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Everything posted by pobrien_ie

  1. That's a great video. Thanks for sharing. I'd like to see a Rick Beato "What makes this song great" video for this too...
  2. Thanks for sharing this. I did have a look after your earlier post, but couldn't find it. The bass here sounds a lot better to my ears. To me, it sounds almost sounds like a cheap bass being used in Sir Duke, which I highly doubt was the case. It's like the sound I get in the upper register when I use a sponge as a mute under the strings on one of my bases that could do with a set-up.
  3. Agreed. It hasn't changed my opinion on it at all, I'm just surprised how better it sounds in the final mix. Although there are some bits I'll always hear differently from now on. It's actually the third chorus that has been my favourite part, and trickiest to learn. He really just lets loose there.
  4. Cheers. Turns out I just didn't press return so!
  5. It's been a very long time since I posted. It looks like I haven't added the YouTube link properly. Sorry about that....
  6. Apologies if this has been posted before. I just came across it yesterday, and was fascinated by it. It seems to be the actual recording. Comparing it with a tab I have from an old Guitar World's Bass Guitar, it matches note for note. You can also hear studio bleed at various points, making me think it's the real deal. I've seen a few threads about isolated bass tracks, and how the final mix often makes the bass track seem wildly different. Maybe it's just me, but it sounds like Nate Watts was playing a bass with terrible action.
  7. Hi Rick, I hope you're keeping well. Is this still for sale? Cheers, Paddy
  8. Adding my first edition Squier JV '62 Precision, with large Fender logo. Interestingly, this has the same neck date as Rick's, so it's a pretty early model. Plays great and it's year of birth bass, so it's definitely a keeper. I'd love a first edition '57 P to round off the collection.
  9. Really sad news. I'm a big Chris Cornell and Soundgarden fan. I was just listening to Euphoria Morning on my way to work this morning. I thinks it's a great and really under-rated album. His latest solo album is really good too. I saw him solo in Dublin a few years ago. He was supporting Aerosmith and blew them out the water. RIP
  10. I sold a cab to Mike this week. He's highly knowledgeable in all things bass, and was great to deal with from start to finish. Highly recommended!!
  11. Had forgotten about this. Still taking up space, so needs to go. Open to reasonable offers.
  12. Amazing....£505 with 20 seconds left. It went for £945. If I was the seller that suspense would have been too much for me in those last couple on minutes!
  13. Still low and less than 4 hours left!
  14. Bump Will probably end up putting on eBay if there's no further interest here.
  15. Again, some interest in this, but still here. Price reduced to £150.
  16. Sounds like a great result...well done. I was tempted myself as I really liked the look of it. Best of luck with it!
  17. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1451156425' post='2938612'] Weird, I wonder if he did something with the listing that stopped it appearing on a UK only search, I check Ebay everyday and hadn't seen this one, it does look a real bargain, I am thankful I already have too many Precision's and a Jazz build in progress otherwise the bank account would be getting another beating as we speak! [/quote] Unsold at £499!! Thought that was great value for what looks like a legit '83 JV. As you say, something with the listing might have limited its scope.
  18. Stumbled across this today: http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=252221291490&alt=web Ending soon. Looks like someone could get a good deal.
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1450916943' post='2937099'] I don't think it takes an insider to know Barry Gordy President of Motown, while he provided opportunity he was not fair in financial compensation. A lot of those 60s icons were left with nothing. Including Jamerson. Blue [/quote] I know they didn't get much in the way of recognition at Motown, but Jamerson was being paid $1000 a week back in the late 60's - a considerable sum at the time. How he chose to spend/squander that is the sad story. To the OP, it's a hard one to call. Motown for the sheer output and success, but Stax for the raw blood, sweat and tears feeling! For us bass players does it come down to the Funk Brothers or the MG's?
  20. I bought one of these used about 17 years ago. It blew during the first small pub gig that same day. Luckily the shop owner was at the gig and took it back, never to be seen again! Funnily enough, for some odd reason I started thinking about these again last week, and started looking for any for sale. I really like the look of them. Would be nice to buy one for old time sake.
  21. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1449849357' post='2927526'] http://youtu.be/7xeasq05zxc [/quote] This. Lounge Act by Nirvana always does it for me. The reason I picked up a bass and the very first song I learnt (although I think the first piece I was shown how to play was the bass break in Fleetwood Mac's The Chain)
  22. Bump. Is the price too high, or is there just no demand for these cabs? It's Just taking up space at the stage, so reasonable offers will be considered.
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