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Posts posted by nelu_bass

  1. [color=#373E4D][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Feedback for Stavros([/size][/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=red][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Bassmachine[/font][/color][b])[/b]

    [color=#373E4D][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]There's no need for any other words for Stavros...as usual, the product details were accurate and the communication was awsome.[/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#373E4D][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]MAXIMUM CONFIDENCE seller! I highly recommend any transaction with Stavros![/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#373E4D][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Thanks Steve ! [/size][/font][/color]

  2. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1335423723' post='1630700']
    If you do buy it in the UK, Bernie at GB Guitars in Brighton - the UK EBS distributor - will mod it for you for about £20.00 (I think) to have an LED rather than a bulb which will stop this happening again.

    He did mine after the bulb went and if you want you can pick other colours, I went for red but actually regret that and think blue would've looked better.

    Thanks so much for information.
    Really worth.
    Bulb gives a very nice look.
    I hope sell to EBS for to buy that bass......
    Thanks again for the information.

  3. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1335386561' post='1630427']
    For anyone concerned - the little red bulb blowing is a VERY common issue with these amps. I got through 4 in 6 months! It was a rather silly design feature to use a little light bulb rather than an LED. A quick email to EBS scored me a handful of free bulbs, and after they went a quick trip to a man with a soldering iron replaced the fitting with an actual LED.

    Easy fix.

    AMAZING amp!

    Thank you very much for the advice.
    I did not know that is a common problem ....
    I wanted to send an email in Sweden exactly last week, but is possibly sell it next week in Romania and the buyer said he did not need to change the red light.
    Sorry for my English, but I use and google translate

  4. Thank you very much " Graham"
    It is true that it's a great amp.
    I had "EdenWT550" MarkbassTA503 and the Little 2, Ashdown, Warwick X-treme... and the others, but EBS Fafner I like most.
    Honestly I would not sell it, but I want to buy a " Warwick FNA Limited Edition jazzman 2004 5 strings".
    Unfortunately I can not afford I keep and EBS Fafner.
    We needs two more good bass.
    My wife says: Do not sell EBS! Borrow money and the buy and the FNA!
    Nice, but unfortunately can not ....

    Sorry for my English, but I use and Google Translate.

  5. Hallo everyone
    I am selling this EBS Fafner TD 600. It looks and works very well. It was kept in an rack box and because of that it has some little scratches. It has an internal red LED that doesn't work but this LED is just for design purposes. I shall send detailed pictures for those who are interested in purchasing this item. Also, i will record some audio-video demos if you would like to see that it looks, works and sounds just great. Unfortunately i don't have a rack box, but i can build a wooden box and place some shockproof polystyrene before shipping, just for safety.

    The price for this EBS Fafner TD 600 is 750 GBP plus transportation.

    For all i know, you can pay arround 10 GPB for transportation and it arrives in a month or somewhere between 50 or 60 GBP and arrives in 6-7 days.
    Thank you.

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