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Everything posted by snorkie635

  1. Have you considered trying an EUB? It's fretless and can by bowed, plucked, slapped or whatever - you'd be the Nigel Kennedy of the bass and achieve post-punk-proto-precision-popping-plectumising-pop-progressive- passionate - perfection. OK, I'm back off to my softroom now for a little lie down. Do it my friend - you only live once.
  2. Loving all the fellow nutters on this thread! Had a Shergold double neck, and an Avon EB0, a Roscoe Beck 5, a Gibson Ripper, an EB2, EB3, and a Kramer 8 string - all have sdaly gone on to better things, leaving me with a common or garden Fender. Snorkie
  3. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1339235214' post='1685618'] I wish I had spare cash for this baby - must check lottery ticket! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Overwater-C-Bass-4-String-Bass-Guitar-/300719636143?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4604497eaf"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4604497eaf[/url] [/quote] Don't worry about the e-Bay thing. There's no hurry. If you want one of these, just give Chris a shout at Overwater and he'll make one for you - you can even choose the exact woods you would like. Snorkie
  4. Ta for the tip. Guitar Guitar also has one in stock n London. Choices, choices..... If you liked the drummer comment, did you know that you can use them to check whether a stage is tilted or perfectly flat? When perfectly flat, the drool should run from both sides of the drummer's mouth at the same time.
  5. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1338066137' post='1669300'] Only if you have a very strong back - or a couple of roadies The 751 is pretty weighty but it's still a one man lift, those Eden cabs are some serious weight 90-95lbs for an XST 4x10 & about 75lbs for the 1x18. Unless you're playing massive stages or festivals (and with little on stage monitoring) I'd say this really is overkill The 751 is a great head, personally I'd marry it up with Aguilar DB series cabs though. [/quote] Thanks for the thoughts. I've been using the Edens for ages and I'm well used to the weight (what are drummers for?). It's really the Aguilar I'm interested in and you seem to think it's good.
  6. This is for playing in a four piece electric blues band. I play fingerstyle and use a Fender five string. I've been using an Ampeg SVT Pro 6 and wondered if the change to Aguilar would be a sensible one. You know what it's like when you get something into your head.don't want to go for one of these and find that ten million people say they've all found the sound to be bad/unreliable, etc.
  7. [quote name='alanbass1' timestamp='1337498664' post='1660769'] Welcome aboard [/quote]Ta very much - damn decent of you.
  8. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1334511739' post='1617073'] And what was the dealers reaction? I'm puzzled that somehow it's now down to you to fix the problem... ? Or is this something else I don't appreciate about having Fenders? [/quote] The dealer is being very helpful and has now shipped the bass back to Fender UK so that they can check it out. From the responses, it seems I am very much not alone here.
  9. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1334150363' post='1611615'] Sounds a bit like the earth and hot are swapped over. [/quote] Thanks for the advice - it's being looked at as I write.
  10. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1334252576' post='1613336'] Hey Snorkie, Welcome to BC. Us noobs will be hanging on your lips should you decide to place a word in a forum. That, and telling you you badly need a 15" and a 2x12" with these Edens, plus a good insurance of course. Enjoy! bert [/quote] I'm afraid that 15s were never my favourite - even although I used to use three of them. The 2x12 was a good one though. Nowadays, everything is being downsized to match my brain.
  11. [quote name='Acebassmusic' timestamp='1334089732' post='1610865'] Yip, I had the same problem (mine was second hand). Lots of earth hiss and fizz until I shielded everything - battery compartment electrics routing and pick-up recesses. I joined all of them together by soldering short lengths of wire from one to the other and then finally to earth. Used slug tape from B&Q Waaay better now. I think Fender should be highly embarrased about sending out basses that cost in the region of £1k+ with this type of issue. There are a lot of budget basses that dont have this problem. Right.....just got to go and find a ladder so I can climb down off my soapbox.... [/quote] Thanks for this my friend. Just shows that I'm not alone. I'll give it a go with what you suggest. This is the first time I've had any bass (budget or otherwise) with this problem - it did put a downer on my purchase as I had saved hard to buy this model.
  12. Just recentlybought one of these and it sounds/plays well except when you fail to touch the strings - this seems to remove the earth connection and results in a really annoying high end fizzing. Took it back to the dealer and all of the basses on their wall had exactly the same problem. Do Fender test these things? Anyone any ideas how to remove this kind of problem - I'm going to try to add shielding, but on a new bass!
  13. [quote name='Rabid dog' timestamp='1334082464' post='1610727'] Hello from wales :-) [/quote]Good evening from Scotland - welome to this madness
  14. You are not alone there risingson. I've applied to the Big Lottery every week for years for funding, but those balls never arive in the right order. It might not be the most expensive, but it certainly sounds like it should be.
  15. Cheers Len and Clark - thanks for making me welcome.
  16. Beautiful instrument - would you accept my granny as a trade in?
  17. Where to begin - there's the problem. Began on an Avon EB0 copy (£45 from a Kay's catalogue) and a Hawk 5 watt combo (seriously bad sound @ £40). From what I remember, the whole band went through that amp - 2 guitars, bass and vocals. After some time, graduated to a Selmer treble and bass 100watt top with two 18" no-name cabinets; progressed to two Marshall 100 watt tops and added two 4x12" cabs to the two 18" cabs - silly loud and probably the start of my knackered back! Next move was to dump the stack and use a Peavey Databass 400watt combo - ok, but a little dry, Time to purchase a Trace stack with 4x10, 1x18, 4x5 bright box and a Quatra Valve head: this one I liked. Never one to stay still, moved it on for an Eden Metro combo with an 18" extension cab. Next up, added yet another Eden Metro and a 15" cab (this alongside the 1st Metro and the 18! Must have lost the plot at this point, and added Eden 2x12" cab AND a sub loaded with 2x15" speakers - I know, this was 3x15s, 1x18, 4x10s and 2x12s being driven by two 600watt heads a-side. Strange what you do when you're younger. Anyway, sold most of this and bought two Euphonic Audio 350 combos, only to shift them on for 2x12 EA caba and an 800watt i-amp head. Nowadays, it's an Ampeg SVT 6-pro and two Eden cabs (18 and 4x10 XST).Which bass? Ah, that's for a whole other day!
  18. Been playing for 38 years and never placed a word on a forum before. Hello out there!
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