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Everything posted by BigBeefChief

  1. I think he's a bit of a retard. Fair play for having a view and sticking to it. But he's Jeff Berlin. He's done nothing musically of interest to me EVER. There are plenty of musicians who took the short cuts, who didn't learn to read, who interest me musically in almost everything they do. Some of these guys have no real technical skill, I just like what they do. Also, Jeff Berlin seems to have the view that if your not learning to read then you shouldn't be playing an instrument. What about the countless people who are happy blindly fumbling around in their bedrooms just for the fun of it? What about those gigging musicians who go out of a saturday night with their covers band for a laugh and a bit of beer money. Not everyone wants to be a mulletted, hi-tech wearing git like him. He always sounds very bitter about the fact that there are countless "lesser" bass players who have much more success than he does. Mention Jeff Berlin outside of the bass community and you'll get one response; "who?"
  2. I just use whatever strings come with the bass! Changing strings is an effort. Effort = bad.
  3. [quote name='mathewsanchez' post='435176' date='Mar 15 2009, 01:11 PM']Just some info on how the gig went. Sound guy was brilliant and such a nice guy to work with. The performance itself went well and it was a lot of fun. However at the end the *!@?*%!! of an owner refused to pay us a penny. Considering we drove two hours there and back and played a gig which made him money on ticket sales and drinks bought (there was about 40 people there paying £5 each plus drinks sold at a very busy bar) I think it's just plain nasty. I'd recommend people keep away if they're offered any gigs there to avoid this absolute larcenist crook. I've tried to restrain my language here as it is a public forum but I really am outragedand hope noone else here has the same problem.[/quote] Did he say he'd pay you before the gig then? We play the London toilet venue scene, and I don't think we've ever been paid a penny. We don't expect to be. As an originals band, we just expect to play for free, maybe a couple of beers if we're really lucky. Maybe we're mugs, but I was kinda under the impression that if you play London venues and your an originals band, then you ain't getting paid. We've got a gig on saturday. We'll probably take 50 people with us. Tickets are a tenner (yep, a tenner!). And althought we've been told we'll see a whopping £2 a ticket, I'll believe it when I see it. If I wanted to make money I'd be playing covers.
  4. We've never been reviewed unfortunately, although I'd be keen to read one. The closest we've had is Dave Berry (yes kids, THE Dave Berry!) desribe one of our tracks as the "best song I've played" on his mysapce radio show. We're hardly setting the world alight!
  5. Just read today that I play in a "Indie Mod Rock" band.
  6. She was always my favourite too. I always thought Baby was overated and Posh had bad skin.
  7. Beverley Hills 90210?
  8. Thanks for the help fellas. These are still for sale. I need to get rid soon but can't post or courier. Anyone in the South East fancy a bargain amp or cab?
  9. Nice pearl necklace.
  10. Isn't it about now that I say something grossly inappropriate?
  11. [quote name='Twigman' post='431367' date='Mar 11 2009, 11:28 AM']I was bought a Kay P-bass for £30 new by my Dad when I first took up the bass. It was the worst lump of wood to be palmed off as a 'musical' instrument ever to grace this planet. I've still got it somewhere in the loft. It was almost impossible to play, the neck was fat the action about a mile high, the frets were in the wrong places! It's a wonder I ever continued to play......I couldn't wait to get a proper bass!![/quote] Time to put it on ebay for a vastly inflated price.
  12. If you fellas will insist on putting batteries in your basses........
  13. I've not lost my touch then.
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='426301' date='Mar 5 2009, 03:46 PM']Erm ... I think we just strayed some way beyond banter. Any chance everyone could just chill for a while?[/quote] C'mon! I hardly think comparing CK to Peter Sutcliffe is unreasonable! Personally, I've been compared to a young Fred West.
  15. [quote name='silddx' post='426276' date='Mar 5 2009, 03:26 PM']Have a bit of f*cking diplomacy gents, the geezer's lost his job three times in 12 months.[/quote] And Peter Sutcliffe got sh*t on by the tax man.
  16. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='426250' date='Mar 5 2009, 03:06 PM']Isn't it easier just to put down your asking your asking price and then the whole auction thing will be solved. If you chose to accept a lower asking price then fair be - but it's a bit pants the way this thread is running. I'll offer £1501. Does that make me highest bidder now?[/quote] I thought CK cleared this up already? When he said "this is not an auction", it ceased to be an auction. The fact that he's taking bids is neither here nor there.
  17. Tennessee are like, the best brand ever!
  18. You've not just let me down, you've let the forum down. Worst of all, you've let yourself down.
  19. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='426189' date='Mar 5 2009, 02:19 PM']I hope you don't think I'm an authority figure.[/quote] I think we all do in our own little way CK. You're a real guiding light for a lot of us. That's why it disapoints me when you break your own forum rules.
  20. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='426171' date='Mar 5 2009, 02:05 PM']Are you calling me a hypocrite?[/quote] Yeah.
  21. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='426153' date='Mar 5 2009, 01:49 PM']thanks for the bumping, Gents[/quote] No problem. The sooner it's sold, the sooner we can stop the hypocrisy.
  22. Can we stop with all the smiley f***ing faces?
  23. He's a bit of a wally sometimes, but I still think Sting is a stud. A lot of the birds like him, and he's still in good shape. I reckon Trudy Styler is a right dirty bitch as well. Loves a bit of A and O to completion without.
  24. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='426102' date='Mar 5 2009, 01:00 PM']Reserve not met?[/quote] How many times? It's not an auction, CK is just selling it to the [s]highest bidder[/s] first person to offer more than anyone else. He's had a [s]bid[/s] offer of £1500 and is seeing who will [s]bid[/s] offer more.
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