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Everything posted by peteb

  1. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1449938073' post='2928198'] Or more likely a genre thing. [/quote] Not really - I've been playing hard rock with the occasional foray into blues for the past 35 years. Fusion (and particularly jazz) is not really my thing...
  2. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1449927798' post='2928068'] And another insinuation that if you aren't a fan or don't appreciate Jacos contribution then you can't even be a half decent player. The comments of others, in and out of the music business, would suggest I'm at least a half decent player yet Jaco has never registered on my radar. I have, since this thread, listened to him but along with Stanley Clarke his music makes me whince. Whether he's 'all that' or not I don't care, but you don't have to to be a 'half decent player'. Most of the players held up as 'bass gods' on heres music ranges from being strongly disliked by me to making me recoil when I hear it, bar a couple, but that's not a problem as there's masses of other music for me to enjoy. [/quote] If you are as accomplished a player as you seem to be insinuating, I am genuinely surprised that you are that unaware of JP. I am not suggesting every bass player should have to take a test or be able to play a flawless version of Teen Town before they are allowed to take a gig, but I thought that they might at least be aware of one of the most influential and celebrated bass players ever! Might be an age thing…!
  3. When it comes down to it, I have never met a half decent bass player (regardless of genre) in the real world who isn’t a Jaco fan or at least appreciative of his contribution to music / modern bass playing.
  4. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1449855813' post='2927601'] [media]http://youtu.be/TgntkGc5iBo[/media] [/quote] He’s wearing the tea cosy rather than the headband, so good choice… From the sublime to the ridiculous – here’s a couple of offerings from Pete Way…! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmoabKcA4Cc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKlaVpacsos
  5. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1449699325' post='2926176'] I think by 1970 his drinking and depression was taking a heavy toll and Babbitt was new, could sight read on the spot and was reliable..u can see why he got the calls. [/quote] In the link Olhsson seems to suggest that Babbitt was actually more influential and that he "quickly became the next step in the evolution of funk bass as we know it” … [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color]
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1449694937' post='2926123'] It seems Jamerson was even having trouble finding work at Motown. According to one of the engineers Bob Babbitt was doing more sessions than Jamerson, "By 1970 Bob Babbitt was doing more than half of the sessions simply because he was more willing to leave his ego at the door." [url="http://bobolhsson.com/bob-says/on-motown/"]http://bobolhsson.co...says/on-motown/[/url] [/quote] Bob Olhsson seems to be suggesting that Bob Babbitt was a better bass player than Jamerson! I've got a gig at the weekend - am I still OK to do it??
  7. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1449521651' post='2924368'] John Rutsey, "at last!"... * rubs hands together.... * [/quote] I'm afraid not - he passed away in 2008
  8. peteb


    [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1449316836' post='2922501'] Meant something entirely different in some bands I worked with in my younger days. [/quote] My exact thoughts when I saw the thread title...!
  9. Playing probably the best live music pub in town with the rock band. Getting a fair bit on top of our normal fee and free beer, which along with the fact that it should be bouncing (we always get a good crowd there) hopefully means that it should be a great night...
  10. Can I just say that some people here are a touch too eager to write live (rock) music off! There is still a pretty decent audience out there and a good band will still pack a big pub / club out. It's just not the dominant entertainment option for most people that it was 20 or 30 years ago...! I know plenty of people who gig as much as Blue. However most of the bass players in that category are not on Basschat or if they are, don't post. There are also loads of guys (like me) who probably gig about half as much, but can't take every possible gig due to work or family commitments. Then again there are guys (especially who post on forums) who just want to keep their hand in and play once a month or so - and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! Actually I think that all rock bands should have that 'boys night out' feel - I grew up with bands like Thin Lizzy and that was definitely part of their appeal...!
  11. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1448733736' post='2917766'] Is it colaiuta on the drums? [/quote] It's Chad Wackerman...
  12. Has anybody seen a GruvGear GigBlade in the flesh?? I'm thinking of getting a decent single gig bag and this looks a bit different to its competitors...
  13. I've had Jon do some work on all of my basses, but not had him build me anything. Lovely guy and a great craftsman...
  14. I've got an iGig double bag - not cheap but done hundreds of gigs and still going strong. Top quality bag with plenty of storage. The problem with double bags is that they are a bit cumbersome and almost impossible to carry on your back for too long. However this has the advantage of making them difficult to knick - not easy for potential thieves to pick up and do a runner without being noticed.
  15. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1447368563' post='2907227'] A friend has a Retro (could be J or U not sure) in a self build bass - he's a luthier- id say the Retro had more range in the EQ. As for basic sound though the basses and the pickups were very different so not great for a bass v bass comparison. The retro had a higher output, if that is important to you. (it's not to me) [/quote] I've got a jazz with a J-Retro and it sounds great but if anything, it perhaps has too much range in the EQ (especially in the bass). i have another bass with a Tri Logic circuit and that is really good as well but without the excessive tonal variation...
