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Everything posted by peteb

  1. I don't believe that there is anything unintentional about the lyrics to Brown Sugar, Jagger was trying to push people's buttons. It's ironic that he was trying to trigger repressed, uptight, racist right wing Americans and ended up triggering repressed, uptight liberals...!
  2. Personally I would have thought that it was rather apt, rather than being disrespectful...! Of course, I don't know what your presenter's relationship was with her.
  3. I would have thought that it was very appropriate considering how she was hounded by the press and what happened to her later
  4. Surely the point is that many songwriters want to be thought provoking (hence Sting writing about suicide or a pretty love song that is actually about stalking), or even provocative (most songs written by Jagger). As mentioned by others above, Jagger goes for a clean sweep with Brown Sugar - slavery, rape, his love (lust) for a black girl and interracial relationships (a controversial topic in America in 1971), all with a subtext of heroin use! He did say that he would have self-censored if he was writing that song today, but those were hardier times!
  5. It seems like in future we're only going to be playing the most saccharine of love songs, where the subjects are over the age of 21 and happily married (to each other of course)...
  6. Surely the song is about is about the change of dynamics in a relationship and that singer has has turned the tables on a girl who used to push him around? Jagger commented on the controversy about the lyric, saying - "The whole idea was that I was under HER, she was kicking ME around. So the whole idea is absurd, all I did was turn the tables around. So women took that to be against femininity where in reality it was trying to 'get back' against being a repressed male."
  7. To be fair, that's more about you and your tastes than the song. I'm not much of a Kiss fan, but they were a very big band and this was one of their best known early tracks.
  8. I think that it's quite cute that people think that he actually played on the original records!
  9. Cozy Powell Honourable mention for Bad Reputation by Thin Lizzy
  10. But can you copyright hammering on a chord?? It is very difficult to definitively determine authorship of very simple musical figures.
  11. How about a 1989 Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 2eq for £850 on Facebook Marketplace? https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/320711739533132/?referral_code=undefined&referral_story_type=general
  12. Just personal experience of having sold a fair few basses through them.
  13. I'm sure that they will think that they been reasonable in this matter - they have apologised and offered to stand the cost of picking the bass up for return.
  14. I have never seen any of their listings stating whether it is a commission sale or not.
  15. I am assuming that it is a commission sale, as most of the secondhand basses on their website are (I have sold a number of basses through them on commission).
  16. The bass doesn't actually belong to them, so how can they offer a discount without the permission of the owner?
  17. Exactly. Basically they have offered to collect and refund, as well as apologising for the mistake in rating the bass as being in 9/10 condition. I don't see what else they can do seeing as they don't actually own the bass and can't go against the owner's instructions.
  18. Taken from Wikipedia - "Bluesman Big Joe Williams, who knew Johnson and was familiar with folk magic, explained it as "leaving for good ... I'm putting you down, I won't be back no more". Music writer Ted Gioia also likens the phrase to the biblical passages about shaking the dust from the feet and symbolizing "the rambling ways of the blues musician"... Basically it's about leaving a cheatin', lyin', low down woman who's done him wrong (that old blues chestnut)!
  19. Yep, Johnson's version, "I Believe I'll Dust My Broom", was based on a number of earlier versions of the same song (including "I Believe I'll Make A Change") recorded in the early 30s and the song probably goes back a fair bit further than that. None of that stopped it being copywrited in Elmore James' name in 1951.
  20. It depends on what type of music you are playing and (more importantly) what are the expectations of your audience.
  21. Woohoo - I might get a cheque for 3 pence at the end of the year!
  22. I'm afraid not. The drummer in this version of the band is a lot quieter than the previous guy, but it is still an authentic loud(ish) hard rock band. It will still be too loud. Of course, we have played outside gigs but they are generally bigger events than the usual beer garden type gigs that pubs are promoting at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I have played in bands that could do these types of gigs, but not at the moment.
  23. Take care and good luck mate
  24. Unfortunately, the whole playing gigs again scenario is playing out pretty much as I suspected it might. We are living through the first worldwide pandemic for 100 years and are in uncharted territory. There are bound to be setbacks as the virus mutates and no one knows quite what will happen next. I suppose you might get the odd gig in if you can play outside or to socially distanced crowds, but I doubt if I will play live before the end of the year at the earliest, as: 1. The tribute band relies on ticket sales in clubs, for whom socially distanced gigs are economically unviable; 2. The originals band is looking for support gigs and very few headlining bands will commit to touring at club level this year due to the obvious uncertainty; and 3. The covers band needs rehearsing up (as do the other bands to a lesser extent) and anyway, is far too loud to play outside pub gigs and wouldn’t really work for socially distanced pub gigs. On a positive note, the covers band and the original outfit should start rehearsing next month and the covers band even managed to meet up for a few beers in a pub last week…!
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