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Everything posted by BigBeefChief

  1. [quote name='cheddatom' post='317432' date='Oct 29 2008, 11:42 AM']Cheeky grin, tidy stuble, fair sized cock - all a necessity.[/quote] Unfortunately I rarely smile, am clean shaven and refuse to lose 6inches of my old chap for any band.
  2. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='317409' date='Oct 29 2008, 11:23 AM']I have to agree that it's highly likely that tBBC could do a great job as a manager...[/quote] Why? What makes a good manager? I'm confident I can't do it, but I'd like to know what to look out for in others.
  3. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='317405' date='Oct 29 2008, 11:19 AM']I wish I knew enough about Eurovision to work out who this is. :wacko: Scratch that, I quite prefer being ignorant of the subject. [/quote] They won it in '76.
  4. [quote name='SJA' post='317389' date='Oct 29 2008, 11:00 AM']+1 I reckon you'd be constantly butting heads with a manager.[/quote] Probably, but he'd try and throw me out for being incompetent first!
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='317380' date='Oct 29 2008, 10:48 AM']To be perfectly honest, if your character is like how you portray it tBBC, unless you find someone amazing you should be able to do it.[/quote] I couldn't do it for a number of reasons: Lack of knowledge. Lack of time (I'm at work 13 hours a day) I'm not the driving force behind the band. To a degree, we already have a manager, the guy who co-founded the band. He runs the myspace and books alll the gigs etc. It was his suggestion to look at getting proper management.
  6. Thank you for the advice people. It seems that peoples experience has been negative. Interesting.
  7. The originals band I'm playing in is progressing nicely. Gigs are getting better/bigger and had some really strong feedback from reasonably independent sources. The guitarist/co-songwriter has voiced a view that to take things to the next level, a manager could be a good idea. Although usually I have an opinion on things I know nothing about, this seems to be the exception. What does a manager actually do? What value do they add? Is finding (a good) one tough? If we go down this route, do we actively search or wait for someones brother-in-law to offer to do it? Who here has a manager? What are your experiences? I've tried asking Dave up the pub, but he thought I was talking about Spurs and then through up on my shoes.
  8. I tend not to listen to other bands because they're rubbish. They listen to us though because we're brilliant. My Mum told me.
  9. BigBeefChief


    Welcome buddy. I know someone from London. He's called Paul. Know him?
  10. I've got one of these, but in the slightly newer styling I think. Depending on what kinda sound your after, I really rate it. So much so that I'm considering selling my more expensive gear and keeping this at home. Got be worth £90 for a f***in loud combo? Have a bump.
  11. Welcome. I often enjoy 2 dinners as well. Or sometimes I just have a huge bowl of porridge for dessert. Judging by your musical CV, that's where the similarity ends! Good to have you onboard. If you want to beat me up at any stage, remember, please not the face.
  12. [quote name='bremen' post='315946' date='Oct 27 2008, 04:18 PM']Me neither. But C sharp: Phwoarr![/quote] I'm not so sure. I see C sharp as the greedy bisexual between C and D.
  13. [quote name='bremen' post='315797' date='Oct 27 2008, 01:36 PM']Or tune to BEAD?[/quote] I never play B's. My least favourite note.
  14. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='315638' date='Oct 27 2008, 10:54 AM'] A custom built one? It would be a lot easier to play chords.[/quote] If my band were slightly more "punk", I'd just remove the G string and play like that. Unfortunatle, we're a clean cut bunch of young lads.
  15. Played a gig on saturday night (originals band) and realised at the end that I only use the G string in 1 song (our set is only 8 songs), and use it a grand total of 14 times in that song. I'm thinking of getting a 3.
  16. Played the Water Rats. Meant to be 4 bands on the bill, got there and it turned out there were 7. Arrived 2 and a half hours early for sound check. Waited around to be told we wouldn't have time for sound check (everyone else got one). Got on, quick line check, plating through the Behringer house bass amp. Never played through anything so bad and quiet. Could not hear myself in the slightest. Gig went pretty well, we're getting used to playing without a soundcheck. Bought about 100 people with us which was good.
  17. [quote name='Josh' post='314018' date='Oct 24 2008, 05:31 PM']If Jesus did exist, he was most certainly not white and did not have pearly white teeth and a tidy goatee and nice clean blonde hair.[/quote] He definitely had a mullet.
  18. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='314014' date='Oct 24 2008, 05:30 PM']I smell a circular argument. I used to pick fights with religious zealots for fun when I was at university, just for the sport of strangling them with their own hypocrisy. Now I can't be bothered. Ironically, the world HASN'T changed one way or another.[/quote] For once I agree with you CK. I'm old enough to know better.
