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Everything posted by snorkie635

  1. All Saints playing the Bishop's Stortford Mitre-fingering Festival on Easter Sunday?
  2. Not as good as 12 whiskies a bit before. πŸ˜‰
  3. He was lying to you. That was the real Rod Stewart. πŸ˜‰
  4. Lovely looking bass Petey - might be an idea to have one further photograph showing the finish with the pick-holder removed? GLWTS
  5. I feel a chain about to make an appearance 🀭
  6. Was it the twenty sixth millionth, three thousandth, eight hundredth and ninety second one before the piano break? πŸ€”
  7. I enjoy playing a variety of basses, both gigging and at home. I rarely play/rehearse with the same bass twice as it gives songs a different sound and keeps them fresh for me. One day, it'll be a 30" four string and the next it might be a five with a 37" B. It also drives the guitarist nuts and that usually makes my day. 😏
  8. Next time I try a bass out in Guitar Guitar, I'll have a go at that on the shop-floor. πŸ•ΊπŸ»
  9. Dearest Waddo, I write this from my hospital bed, trying to avoid doing myself damage with the drip currently attached to my forehead ... ...
  10. Currently listening to Mrs Snorkie asking, on a fine drying day, why I didn't hang the washing out like I said I would. (You may never hear from me again!) 😣
  11. Maybe 'held back' because they had the Runs and Goeses? πŸ€”
  12. I really liked that, but then, I really like jazz. Cheers πŸ‘πŸ€— I wonder what @Smanth would make of it - she plays a Kala fretless as well?
  13. This and the fact that you need to play through the amp in question. Listening to reviews, or to others playing through it gets nearer, but only your playing - preferably with your bass(es), will give you an answer to whether or not it's the sound in your head. πŸ‘‚πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ‘‚πŸ»πŸ‘Ž
  14. Euphonic Audio -amp was designed to be perfectly clean and there's a second-hand 800 watt one right now on Guitar Guitar's website. (I don't work for GG btw) πŸƒ
  15. Beaten by time - meant to relate to the 'Tory' songs. Soz
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