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Everything posted by pobrien_ie

  1. I've had a bit of a break through since my first post. By using a feather light touch I'm finally getting the sound I want. This might be hard to replicate live if I want to cut through the mix, but I'll try cranking the amp and see how I get on.
  2. Ok I catch your drift....focus on the positives
  3. I think that kind of originality works great for original work, but when you're like me and you only play covers it doesn't always sound so great! I had intially thought it was just string noise that wouldn't be audible when playing at louder volumes, but unfortunately this didn't turn out to be the case!
  4. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1343080993' post='1745093'] wait 'til you start using three fingers (on the bass.. ) now that is a bitch to master. [/quote] Thanks, but for the styles I'm into I think I'll get away with two fingers or a pick
  5. I tend to pluck the strings away from my finger tips and more with the softer pad area, if that makes sense. Somedays I'm happy with my sound, like today, and others I'm not, like Friday night. As I said I only noticed this a few months ago, but it is starting to bother me.
  6. I've tried to shape my tone around it, but not reallt helping. For me it's such a fundamentally harsh sound there's no way around it. Of course, guitarists don't seem to be able to see any difference in the sound! If it helps to further describe my problem, my fingerstyle sound almost sounds like I'm using a pick. Since I like to vary my sound as much as possible, still using a pick when called for, I really want to get the warm fingerstyle sound down.
  7. Yeah the index finger only thing is what I'm having to go with. I've read before that the reason Jamerson did it was to keep his sound consistent, but it's can be difficult for rock songs. I'm just struggling to see how it's a practice thing if I just can't get the sound Again, I'm glad I'm not alone on this...
  8. I'm glad I'm not alone.. I was a bit embarrassed even posting this, but I stood in with a rock band over the weekend and absolutely hated my tone at times! I'm exactly the same regarding using the soft part of my fingers, but I see so many people talking about using finger tips.
  9. I've been playing bass on and off for the last 14 years or so. I started out exclusively using a pick but over the years I began using my fingers a lot more. Over the last couple of months I've had a bit of a problem with my sound though. I first noticed it when playing one of my basses at home. My middle finger was getting a nice warm smooth tone, but my index finger was getting a much harsher sound. The only way to counteract this was to angle my hand a bit more and pluck the strings further away from the tips of my fingers. This seemed to work ok but my playing speed was much reduced. I've been playing a lot of Jamerson / Motown stuff recently where I tended to emulate his hook style. This was going great, but now my problem is reversed, the index finger sounds good and the middle finger sounds terrible. Most people might not even notice the change in sound, but it's really starting to annoy me as I just can't get a consistent sound with my fingers Has anyone ever had an issue like this? I've tried different basses, strings etc and don't seem to getting anywhere.
  10. ...ok so, back on topic. Nash basses, what's all the fuss? Bitsa or high-end? They really do seem to divide opinion.
  11. [quote name='MrFingers' timestamp='1342735787' post='1740361'] [url="http://www.offsetguitars.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=47291"]Inside Nash[/url]... I've had 2 in my hands (a somewhat lookalike to a 1960 stackknob Jazz, and a somewhat lookalike to a 64 jazz). Basically it's just allparts with a nitro paintjob. Electronics were cheap (big Alpha pots, no shielding tubs in the cavities, the 60 just had an earthwire running underneath the bridge, not the brass strip going to the bridgepickup), and it didn't sound nice. I honestly CAN'T see why they should be so expensive, since a trained monkey can do what they do. On the plusside, the relic was "above average" in terms of realistic. [/quote] This. I've read a number of forums where people have taken Nash instruments apart and found cheap parts, non-period correct features and even "Lic by Fender" necks. In an interview I read with Bill Nash (possibily on his own site) he admits to occasionally using allparts as a supplier. It then surpsies me when people talk about the excellent craftsmanship of their basses. Is this some kind of placebo effect? Bill Nash appears to have found a niche market where he can offload bitsa basses as high-end vintage style basses. Even with the nitro finish you could assemble your own Nash-style bass for considerably less than they go for. I'm in the process of completing my own assembly '62 style P Bass. Although it won't have a nitro finish, it will have all genuine Fender reissue parts and comes in at around the £550 mark. As a nitro finish won't set me back £1,500, I think his basses are ridiculously overpriced!! In fairness to him, there seems to be a market for this type of thing...
