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Everything posted by snorkie635

  1. "For our next number, we offer a new composition of ten minutes duration. I have been asked by Boab Black, Entertainments Convener of The Committee, to warn you that this number WILL be interrupted by the bingo, when the the band's black boxes will be unceremoniously un-plugged from the wall, as the drummer is temporarily crucified to ensure sacrosanct silence in-case Wee Aggie misses a line. The band will, of course, be amply compensated for this public humiliation and artistic vandalism, and hope 'legs eleven' is good to you this night and evermore. Thank you. Ah, one, ah two, a one, two, three, four ..."
  2. I suggest twenty years to think about it and then ten years intensive rehearsals with accompanying unicorn and grizzly bear. 🫠
  3. This can be addressed during initial rehearsals. 🤫
  4. If you can play out of time, out of tune and extremely loudly over all songs, the chair is yours. 👍
  5. This is an 'odd' one. I don't know the answer, but can say that having used many, many brands of strings over almost 50 years, I have always cut them to size (if required) and never had a string unravel. Something new for me to lie staring at the ceiling, worrying about in the wee-small hours. 😱
  6. My God! My band is perfect for you then! 😂
  7. That is going to cause some serious buckle-rash. 🤔
  8. Sorry for the spitting - it was my new teeth. 😁
  9. Cheers Neep - my Ripper is (thankfully) functioning well at the moment, but might just order a set in case of future 'grief'. 👍
  10. 'Ello Scott. Enjoy the forum. Lots of good people on here. 😎
  11. Loved that Ripper pickups are available, should the need arise. Thanks for posting this. 😎👍
  12. Agree entirely. Is he still going out with that Delilah character? For someone like him, it's not unusual to chop and change.
  13. Probably playing the Dog and Duck next Tuesday night for £15
  14. I had no idea that you'd played with Tom Jones - he'll never amount to much. Better off without him. 💁🏻‍♂️
  15. 'Audience? What is this sorcery?'
  16. You have a fancy dictionary. In mine, what comes after the second 'liar', is 'pants on fire'. 🩲🔥
  17. Dear Sir, I write this to you from hospital, having been removed from a tree by a passing fire-engine ... ... 🤯
  18. "Boo! Hiss! Equality for fretless basses. What do we want? Equality! When do we want it? Yesterday!"
  19. C. On a bike! I misread this and thought the support bassist got 'his head trapped ... grabbed it, etc.' Well, it's been a hot day, have had a three hour rehearsal and various bottles of Guinness. 😱
  20. Hope it all works well for you. Best Snorks
  21. It's bound to be heavier, look at how thick it is. 😁
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