actually, when I used to sort of bi-amp (back in the 80s), I used a pre-amp into a PA power amp, with one side going into a 410 and the other into a 215. Sounded great, but totally impractical when I ended up in a band without a van and roadies! A very different looking set-up to yours!
  24. Just pulled the trigger on the Zoom! I don't suppose that anyone knows if it is compatible with a tripod with a universal 1/4 Inch screw thread?
  25. In practical terms, he is quite correct. All the bands I am in tune 'down one' i.e. we detune to half a step down, but we don't say that we are playing Whole Lotta Love in the key of Eb. However, technically that is exactly what we are doing!
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