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Everything posted by peteb

  1. This has been suggested already - we're looking into it...!
  2. Hi Dave - yeah, we are aware that's how it usually works and are talking to various other tribute bands. There is an issue of finding the right bands to work with to put a show on. There is certainly devoted Magnum fans, but it would be nice if there are enough for us to headline the better venues on the circuit. Would be great to see you at a show sometime...
  3. Brilliant first gig for the Magnum tribute band (A Storyteller’s Night) last night, supporting Backstreet Thunder in Rotherham. A decent sized audience, great crowd reaction, and quite a few came specially to see us (some from as far away as South Wales and from Co Durham). I’ve put a clip over on the tribute thread if anyone is interested.
  4. All in all, a great night. The band was pretty good for a first gig. The main issue is going to be finding the right venues to play. There is obviously a devoted Magnum fanbase and a lot of them seem interested in the band, but can we get enough to pack a place to be able to headline in our own right??
  5. First gig for the Magnum tribute band (A Storyteller’s Night) last night, supporting the excellent Backstreet Thunder in Rotherham. All went really well: great crowd reaction, lots of positive comments (both from the audience on the night and on social media) and quite a few came specially to see us (some from as far away as South Wales and from Co Durham). Clip of ‘How Far Jerusalem’, filmed by a student of the guitar player – a bit up close and personal but gives an idea of how it went…
  6. Scott lives only a few miles down the road from me. I’ve never met him but everyone who has says that he’s a lovely chap. I would never pay money to join SBL (I don’t suppose that it is really aimed at guys like me) but I have no problem with the way he runs his business (in fact I applaud his enterprise). I do subscribe to his email newsletter / YouTube channel, which is sometimes interesting and sometimes just get closed down after a minute or so. I do have a couple of issues with SBL though. First, his emails are getting a bit spammy these days: last chance to enrol for this wicked course, definitely the last chance to enrol, I know I said it was the last chance before but now it really it really is definitely the last chance, etc, etc. Secondly, I’m not sure how useful some of his lessons actually are to the type of guys who subscribe to them. He says all the right things about groove and so on, but everything I’ve seen seems very much geared to playing fusion / jazz, with an emphasis on being able to solo. I mean how many people really need to be able to play like Gary Willis?? I sometimes think that teachers often take this approach as it can be a never-ending journey to keep students on their programme forever, whereas you could teach someone what they need to take away to become a decent bass player who could get regular gigs much quicker. I know he does do other things in SBL, but I saw his introduction to his blues course and, to be honest, it didn’t seem that great. I’m sure that SBL is a great focus for many of his students to focus on their playing and they get something out of it, but equally I think that many would be better advised to learn from other sources…
  7. I quite like Gerry's bass solo on Bad Penny (plenty of clips on YouTube)
  8. Wouldn't buy a ticket then if I was you...
  9. If you are going for a Fender then I don't think that you can go wrong with an American Standard from about 2012 to a couple of years ago - CS p/ups and graphite rods in the neck, etc Personally, I would avoid those made in the 80s and be very careful with 70s models - some great, some complete dogs (I've had one of each)!
  10. My pet hate was salesmen talking nonsense to sell what they happened to have in stock. I have always trusted Mark since he advised me to buy a cab that he didn't have from someone else because he reckoned (quite correctly) that it was just what I needed.
  11. That's great value. If I was looking for a new amp that would be the first one I would be trying out!
  12. That's a great video with some very useful concepts. Are you thinking of doing a follow up concentrating on note placement and how to 'feel' when you are playing on top of the beat, behind the beat or bang on the middle of the beat? To me, being able to control note placement and if you want to play in front, behind or on the beat is the mark of a top bass player.
  13. PT has just released his follow up video in this series. Another great video, even a lot of this is pretty much just common sense to me, but it seems that it might not be to a lot of people (including plenty on BC)
  14. We have had a bit of contact with Al, who has helped us with a few copyright issues on merch, websites, etc. He does seem like a nice guy. We've also had some positive feedback from other members of Magnum, which is cool. No gigs booked in the north east yet, but I would imagine that we will get up there sooner or later. If you are interested, hit up the Facebook page, which will keep you notified of any gigs we have coming up. Who knows, we may end up on the same bill at some point??
  15. Good video, should be compulsory viewing for people who complain that they can't find bands. It's not rocket science really - be a good player, play with as many good musicians as you can, get on with people and don't act like a d1ck, make contacts and network...
  16. I'm a little bit tempted by a Kala uke bass, but my problem is that I had an Ashbory for a short while and it was horrible - never stayed in tune, strings were awful, nice idea but just unusable! Is the Kala any better??
  17. Hardly a sham. The OP has had a year improving his playing and making contacts, as well as acquiring pro quality gear. All of this will put him in good stead for future musical endeavours. Very few non-famous musicians make 100% of their living from purely playing music these days and many of those who do live on a combination of beans on toast and fresh air. Start teaching, find an income stream you can freelance at and generally embrace the gig economy whilst furthering your musical career. I've just joined a tribute band and we have had a fair bit of contact with the main band. Their bass player even has a second career (as a freelance photographer) when he isn't doing music based gigs.
  18. Dude, who knows?? I suspect that cetera may be a bit old to be part of my potential offspring, but the thing is that I have been around a bit and I've just got a clue how it works...
  19. I remember working on the stage crew on a gig where there was a pretty good band from Newcastle that had a similar bass player i.e. had lost the use of his right arm.
  20. I can answer that one. Without people like cetera, i.e. who can actually play and know how to put a band / show together then the music scene at the medium size club / better pub level would die and people would stop going to watch live music all together, apart from the big production pop acts and the occasional band that could still manage to tour…
  21. Nah, it just occurred to me he may be that sort of person. Really, why would anyone start a post beaching about bass players to take their hands off the neck?
  22. The point is if you are putting on a rock show there needs to be an element of ‘show’. Therefore, you should try to develop some degree of stagecraft. This may include the singer being able to engage with the audience, the band making eye contact with punters, the guitar (or bass) player throwing a few shapes, the drummer twirling the odd drum stick, or even, the bass player taking his hand off the neck when it doesn’t need to be there. I think that the pretext of the OP is that he doesn’t like anyone who is a better player than him or has a better command of stagecraft. I suspect this goes far beyond bass playing and he also probably hates anyone who has a bigger car or eats olives, etc.
  23. Anyone know how much the 400w version costs in the UK??
  24. Pretty much what I was going to say! FFS what an inane topic for a thread...
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