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Everything posted by BigBeefChief

  1. Why oh why do so few accoustic basses have thumb rests?? Surely I'm not the only one who can't play a bass without either a pick up or rest to place my thumb on? Oh, and have a bump in case its not sold yet.
  2. Like music in general, if a bass player is lorded by the bass player community but mostly ignored by the greater music buying public, I tend not to like them. I'd never heard of Marcus Miller before picking up a bass. I had heard the name Jaco Pastorius once before picking up a bass. I'd never heard of Victor Wooten or Toothache Gwizdala. I view all these bass players as being overated (by bass players), but perhaps slightly underated by the music buying public.
  3. Everyone knows new strings give you finger cancer.
  4. ^^^^ See what I did there? Aren't I clever!
  5. Basschats forums are notoriously fast moving these days. Usually because there is so much cr@p posted in the "Off Topic" section. Must be because of idiots like me. Please excuse my ramblings.
  6. I wish my girlfriend waxed once a week.
  7. Mani said he was the greatest bass player in the world. He was. It's been proven. By science.
  8. Being called overated isn't always a criticism. I think most of the bass players mentionned on here would willingly agree that they are overated in some quaters. Calling Victor Wooten the best player of all time is overating him. It doesn't detract from the fact that he certainly knows his onions. Its more of a statement about his fans than his playing ability. If anything, I'd be happy to have fans that idolise me so much that they "overate" me. And as for the people moaning about these kind of threads - you're smart enough to switch on a PC and use the internet, but not smart enough to realise this is purely based on opinion? If you don't like it, why keep BUMPing it up with your pointless comments? And for what its worth: Mark King : Technically very clever, musically terrible Jaco : Just not my cup of tea Flea : Fleas.
  9. Make sure you do a sh1t load of speed.
  10. Entwistle is a funny one. He's my favourite least favourite bass player. I absolutely love his lines but hate his tone. He was an amazing talent, I just wish I could have rolled back the treble on his amp and taken the batteries out of his bass.
  11. I would buy this but I'm after something a bit more pointy.
  12. Do go away.
  13. "I use roundwound strings, and I keep them real dirty. I’m always hesitant to put on new strings. Whenever I do, it always sounds awful, so I end up rubbing some grease into them. I’ll get some French fries or ham or rub anything with grease onto the strings until I can rid them of that awful tone." Never a truer word said. I f@cking hate bright sounding basses. Makes my ears bleed.
  14. One day, someone like this will live close to me and I will buy their cabs. Until then, have a bump.
  15. Took/taking lessons. Still can't play. Hope my new band doesn't read this.
  16. BigBeefChief


    Ahhh Rochester. Last time I was there (some years ago) I was being thrown out of Amadeus! Is that still there?
  17. BigBeefChief


    Bought his Digitech Bad Monkey off him. Picked it up in person. Got a decent price and the Bad Monkey was in its original box, with all the paperwork and in perfect condition. Hell, it was in better than perfect condition, it had some of the clauster magic on it (you know what I'm talking about ladies!). A good guy to deal with, and from Kent, which is always a good sign. Cheers Nic.
  18. Welcome Carl, Definitely get some lessond. You'll learn so much faster and develop less bad habits. The quicker you'll learn, the more fun you can have and the greater the chance you'll stick with it.
  19. BigBeefChief


    Don't just cross the road, call the Police. If I'm wearing the beret it means I'm having one of my "turns". Welcome by the way. Where in North Kent are you?
  20. Welcome. Cliff Williams is a legend.
  21. That looks quality. Aren't you a clever little Toasted?!!
  22. Damn you South Westers!!
  23. You're meant to clean them?
  24. I'd have one off these if you were closer. Have a bump.
  25. Those fellas at BGM are notoriously tough on reviewed products. Yes I'm being sarcastic.
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