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Everything posted by peteb

  1. I was just asking because I'm about to do a series of gigs where the first time I will meet the band will be at the soundcheck of the first gig! What I was wondering is could or would you be prepared to work like that and what is the optimal amount of rehearsal required for a band to gig??
  2. The only requirement they have that I would have an issue with is that they don't want someone who is in other bands as well, which is limiting their options especially considering how infrequently they intend to gig. Talking about rehearsing, would you be happy to gig with a new band without any rehearsals at all?
  3. The thing is that I do know a couple of decent bands on the South Coast, even though I live 250 miles away. However, when one of them needed a new drummer they didn't put an advert out. They just got someone who had played with the bass player in another band and stayed friends.
  4. It might not necessarily equate to competence, but it's fair to say that the majority of very good players will play in bands who do a lot more than 5 or 6 gigs a year.
  5. The thing is, of course, that they never put an advert out. A promoter who had worked both of us made the connection and put us in touch.
  6. But not if those top-notch musicians are in a place in their life where other obligations mean that they can't commit to a busier band. Not for the likes of you and me at this point in our lives, but there are plenty of great players who might well be interested in this type of opportunity.
  7. Not necessarily. The band I mentioned above are all half decent players (the drummer is far better than half decent) but in addition to having families, a couple of them have big paying jobs and three of them have to travel a bit for work. For them, a band like that still gives them the opportunity to carry on gigging (about once a month or so) without getting in the way of their busy lives. They are all very good friends, so it is undoubtedly a big social thing for them as well.
  8. I think that the advert is fine – clear about what they want and what they can offer and worded politely, etc. It’s not going to be of interest to most of the better players out there but may appeal to someone who wants to keep playing at a reasonable level but can’t commit to a busier band due to family / work commitments. I can think of a local band round here who would be a pretty similar outfit, apart from the bit about playing country! I’ve just agreed to do a bit of work with a band over the next few months who take a different approach. Their advert (if they had needed to put one out) might have read: “Well established high energy R&B band need experienced bass payer to cover gigs for a few months while our regular bassist undergoes medical treatment. Must be able to cover a relatively easy set with no rehearsal. A variety of different types of gigs are in the book for this period, all with reasonable pay. Don’t worry if you have other commitments as we are happy to use more than one bass player to cover these gigs”. What would you think of that advert and would you be interested?
  9. I always use the Xotic in active mode, but usually with the EQ flat or sometimes the bass slightly boosted. I wouldn't get too worried about minor EQ settings - after all you playing through the exact same set-up as me is always going to sound a bit different. For me the main thing is the basic sound of the amp and how it works in the context of the band. I think that we are playing broadly similar types of music, so hopefully what works for me should potentially work for you albeit that there will be slight differences in playing approach / EQ settings etc.
  10. It will be an Xotic active jazz or a passive 57RI P bass (depending on the band)
  11. I will do when I've gigged it a couple of times. FWIW, I originanlly asked Mark at BD what was the Class D amp that sounded least like a Class D! He thought that I should also try the Genzler and the new Aguilar AG700 but I much preferred the Mesa.
  12. I have just got a D800 that I will be using with a Berg AE212 that I picked up secondhand a few weeks ago. It certainly was my favourite in Bass Direct of all the comparable amps they had and early impressions are very good, but the real test is when I've used it on a few gigs. Give me a shout if you want any feedback in a few weeks time.
  13. Bear in mind that I live not too far from the centre of a major northern city, not exactly in the middle of nowhere! But if you are going to play the whole gig circuit then you need a car. Having said that, I have played in plenty of bands (mainly a while ago) where all the gear was stored in a central location and went to the gig in a van, so you just had to get to the rehearsal place and get a lift in the van. A car wasn't so essential then as you just needed a taxi to the rehearsal room. As you say, it all depends on the gig but if you want to be available for the majority of work out there you need your own transport.
  14. I have just been asked to dep for a few months by a band while their bass player undergoes medical treatment. They all live in Wakefield / Leeds while I live in Bradford, so not far away but a pain on public transport. The gigs are all over Yorkshire and Lancashire – not bad money but there’s no way I could get back from any of them on public transport, even though none are more than a 50 minute drive away. I would have to take a bass rig anyway so I would need a car, though I suppose it might be just about possible if I lived in London near a tube station and all of the gigs were an easy walk from a tube station. The thing is that they never asked if I had a car when they approached me. It was assumed that somebody who gigs like me would have suitable transport, just as I assume that they will all have cars to get themselves and backline, drums and PA to gigs. There is no way that someone without a car would be able to cover that gig. Nothing to do with ability, enthusiasm or fairness – just simple logistics…
  15. Most pros I've known tend to travel very light and expect spares, mains leads and the like to be provided for them. Not a luxury available to those of us playing pub gigs!
  16. I'm kinda with your band mates here - it's nearly six minutes long and it just doesn't go anywhere! Completely forgettable piece of music...
  17. Just seen on John Verity's Facebook page that Jim Rodford (bass player with Argent, The Kinks and many others) has passed away aged 76. Argent (with Jim playing bass) was the first band I ever saw as a kid, so another notable figure from my formative years has left us...
  18. I used to have one of these! Out of interest, where are you based??
  19. I tried a AG700 at Bass Direct and found it a it too clean for me if anything. I can't make my mind up about the TH500 but I have heard other people get a great sound out of them. I have used a Boogie for many years and love them, but am trying to judge the D800 on it's own merits rather than just sticking with a make I know. I must say that I was impressed when I did briefly try one out. Mark at BD is trying to get me to try a Genzler, but I am a bit influenced by the fact I really didn't like the Genz Benz amps I've played through in the past.
  20. I have not been particularly impressed when I have played thru a TH500, yet I have heard other guys sound great using them. When I tried out the D800 it seemed good, but I will have to play one a bit more and give it a good audition before I spend the money on it.
  21. I would be interested to know as well, especially as I am seriously considering buying a D800 in the next few weeks.
  22. I ordered through the website and got them to ship it over. Arrived pretty quickly with little fuss. It was a bit more than I wanted to pay, but in the end I thought what the hell - it was paid back very quickly by gig money and it's well designed and makes life easier.
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