  19. [quote name='Hamster' post='314006' date='Oct 24 2008, 05:23 PM']So, perhaps a question here (not just to you BBC) as to whether the Bible is a collection of loose ramblings or an authoritative historical work? Do you believe that other historical figures like Julius Caesar and Nero were born, did the things they did during their life and then died in the way they did?[/quote] I'm not sure what you're asking. I do indeed believe that people in history did exist. I believe that the bible references people that did exist. Jesus could have existed. In fact, given the number of people who have claimed to be the son of God, I'm sure 1 has been called Jesus. Therefore, the book, like any old book is worth studying from a historical perspective. Its the magic and wizard sh*t that I could do without.
  20. [quote name='noisedude' post='313968' date='Oct 24 2008, 04:55 PM']We weren't talking about philosophy about God, we were talking about Biblical criticism. Whether you believe in God or not is totally irrelevant to the study of it as a collection of writings, trying to find meanings, learning about the authors, corroborating the accepted translations etc etc.[/quote] A book review? Great. Worthwhile stuff. As a history project. Take the book for what it is - a curious collection of writings. Basing a faith on it is something else. [quote name='noisedude' post='313968' date='Oct 24 2008, 04:55 PM']Oh, and I don't know a single Christian who believes the planet is 6000 years old either.[/quote] But you know some who think we're the spawn of Adam and Eve? And that all the animals were led 2x2 into a boat? Of course, I'm taking it to litteraly! Why is it that anything in the bible that can actually be proven (and usually proven wrong) is deemed to me non-litteral, while anything that is nice and vague and open to interpretation is seen as "gospel"?
  21. [quote name='noisedude' post='313953' date='Oct 24 2008, 04:44 PM']What evidence do you have that vicars don't believe in God?[/quote] I have the habit of assuming that most people have a degree of intelligence.
  22. [quote name='noisedude' post='313947' date='Oct 24 2008, 04:40 PM']That's not what I said at all. Read it again and have think about how one goes about writing solid academic work (hint: it isn't by deciding what your outcome is before you've even identified the question).[/quote] Thats why I stated that a truly agnostic "neutral" would come back with the view that the existence of God is pretty unlikely. Solid academic work about God is pretty difficult when your only evidence is a pretty sunrise or the rantings of a kiddy-fiddler in a dress. Having said that, I'm a hypocrite. Although I don't believe in God, I think its quite feasible that all the evidence re: the age of the universe, age of the earth, evolution is nonsense and that its quite likely that we are living on a 6000 year old planet and are the descendats of Adam and Eve (one of whom coming from the others rib). I'm pretty sure of this because my uneducated parents and a old fella with a dog collar force fed me such sh*t when I wasn't old enough to make up my own mind.
  23. [quote name='noisedude' post='313938' date='Oct 24 2008, 04:30 PM']What makes you say it's living a lie?[/quote] Devoting your life and taking peoples money on behalf of a ridiculous myth that has no place in this century. They're as bad as those people who sell bracelets and pendants that supposedly reduce mobile radiation. No evidence to back it up (but not disproven), taking advantage of the mentaly vunerable.
  24. [quote name='noisedude' post='313933' date='Oct 24 2008, 04:25 PM']I do think, though, that a large number of Biblical scholars who DO have lots to say against the religion probably had those views before they started work and carried the predispositions throughout their writing. It's annoying because their work is just as biased as the believing critics who set out to give their opinions first and the facts second, but atheists seem to take their words as gospel.[/quote] You think its unfair that people who no not believe in a god, when presented with ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE of the existence of god, conclude that there probably isn't a god??? Yeah, well unfair. Any sane person approaching with a totally neutral view on god's existence, after examinning the evidence, would come back and say that its highly unlikely that he/it exists. God strike me down if this isn't true.* There's certainly not enough evidence to waste a sunday morning over when you could be pulling yourself off over Hollyoaks. *I'm still waiting, you beardy f***er!
  25. [quote name='stevie' post='313932' date='Oct 24 2008, 04:21 PM']Having said that, I think you will find that most atheists would have no problem accepting that there is a god if there was a viable reason for doing so.[/quote] There could be a God in the same way that there could be a tooth fairy, I will accept that. What I find depressing is that some people are so fearful that they would devote their life to a masive long-shot, just incase there's an afterlife. Living a lie like a vicar must be worse thant being a closet transvestite. Of course, the 2 are not mutually exclusive.
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