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Everything posted by heminder

  1. I use steel. Nickel isn't healthy for your skin.
  2. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1349193870' post='1823105'] OK well good luck with that. I'll stick to my unhelpful method thanks. Out of interest how do you get on at jam sessions without TABs? Or does someone to tell you where to put your fingers...? [/quote] I don't know what made you think I'm a noob. I rarely use tabs since my ears are pretty good and I learn almost everything using them. Like I said before the point of learning by ear is dodging the issue about tabs being taken down. This is a civil liberties matter, not an education matter. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1349194659' post='1823113'] I'm sorry I don't understand. Surely if you're enough of a fan of the band to want to learn how play their songs you should be happy to know that buying the authorised tab books that (at least some of) the money you are spending is going back to the musicians that wrote the songs that you are enjoying so much? [/quote] It's great for you if you buy the printed book, there's nothing bad about that. The problem is when publishers, copyright trolls, and lobbyists censor the internet because they have a gut feeling that their business is possibly being hurt - as if they have an 'absolute right to profit'. This is where the fascism / crony capitalism comes in. Tabs are largely community works made largely by fans for fans and distributed completely non-commercially. An entrepreneur is tasked with making money given the constraints imposed by society and technology - they don't get to dismantle civil liberties if (and perhaps especially if) they can't make money otherwise.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1349190025' post='1823025'] I think you'll find the most common reason for tabs being removed is that the owner of the publishing wants to sell you them instead. What's wrong with that? [/quote] A lot. For one, it's that tabs are being removed.
  4. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1349183786' post='1822904'] I don't believe you or the OP has any control over this. A solution that you [u]can[/u] control would be to learn the 3 chords by listening, hence it was brought up yet deemed to be unhelpful. [/quote] Oh, but we [i]can [/i]control it with resistance to those who continuously push to restrict and censor the internet. There are countless civil liberties groups everywhere for this sole purpose. Learning by ear, while a useful skill, is correctly deemed unhelpful because it dodges the issue that this problem relates to.
  5. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1349182108' post='1822851'] Yes.. someone wants to learn a song but can't because the TAB has been removed... ...and the solution to that would be...? [/quote] To not censor user-submitted tabs.
  6. This 'copyright' turned into blatant fascism some years back. In this case all that's being shared is a raw plain-text file. No sound, graphics or classical music notation. On top of that they're being shared non-commercially (aka not for profit) and the tabs are largely derivatives made by fans. This isn't simply a case of "well it's better to learn by ear".
  7. I've had something similar a few times when I've just been sitting there just jamming on my own (because I have no friends to be in a band =P). I'll be sitting there playing along to a tempo in my head and there will be a mix of my usual phrases with some random oddities thrown in -sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Then without warning comes a completely new sequence almost as if it were a déjà-vu happening right in front of me and everything for some reason sounds 'right'. It doesn't happen often but feels really alien when it does!
  8. I've noticed some faulty cables can lead to dips in volume, but yes pots are usually the culprit since they're the least durable in the signal chain. Without changing anything, you can try spraying some switch cleaner into the openings on the back of the pot to see if it remedies it.
  9. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1345905128' post='1782978'] For $25,000 you can buy an Anthony Jackson Fodera contrabass. One pickup wired straight to the output jack because it sounds better! [/quote] But that takes away the fun of hacking on your bass with 25p worth of parts to get the same result
  10. Tell them to pay half of the lesson cost up front (ie. when they book it), and make it non-refundable. It's how a lot of freelance 2D artists work with their clients and it serves best interests for both parties.
  11. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1345586350' post='1779263'] If it's 2 pin, which is odd in itself, chances are it's for 110v. [/quote] Standard European plugs are 2-pin. It's only UK that uses 3 pins.
  12. Those scare stories are over-exaggerated I think. It will only break if you crank it like a maniac.
  13. If you want to stay with libre software, give Ardour a shot. [url="http://ardour.org/"]http://ardour.org/[/url]
  14. Hmm. In that case, what's the real difference between a Line Out and a Line In? This might prove useful for a drum machine...
  15. Mark's purchased a compressor pedal from me. Fast payment by wire, and good comms throughout! Have fun with the pedal!
  16. aah! only just noticed this thread. cab is being put to use and sounding pretty good! kudos to Karlfer too for drive out all the way to drop it off
  17. Useful tweak, but to be honest you got ripped off for that cap! They should cost mere pennies.
  18. A couple of factors involved. First is that your hearing perception changes at high volumes. Second is the dynamics of you playing softly on the strings. Third is that amplifying elements (tubes, MOSFETS, etc) get increasingly non-linear in their frequency response as the small-signal input amplitude is increased. Fourth is that speaker responses change at higher volumes.
  19. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kGzQav6FJo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kGzQav6FJo[/url]
  20. It seems the tweeter wants to hiss whenever it's on in any way. On closer listening increasing the tweeter level does increase the noise marginally, but not as much as from completely off -> on. Even with the tweeter on full it doesn't really take my ears off. The Character switch I think of as an instant "old skool" button. It gives a warm boomy sound. I wouldn't leave it on all the time though.
  21. Ah, that's good to know. I was worried that I got an especially noisy unit. Yeah it's quiet as a mouse with the tweeter off. Interestingly when the tweeter is on, no matter what the level is on the cab's attenuator knob, the hiss is the same volume. The bright control only seems to make a noticeable difference past half way on the dial, but I think I'm putting that down to pickups being humbuckers. Someone asked about using distortions with it so here's a little adventure I had: I dug out an ancient dist pedal, the only dist pedal I've got. It's a Snarling Dogs Black Dog for guitar, which I found in a charity shop but didn't really take a liking to it. It claims to emulate a "cranked British Stack" but it's really harsh and ice-picky on guitar. It wasn't too bad on bass. Not a saturated gain but a fuzzy distortion that's passable for rock and the like. It got a little harsh on the higher notes, but the Treble knob on the amp took care of that. It had quite a bit of low cut but it wasn't too bad. I might modify its circuit or gut it completely and make it into a bass drive, but that's for a different thread.
  22. OK so after several months of being in two minds about the Reidmar, and with no HD350s showing up second hand, I went ahead and bought one! Arrived this morning, and on first impressions this guy makes some tasty sounds. The character switch is more useful that I thought it would be. I may write up a review of the setup later on. With a Neoline cab I'm getting some hiss from the tweeter though, even with nothing plugged in and gain rolled to 'off'. It's about as loud as the Reidmar's fan (which is about as loud as a laptop running) and it gets louder as I turn the volume up. Is this normal? It's my first amp with a tweeter.
  23. Yeah I got a different tone from my index finger too because its tip is shaped differently from my middle and ring. I use 3 fingers, so it makes it even more pronounced/unbalanced especially on 4-note repeated runs (every 3rd note in the sequence will have a bit more "ping" to it). You can work on the angling and technique to minimise the difference, and it won't me heard as strongly in a mix.
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