  16. Done - this survey is obviously about live performances, which doesn't bother me at all. I get more nervous when I'm going into a recording studio...!
  17. I always have a small amount of compression live, so that you only miss it if it’s not there.
  18. I think that the point is that Warren Huart is saying that although reading is an important skill if you want to play in an orchestra pit, when it comes down to what he looks for when he hires players it doesn’t really come into it. Bear in mind that he is a very busy and successful producer who has had lots of hits (including American No 1s). What he is looking for is guys who can listen to a new track they have never heard before a couple of times and are then ready to start tracking. He says that technique and being able to speak the language of music (i.e. music theory) are great, but having the ears to be able to get to grip with a new piece of music straight away trumps everything (along with groove and a bass player who can lock in with the drummer).
  19. Just been looking thru YouTube and found this clip of Scot Devine doing a blog / online session with top producer Warren Huart. I thought that it is a pretty interesting look at how recording sessions work these days. I was also interested on Huart’s take on what he looks for when hiring musicians and what it takes for a pro player to get work these days and the relative importance of having good ears, groove, feel, technique and being able to read music, etc (about 38:10 on the video). Seeing as the importance of being able to read compared to be being able to groove and related issues are often debated on this forum, I wondered what others made of Huart’s opinions?? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8opX_-lZ_BA"]https://www.youtube....h?v=8opX_-lZ_BA[/url]
  20. I’ve done loads of these, including a few at biggish blues festivals (always good as generally only players on the bill are invited up). It helps to know a few different types of blues and a few blues standards, including those that vary a bit from a straight I-IV-V (Stormy Monday Blues, Thrill Is Gone, etc) as well as a few related tunes that are not strictly blues – Chain Of Fools, Proud Mary, Rocky Mountain Way, I Shot The Sheriff & Long Train Running immediately come to mind. A few classic rock Led Zep, AC/DC, Bad Co songs often get an outing in many pub jams. How good a jam is largely depends on the calibre of players getting up, but certainly in pubs there is an expectation that you will let a few guys who don’t normally play out have a go! Playing in the house band with all types of different musicians standing in can certainly sharpen up your playing and if there are a couple of decent players can be great fun. I should say that in all the jam sessions that I have done I have [b]always[/b] been expected to provide a house bass, as well as an amp. This is the same with all jam sessions around here and I have even played a Fodera that was being used as the house bass. I have never had a problem with anyone abusing my gear in anyway…
  21. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1446209053' post='2897726'] It's a point worth raising, but I think that, while I could always appreciate the validity of the now-ex-drummer's complaints, unfortunately the way that he would react to them was universally unconstructive. It makes it difficult to get anything done when every single small obstruction along the way becomes a crisis. [/quote] Fair enough [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1446209877' post='2897740'] Nah, that boat has sailed, move on, no point in looking for more friction. Look for a drummer that has what you want in terms of ability, personality and commitment. Maybe it is your keyboard player, it rather depends on how he likes his current role. [/quote] Either that or look for a band looking for a new bass player...!
  22. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1446206720' post='2897690'] Indeed, and to be honest I think that the ScScBLcRG would be too proud to ask. Here's an interesting little detail that may become relevant: our drummer's been with us for one year, and our previous drummer was "laterally promoted" to the role of synth & percussion, a role which he holds to this day (though his level of commitment to the band is a fraction of what it once was). It's not beyond the realms of possibility that ScScBLcRG may suggest placing him back behind the kit. That's a fair point, but handling things this way round means we may have given ourselves unnecessary continuity issues. I didn't really want to go into too much detail about the exact nature of his attitude problems, because it didn't seem essential, but suffice to say, I can't see him considering this, unfortunately. S.P. [/quote] Are[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color]you sure that the problem isn't the attitude of the '[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]singer-cum-songwriter-cum-band-leader-cum-rhythm-guitarist' rather then the (now ex) drummer's reaction to it??[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Also, you really can't expect to sack someone then expect them to cover when their replacement isn't available...![/font][/color]
  23. I tried a Xotic once in Bass Direct and thought that it was the best jazz bass that I had ever heard - so I got a s/h one a few months later. Can't fault it at all...
  24. [quote name='kulabula' timestamp='1445886876' post='2895095'] I'm going for elements 8 , as I'm only dabbling. It should run on my home pc just fine hopefully. Not only am I a born again bass player (formerly a drummist for 'ahem' years) but I've only had a computer since April. I know I know [/quote] Andy - if you get it give me a shout and I'll pop up and see how it works, as I've been thinking of getting [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Elements 8 as well...[/font][/color]
  25. I am thinking of getting Cubase Elements 8 just to practice recording bass tracks on songs imported from iTunes (as a learning /practice exercise) and maybe recording a few bits and pieces. Would Cubase be suitable for this and would a relative technophobe like me be able to use it??
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