  12. Interesting thread.... I'm standing in for a band next week and have to learn about 30 new songs (70's and 80's rock). This will be a turn up on the nigh and play type gig, no rehearsal beforehand. I was only asked to do the gig this Tuesday, so learning all these songs on top of work and family life is a challenge to say the least. To make things worse, a lot of the songs I've never really listed to properly before and most aren't really my cup of tea at all. My approach is a bit of all of the above. I listen to the songs as much as I can first, ideally with bass in hand though. I use tabs and my ear to get the parts down. I've a bit of a habit of skipping from song to song in this kind of situation and somehow that seems to work for me. When I'm learning a technical song that I'm unfamiliar with I always seem to have a eureka moment at some point where the obvious structure / pattern of the song just slaps me in the face! It tends to be plain sailing from that point onwards. By the way, tabs for Steely Dan's My Old School would be much appreciated...dreading tackling that one for some reason!
  13. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1341925819' post='1726279'] In that case EQ is probably best where it is - after the dirt. I might prefer the BDI after the compressor but to be honest I've never liked sansamps and I rarely use compression, and certainly couldn't imagine using both of them at once so I suppose it doesn't matter. [/quote] I'll certainly try that suggestion re the compression. Haven't actually used compression myself in a while so might drop that entirely. Thanks again!
  14. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1341923065' post='1726194'] Tuner is best at the start, the rest is really up to how you want to sound. Some people will say stick the compressor 1st, some will say last, some will say in the bin. As for the EQ, it depends if you're wanting to shape what's going into pedals or what's coming out of them. Putting it after gain effects means you can roll off the top end to remove the harshness, but you might be trying to get that harshness. Play about with your pedal order, it's 1/2 the fun of having pedals. You'll probably move them about again in a year or so. [/quote] Thanks. Yeah I've been searching for suggestions for the last few days and everything is conflicting. We have our first jam this evening, so will see how it sounds!
  15. Yeah I know it's a pretty subjective topic, but just looking for a starting point really and then see what I like. The BDI will be used for tone shaping and not as a DI at all. The EQ will be used for scooping/boosting the mids occasionally and/or a volume boost.
  16. Hi all, Just looking for some guidance with my pedal chain. Apologies if similar threads are already open, but I couldn't find any answering my specific queries. I have for five pedals - Cheapo tuner pedal, Behringer BDI21, Trace Elliot SMX Compressor, Boss Overdrive, Boss Flanger and Boss EQ. I'm not a huge user of pedals and have just accumulated these along the way. I'm going to be jamming with a grunge / alternative rock covers band I used to play with a long long time ago and all these pedals are required. I was thinking of putting them in the above order from bass to amp. Would this be correct, if there's such a thing? Thanks in advance! Paddy
  17. The late great Duck Dunn also made some nice use of root / octaves towards the end of the Blues Brothers' take on Jailhouse Rock. Check it out - very tasty!
  18. Sent you a PM. Would be interested in this if you are selling. Thanks, Paddy.
  19. Great article. Stumbled upon this myself a few months ago when I was trying to find out who played bass on Jackson 5's I'll Be There. Never did find the answer!!
  20. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1339661670' post='1692033'] I know this is going to sound bad but I've always thought PL was over-rated due to his early death, Thin Lizzy were average at best. Fat Mike on the other hand. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwGJ0EHdXDc&feature=related[/media] [/quote] I think it could certainly be argued that Philo had limitations as a bass player, but as a far as his song writing capabilities go, he was right up there. Early death may have created a bit of cult status, but IMO it's warranted due to the truckload of quality material Lizzy created.
  21. Already said a fair few times, but Philo has to be the standard by which all bass playing frontmen/women should be judged
  22. Somebody to Love by Queen..think there's a choir in that.
  23. [quote name='el borracho' timestamp='1339623187' post='1691788'] Just measured my 94 MIJ 62RI which is also 1.75". [/quote] Thanks for that el borracho. I'm waiting on the ebay parts seller to get back to me on the MIJ neck they have. Probably could have done that before I started this thread !! At least I now know about Musikraft and have gotten some great advice from all the above posters.
  24. [quote name='MrFingers' timestamp='1339610092' post='1691501'] I thought the "domestic" CIJ/MIJ has the correct 44.5mm and the "export" has the 42.5 mm. [/quote] Interesting That would seem to make sense, i.e. that the Japanese export model would not compete directly with the American Vintage series.
  25. I'm with noelk27 on this one.... maple on a 2Ts and rosewood on a 3TS. It just makes sense
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